A computer program for transient modeling of combined heat and moisture transfer in building constructions is introduced. The model's predictions am compared against moisture content and heat flux data obtained for six typical North American lightweight wall constructions that have been exposed to climatic condition in a calibrated hot box. A special aspect of the work was that the basic moisture and thermal transport properties um determined for each individual material in the walls. The experiment, and thus the validation, was restricted to diffusive transport mechanisms taking place in the hygroscopic region
Using the detailed information on material properties, the program was able to predict the measured moisture content of the walls siding and sheathing materials to within approximately 1% moisture content by weight, and the heat flows wet e predicted with a satisfactory accuracy. In a subsequent sensitivity analysis, the moisture transport properties were described as simpler functions or selected arbitrarily from a database of ordinary building materials. In some case , this had a noticeable effect on the resulting moisture contents. It is suggested that transient heat and moisture transport models can be used in the design and analysis of constructions if the user is knowledgeable about the workings; of such models and cautious in interpreting the results.
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