Conceptual Reference Database for Building Envelope Research |
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| Essay:Journals for Building Envelope![]()
Canada Canadian journal of civil engineering National Research Council of Canada Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0R6 Tel. (613) 993-9084 Fax (613) 952-7656 Construction Canada Nib Publishing 316 Adelaide Street West Toronto, Ontario M5V 1R1 Tel. (416) 977-8104 Fax (416) 598-0658
Home builder magazine: the magazine of the Canadian home building industry (ISSN 0840-4348) Work 4 Projects Ltd. P.O. Box 400, Victoria Station Westmount, Quebec H3Z 2V8 Tel. (514) 489-4941
Qu¨¦bec construction Publication les Affaires, Inc. 465 rue Saint-Jean, pi¨¨ce 903 Montr¨¦al, Qu¨¦bec H2Y 3S4 Tel. (514) 842-6491
Toronto construction news Naylor Communications Ltd. 920 Yonge Street Toronto, Ontario M4W 3C7 Tel. (416) 961-1028
Other Building design Morgan-Grampion Construction Press Ltd. 30 Calderwood Street London, SE18 6QH England Building design and construction Cahners Publishing Co. Cahners Plaza P.O. Box 5080 1350 E. Touhy Avenue Des Plaines, IL 60018 Tel. (312) 635-8800
Building research and information 2-6 Boundary Row London, SE7 8HN England Tel. (071) 8650066 Fax (071) 5229623
Building research journal Small Homes Council-Building Research Council One East St. Mary's Road Champaign, IL 61820-6995 Tel. (217) 333-1801
Construction (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Massachusetts Institute of Technology Center for Construction Research and Education Room 1-175, 77 Massachusetts Ave. Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139
Construction Information digest The Chartered Institute of Building Englemere, Kings Ride Ascot, Berkshire, SL5 8BJ England Tel. (0344) 874640
Energy design update Cutter Information Corp. 37 Broadway Arlington, MA 02174 Tel. (617) 641-5118 Fax (617) 648-1950
Construction specifier 601 Madison Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Tel. (703) 684-0300 Fax (703) 684-0465
Current Information in the construction industry PSA Projects Library and Information Service Whitgift Centre Croydon, CR9 3LY England Tel. 081-760-3181
Building services Builder House 1 Mill Harbour Isle of Dogs London, E14 9RA England Tel. (01) 353-2300
ASHRAE journal American Society of heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers 1791 Tullie Circle NE Atlanta, GA 30329 Tel. (404) 636-8400 Fax (404) 321-5478
American Society of Civil Engineers Transactions. Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers Publications Office 345 East 47th Street New York, New York 10017
Institution of Civil Engineers Part 2, Research and theory Thomas Telford Ltd. Thomas Telford House 1 Heron Quay London, E14 4JD England Tel. 071-987-6999 Fax 071-538-4101
Journal of thermal insulation and building envelopes (ISSN 1065-2744) Technomic Pub. Co. 851 New Holland Ave. Box 3535 Lancaster, PA 17604 Tel. (717) 291-5609 Fax (717) 295-4538 |