Web Resources: consumer orientation
Web links:
Links by CMHC
A compilation of Canadian, US and international housing-related Web sites.
B4UBUILD.com: Information for anyone in the business of residential construction
BHG - Better Home.com
- Many downloadable publication "to provide builders and homeowners the construction guidelines they need to protect their homes against damaging moisture infiltration, ..encourages better building practices for the key elements of a residential structure: roof, walls and foundation" by
APA - Engineered Wood Association, formerly the America Panel Assoc.
Builder Online
- news, trends, building products, marketplace, and resources
Building Science Insights
- A series of publications arising from a series of seminars offered by
IRC: Institute for Research in Construction between 1982 and 1992. Each deals with a specific topic and provides scientific and technical information of a practical nature for construction professionals, on: Windows, roofs, walls, fire safety, noise transmission, sealants, coatings and protection systems, lighting, general.
- "implement innovative environmental practices in new and existing buildings. B. E. S. T. provides consulting services on "green" design techniques, energy efficiency, renewable energy, environmentally sound materials, and improving indoor environmental quality. "
Housing Zone
- consumer site for house related information
- "the mold issue, including litigation, legislation, regulations, media coverage, mold science, expert witness services, maintained by the National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies.