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| Essay:Web info on vapor retarder and air barrierFor more information, including a detailed discussion of design variations, operating principles, and the possible advantages and disadvantages of specific types of VDRs, air barriers, and air/vapor retarder systems, consult the following publications and articles. The availability and prices of books and reports were verified in September 2001.![]()
Books and Guides 1997 ASHRAE Handbook-Fundamentals, American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), 1997. Available from ASHRAE, 1791 Tullie Circle NE, Atlanta, GA 30329-2305; Phone: (404) 636-8400; Fax: (404) 321-5478; Email:; World Wide Web: . 490 pp., $134.00
Builder's Guide-Cold Climate (2000), Builder's Guide-Hot-Humid Climate (1998), Builder's Guide-Hot-Dry Climate (2000) and Builder's Guide-Mixed Climate (1999), all by J. Lstiburek and B. Pettit, for Energy and Environmental Building Association (EEBA), $40.00 each. Available from EEBA, 17040 Lyndale Avenue South, Suite 10-W, Bloomington, MN 55420; Phone: (952) 268-7585; Fax: (952) 881-3048; Email:; World Wide Web: .
Canadian Home Builders' Association Builders' Manual, Canadian Home Builders Association (CHBA), 1994. Available from CHBA, 150 Laurier Avenue West, Suite 200, Ottawa, ON K1P 5J4, Canada. Phone: (613) 230-3060: Fax: (613) 232-8214; Email: ; World Wide Web: or . 337 pp., $65.00 US (CD-ROM version also available) ISBN 0-86506-054-1.
Moisture Control Handbook: Principles and Practices for Residential and Small Commercial Buildings, J. Lstiburek and J. Carmody, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York, NY, 1993. Available from the Building Science Corporation, 70 Main Street, Westford, MA, 01886; Phone: (978) 589-5100; Fax: (978) 589-5103. World Wide Web: . 214 pp., $80.00 + $3.20 shipping. ISBN 0-442-01432-5.
Moisture Control in Buildings, H. Trechsel, American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), 1994. Available from ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428; Phone: (610) 832-9500; Fax: (610) 832-9555; Email:; World Wide Web: 480 pp., $89.00, Manual 18. ISBN: 0-8031-2051-6.
Radiant Barriers, Air Barriers, and Vapor Barriers, Cutter Information Corporation, 2000. Available from Cutter Information Corp., (See Energy Design Update below). 114 pp., $60.00.
Periodicals/Articles Energy Design Update, Cutter Information Corporation, 37 Broadway, Arlington, MA 02474-5552; Phone: (800) 964-5118 or (781) 648-8700; World Wide Web: . Monthly. Miscellaneous articles include: "The Best Air Barrier Systems," (17:5) pp. 9-11, May 1997. "Betsy and Joe's Excellent Wall System," (16:9) pp. 14-15, September 1996. "The Effect of Vapor Retarders on Wall Drying Time," (16:9) p. 9, September 1996. "The Effect of Wood Siding on Tyvek," (16:12) pp. 5-6, December 1996. "The Effectiveness of Housewrap," (15:8) pp. 5-8, August 1995. "On the Effectiveness Versus Cost-Effectiveness of Tyvek Housewrap,"(16:1) pp. 3-4, January 1996. "Exterior Air Barrier with Rubber Gaskets," (17:5) pp. 11-12, May 1997. "Foam-on-Foam Air Sealing," (17:5) p. 12, May 1997. "New Study Gauges the Costs of Infiltration," (17:5) pp. 8-9, May 1997. "New Tyvek "Home Wrap" with Enhanced Water Resistance," (16:9) pp. 10-11, September 1996. "Products: Disappointing ˇ®Housetape'," (16:6) pp. 8-9, June 1996. "The Reliability of Vapor Barrier Paints,"(15:5) pp. 6-9, May 1995.
Home Energy, Energy Auditor and Retrofitter Inc., 2124 Kittredge Street, No. 95, Berkeley, CA 94704; Phone: (510) 524-5405; World Wide Web: . Bimonthly. Miscellaneous articles include: "Don't Staple Tivek," M. James, (17:5) p. 8, Sep/Oct 2000. "In Search of the Missing Leak," M. Blasnik and J. Fitzgerald, (9:6) pp. 27-32, Nov/Dec 1992. "Retrofits We'd Rather Forget," N. Hurrelbrinck, (13:1) pp. 39-41, Jan/Feb 1996. "Structural Tyvek," C. Duncan, (14:1) pp. 3-4, Jan/Feb 1997. "Urethane Foams and Air Leakage Control," B. Braun et al., (12:4) pp. 25-28, July/Aug 1995. "Valuing Air Barriers," (in Apartment Buildings), D. Hill, pp. 29-32, Sept/Oct 2001.
The Journal of Light Construction, Builderburg Partners, Ltd., 932 West Main Street, Richmond, VT 05477; Phone: (800) 375-5981; ; World Wide Web: . Monthly. Miscellaneous articles include: "Can Moisture Beat Housewrap?" T. Cushman, (15:9) pp. 9, 14, June 1997. "Ceiling Vapor Barrier- Yes or No?" (letter and response in "On the House"), (18:5) pp. 21, 23, 24, February 2000. "Choosing a Sheathing Wrap," M. Holladay, (18:11) pp. 79-87, August 2000. "Housewrap Effective on New Homes, Studies Show," (14:2) p. 10, November 1995. "The Last Word (We Hope) on Vapor Barriers," JLC Staff Report, (11:11) pp. 13-17, August 1993. "Letters: Green Board Fails Again," C. DeKorne, (13:9) p. 7, June 1995. "Making Walls Watertight," P. Fisette, (14:3) pp. 35-38, December 1995. "More Housewrap Performance Tests," M. Holladay and J. Vara, (18:5) pp. 13, 16, February 2000. "The Mysterious Origins of the Polyethylene Vapor Barrier," J. Nisson, (12:9) p. 10, June 1994. "On The House: Vapor Barriers Revisited," C. DeKorne, (13:4) p. 16, January 1995. "Sub-Slab Vapor Barriers," B. Suprenant, (12:8) pp. 37-39, May 1994. "Water in the Walls: Three Case Studies," S. Smulski, (12:11) pp. 46-48, August 1994. "Wrapping the House: Do's and Don'ts," P. McDaniels, (18:6) pp. 71-78, March 2000.
Solplan Review, Drawing-Room Graphic Services, Ltd., P.O. Box 86627, North Vancouver, BC V7l 4l2, Canada; Phone: (604) 689-1841. Bimonthly, $46.00 per year. Miscellaneous articles include: "CHBA Technical Research Committee News: Air-Barrier Performance Guidelines," (No. 60) p. 11, January 1995. "Air Barrier System Details for Houses," (No. 57) pp. 6-8, June/July 1994. "Airtightness of Houses," (No. 71) p. 8, November 1996. "Building Papers," (No. 65) pp. 3-4, November 1995. "Building Paper Performance," (No. 73) p. 8, March 1997. "EASE Air Sealing Approach," (No. 65) p. 16, September 1995.
The information in this brief was reviewed for accuracy in September 2001.
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