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| Essay:working group on renovation and retrofitRelated: renovation, housing project, housing market
"... NHRC Home Issues Backgound Status Meeting The renovation sector of the residential construction industry continues to supercede new home building in dollar value of work undertaken and number of people employed. Residential energy usage accounts for approximately 15% of the country's total energy consumption. Intelligent renovation and retrofit improves occupant health, supports sustainable development and adds more to the net tax base than new construction. Research, program and product development and information transfer partnerships among organizations represented in this Working Group are a vehicle to promote healthy, environmentally friendly renovation and reduced energy consumption.
Background: The Working Group on Renovation and Retrofit first met in May 1994 with the objective of creating a forum for sharing information on the technical aspects of renovation and retrofit of the low rise housing stock. Its first four meetings were used predominantly to exchange information on ongoing renovation research and demonstration initiatives and to discuss provincial programs related to energy retrofit, maintenance and repair. In addition to making short presentations on specific projects, members provide updates on their initiatives, identify needs and opportunities for new research and exchange ideas for possible future joint ventures. Areas of concern identified by the Working Group include public education on renovation and retrofits, training program development, environmental issues, identifying technical research gaps, exchanging information related to renovation and retrofit, Home Energy Rating Systems (HERS), reviewing the condition of the existing stock, energy efficiency, identifying market research, and renovation / retrofit program development.
Status: Members met in June 1997. A panel discussion on the "The Opportunities, Role and Implications of Private Home Inspection of Residential Renovation " was held. Future directions for the Working Group were also discussed. ..." |