Web Resources: Research publications
Check the "Web Links" below.
You can order publications from CISTI - Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information
Also see:
BFRL Publications Online
University of Kuopio Publications
LBL, Building diagnostic workshop
Publication at Building Materials and Wood Technology: articles with more practical concerns.
Notes on external web links: The web links are not checked after being inserted into the database, therefore some links may be broken.
The National Academies Press
A building revolution - Roodman and Lenssen (1995)
- A paper you must read. Roodman and Lenssen (1995), "A building revolution: how ecology and health concerns are transforming construction", Worldwatch Paper 124, Worldwatch Institute, Washington, DC, March.
AIVC publications
- "include journals and technical publications as well as a bibliographical and a numerical database in electronic format, and proceedings from previous AIVC conferences."
Annotated Bibliography of the Building Envelope
- "list of over 170 reference materials concerning the design, construction, and maintenance of the building envelope applicable to the context of British Columbia including references specific to the coastal climate"
balanced solutions by John Straube and Chris Schumacher
- "solve building performance problems and help designers create high performance buildings, by combining a detailed understanding of the technical issues and the socio-economic context of the built environment."
- Many downloadable publication "to provide builders and homeowners the construction guidelines they need to protect their homes against damaging moisture infiltration, ..encourages better building practices for the key elements of a residential structure: roof, walls and foundation" by
APA - Engineered Wood Association, formerly the America Panel Assoc.
- "240 of the 250 Canadian Building Digests published between 1960 and 1990 by NRC's Institute for Research in Construction. The topics reflect the diversity of the industry and cover virtually every aspect of design and construction in Canada."
- List of technical series sponsored/managed by CMHC, free for download
Construction Technology Updates
- "..Practical 4-6 page publications for architects, engineers, specification writers, property managers, builders and building officials. " by IRC/NRC
Digital Dissertations
- "With more than two million entries, about doctoral dissertations and master's theses. over 1,000 graduate schools and universities. add some 47,000 new dissertations and 12,000 new theses to the database each year. "
Forest Products Society - conference and meeting abstracts
- Abstracts of many wood related conferences is available in .pdf, in the Conference section.
FPL publications
- Large amount of searchable publication database, including
Dividends From Wood Research, Durability, and more.
fungal research group pub-abs
- More than 60 references with abstract on mold, house, and health, also see the
other half of the list
HealthySchools.com, Ontario, Canada
- "tool to help Ontario school boards identify, prevent, and remediate indoor environment problems that could otherwise affect children's health and learning adversely.", and many
HUD bibliographic database
- excellent! a searchable "bibliographic databaseof 10,000 full-abstract citations to research reports, articles, books, monographs, and data sources in housing policy, building technology, economic development, urban planning, and a host of other relevant fields." published by HUD
Literature of INVENT technology programme
- abstracts of reports on current issues dealing with the industrial ventilation technology programme.
Publications at PBSRG - Performance based studies research group
- Abstracts and purchase option for many publications (related to facility managers)
technical papers by Morrison Hershfield
- Over 50 excellent reports by the company on building related investigations.