Couvillion, R.J. , J.S. Hawisa, and G.J. Tatge, (1992), "Apparatus for studying transient heat and moisture transfer in fiberglass batt insulation", ASHRAE Transactions, 98(2).
The overall objective of this work was to measure transient moisture content and twiperature distributions in a 6 to 12 in. (15.2 to 30.4 c?n) thick slab offiberglass batt insulation. 7he data were needed to mify a model of heat and mass transfer in fiberglass with diurnal varying ternperature and hwnidity boundary conditions. 7he cwrimentat setup was designed as two primary subsys-tem-(I) a hwnidityltmperature control system to main-tain the desired diurnal variation at the boundary of the slab and (2) a gamma-ray attenuation syste?n to measure the moisture content distribution within thefiberglass slab.
The humiditylte?nperature control system uses a chiller to &y the air and steam or water to hwnid6 to the desired kmi. Electric resistance heaters control the temperature. 7he system can produce sinusoidal or any chosen diurnal variation rangingfrom 5 *C to 50 * C and 20 % to 80 % RH.
The moisture content measure7nent syste?n uses a collimate,dAm-241 gamma beam. A second source, Cs-137, was availablefor use in a dual-source mode but was not needed. Approxbnately two minutes are needed for each moisture content measurement, and moisture contents ay low as .01 glg, corresponding to a relative hwnidity of 10%, can be measured. 7he syste?n measures moisture content at eight points within the slab.
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