Conceptual Reference Database for Building Envelope Research |
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| Essay:CRDBER: Issues related to web implementationCreating web siteThe entries to the tables in the database are converted into HTML file. The conversion is performed by VBA programs automatically. A few specially html files are create manually (for the home page, about page, search page, etc). Access Statistics A web statistics feature is employed to this site, using to summarize the page accesses and visitor arrivals. The statistics are collected by a short code inserted into each page of this site. On the first host ( Between Aug. 4, 2003 to Jan. 20, 2004, there has been 115,000 visitors to this site, averaging about 670 visitors per day. And till March 2005, 740,348 pages had been clicked by users all around the word. Checking broken links There are hundreds of links to external web sites and pages. It's impossible to maintain them to the current locations as web sites and pages changes. Instead, the links are cheched occassionally. One the pages of this site, the connection status of each external link is indicated by an icon before the link text. An IE icon Initially, we used HiSoftware Link Validation utility before it was commercialized. Since March 2005, we use: