Carmeliet, J. and S. Roels
6th Symposium on Building Physics in the Nordic Countries, Trondheim, Norway, Jun 17
Today, the numerical solution of moisture transfer models in porous building materials has become a common tool for assessing the hygric behavior of building components. Use of these models necessitates the knowledge of the moisture properties: the moisture permeability and the moisture storage or capacity function. For use in numerical models, the moisture capacity or capillary pressure curve is commonly expressed by closed form analytical functions. The parameters of these functions are obtained by fitting the functions to experimental data.
In the building physics literature, different analytical functions were introduced. There exists however no agreement on the most suitable form for these functions nor is there consensus on the experimental procedure to follow, in order to obtain the necessary input data. Some authors prefer simple models, easy-to-use in practice, and limit the number of parameters in order to reduce the required number of experimental input data (Kščnzel, 1995, Hansen, 1986). Models frequently used in soil science emphasize more on the accuracy of the fitting procedure and simulate the capillary pressure curve by a sum of different functions (Durner, 1994 ).
In this paper, we try to compromise between accuracy and experimental effort. Therefore, we optimize both the functional form as well as the number of the required experimental data and determine the optimal location of these data. Essential is that the parametric function has to be appropriate for the whole moisture range. Therefore, we introduce the modality of the pore volume distribution as an important quantity, which determines the required number of analytical functions. We focus on the main wetting curve, which is of main interest in most building physics applications. The procedure is applied to two common porous materials: ceramic brick, which shows a strong capillary behavior with negligible hygroscopicity and calcium silicate, which is a highly hygroscopic, but less capillary active material. |