- Added references: 41
- Added concepts: 1
- Added essays: 29
- Lacasse, M. A., O'connor, T. J., Nunes, S. and Beaulieu., P., (2003), Report from task 6 of MEWS project -- experimental assessment of water penetration and entry into wood-frame wall specimens, - final report.
- Mukhopadhyaya, P., Kumaran, K., Tariku, F. and Reenen, D.V., (2003), Final report from task 7 of MEWS long-term performance: predict the moisture management performance of wall systems as a function of climate, material properties, etc. through mathematical modelling.
- H?gerh, L., C. G. Bornehag and Sundell, B. J., (2002), Dampness in buildings and health: building characteristics as predictors for dampness in 8,681 swedish dwellings.
- Heinsohn, P., (), How reliable are your one-minute Andersen sample data?.
- Jantunen, M. J., Hanninen, O., Katsouyanni, K., Knoppel, H., Kuenzli, N., Lebret, E., Maroni, M., Sram, R. and Zmirou, D., (1998), Air pollution exposure in European cities: The "EXPOLIS" study.
- Janssen, N. A. H., Hoek, G., Brunekreef, B., Harssema, H., Mensink, I. and Zuidhof, A., (1998), Personal sampling of particles in adults: Relation among personal, indoor, and outdoor air concentrations.
- N?sman, ?., Blomquist, G. and Levin, J., (1999), Air sampling of fungal spores on filters. An investigation on passive sampling and viability .
- Wu, Z., Blomquist, G., Westermark, S. and Wang, X., (2002), Application of PCR and probe hybridization techniques in detection of airborne fungal spores in environmental samples .
- Toivola, M., Alm, S., Reponen, T., Kolari, S. and Nevalainen, A., (2002), Personal exposures and microenvironmental concentrations of particles and bioaerosols .
- Derome, D., Fortin, Y. and Fazio, P., (2003), Modeling of moisture behavior of wood planks in nonvented flat roofs.
- Barrett, D., (2000), The renewal of trust in residential construction part II: commission of inquiry into the quality of condominium construction in British Columbia.
- Cassens, D. L., (1991), Sap stain in hardwood logs and lumber.
- Robbins, C. and Morrell, J., (2003), Mold, housing and wood.
- Morris, P. I., (1998), Understanding biodeterioration of wood in structures.
- Sterling, M. and Levetin, C.R.&.E, (1999), An evaluation of two methods used for microscopic analysis of airborne fungal spore concentrations from the Burkard spore trap.
- Bernier, T. and Landry, J., (2000), Algorithmic recognition of biological objects.
- Jones, A.S.
, A. S. J., (2000), Image analysis applied for aerobiology .
- Swenson, L., Robbins, C. and Geer, W., (2002), Variability in viable and non-viable mold spore sampling results.
- Shum, M. and Goodman, M., (2002), An overview of the health effects due to mold exposure, An Overview of Residential Ventilation Activities in the Building America Program (Phase I).
- Kalamees, T. and Vinha, J., (2003), Hygrothermal calculations and laboratory tests on timber-framed wall structures .
- Clarke, J. A., Evans, M. S., Grant, A. D. and Kelly., N., (1997), Simulation Tools For The Exploitation Of Renewable Energy In The Built Environment: The Entrack-Gis System.
- Clarke, J. A., Johnstone, C. M., Kelly, N. J., Mclean, R. C. and Nakhi, A. E., (1997), Development of a simulation tool for mould growth prediction in buildings.
- Nieminen, S. M., K?rki, R., Auriola, S., Toivola, M., Laatsch, H., Laatikainen, R., Hyv?rinen, A. and Wright, A.V, (2002), Isolation and identification of Aspergillus fumigatus mycotoxins on growth medium and some building materials.
- Yang, X., Chen, Q., Zeng, J. and Zhang, J. S., (2001), A Mass transfer model for simulating volatile organic compound emissions from 'wet' coating materials applied to absorptive substrates.
- Newmana, A. J., (1974), The independent core method----A new technique for the determination of moisture content.
- Fazio, P. and Kontopidisa, T., (1988), Cavity pressure in rain screen walls .
- Cunninghama, M. J., (1988), The moisture performance of framed structures - A mathematical model.
- Mcbaina, G. D., (1997), Natural convection with unsaturated humid air in vertical cavities .
- Budaiwi, I., El-diasty, R. and Abdou, A., (1999), Modelling of moisture and thermal transient behaviour of multi-layer non-cavity walls .
- Lorentea, S. and Bejan, A., (2002), Combined `flow and strength' geometric optimization: internal structure in a vertical insulating wall with air cavities and prescribed strength .
- Nagano, K., Mochida, T., Shimakura, K., Murashita, K. and Taka, S., (2003), Development of thermal-photovoltaic hybrid exterior wallboards incorporating PV cells in and their winter performances .
- Stockenstrom, H., (2002), The Mould (Litigation) Epidemic, Third Party Mould Claims in Canada.
- Campbell, J., Casteel, C., Tuday, and M., Valley, (), Validation of a method for the sampling and analysis of microbial volatile organic compounds (MVOCs).
- Persily, A. K., (1996), Issues in the Field Measurement of VOC Emission Rates.
- Pjetraj, M., (1996), VOC Emissions: Influence of VOC Measurement and Reporting Methods on Regulatory Policy and Emissions Estimations.
- Nielsen, K.F, (2002), Mould growth on building materials: Secondary metabolites, mycotoxins and biomarkers.
- Vice, S.J, (2000), Indicators of mold growth in indoor environments.
- Wilkins, F., Nielsen, F. and Larsen, K., (1999), MVOC analysis for detection of microbial growth in buildings I. Variation of MVOC and mycotoxin patterns in aspergillus versicolor.
- Santilli, J., (2002), Health effects of mold exposure in public schools.
- Abbott, S. P., (2002), Mycotoxins and Indoor Molds.
- Wilkins, K. and Abbott, S. P., (2000), Volatile metabolite patterns for the identification of common indoor mold species.
- Molds and the diseases they cause: 29-4-03
- Andersen air sampler -- Andersen Instruments Incorporated.: 29-4-03
- Fungal and related exposures - question and answers: 29-4-03
- Bi-Air cassette for viable and nonviable spore sampling: 25-4-03
- Ratio of viable and nonviable bioaerosol: 25-4-03
- Journal: Journal of Environmental Monitoring: 25-4-03
- CDC--Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: 25-4-03
- Journal: Energy and Environment: 25-4-03
- Journals by ASM -- American Society for Microbiology: 22-4-03
- New chair provides research link with wood producers: 17-4-03
- Mold/Illness Relationship-: 17-4-03
- Journal: Lancet: 14-4-03
- Conference: Internaltional SymPosium on Capillary Chromatogrphy: 14-4-03
- Air Scan - Detecting mold without sampling: 11-4-03
- Journal: Synergist: 11-4-03
- Project: Detection and Monitoring of MVOCs: 11-4-03
- Project: Formation of MVOC and toxins during growth of microorganisms: 11-4-03
- Project of biomarkers for indoor air, MVOC, by NFI, /1-1995-31/12-2000: 11-4-03
- Building Envelope Research Articles: 8-4-03
- _Building envelope research -- necessity: 8-4-03
- Journal: Modern Plastics: 3-4-03
Web Links
- mold info by McGregor Pearce, MPH
- short article on "mold biology, health, moisture, remediating and sampling"
- WHO -- World Health Organization
- "the United Nations specialized agency for health, was established on 7 April 1948. WHO's objective, as set out in its Constitution, is the attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of health. Health is defined in WHO's Constitution as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
WHO is governed by 192 Member States through the World Health Assembly. The Health Assembly is composed of representatives from WHO's Member States. The main tasks of the World Health Assembly are to approve the WHO programme and the budget for the following biennium and to decide major policy questions. "
- AIVC--Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre
- IEA Annex 5, "to provide a high quality international technical and information forum covering the areas of ventilation and air infiltration in the built environment with respect to efficient energy use, good indoor air quality and thermal comfort"
"AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database ˇ of articles and publications related to energy efficient ventilation ˇ about 15000 references" since 1979.
"Air Information Review (AIR) is a quarterly newsletter"
- BEG--Building Engineering Group
- "the building engineering group at the University of Waterloo, a multi-disciplinary research group that undertakes research, development, and demonstration (R, D & D) for the building industry"
- DOE--Department of Energy
- "The Department of Energy's overarching mission is enhancing national security. Responsibility for accomplishing this mission is shared between four principal program lines."
- BCE--Dept. of Building, Civil and Environmental Engineering
- "The programs offered include the following: B.Eng. (Bldg.) and B.Eng. (Civil). M.Eng., M.A.Sc., and Ph.D., and graduate certificates. "
- wondermakers.com articles on on health and safety
- articles concerning to "solve environmental, health, and safety problems."
- Pest control books by MSU Pesticide Education
- several pdf books for download on pests
- Environmental Microbiology Laboratory, Inc. (EMLab)
- "commercial indoor air quality testing laboratory in North America"
- Air Quality by DEFRA
- details of developments to control and manage ambient air quality across the UK, including European and international air quality issues.
- The Canadian society for engineering in agricultural, food and biological systems
- also some well organized links to university research
- OSH-DB Occupational Safety and Health Database
- "OSH-DBTM (Occupational Safety and Health Database) is a web accessible database with over 220,000 original abstracts covering virtually all aspects of the occupational safety and health field. Records contain original abstracts as well as complete bibliographic information."
- Building Physics and Materials - Technical University of Denmark
- "to improve the basic understanding of materialsˇ® properties with the aim of establishing better modelling tools and of providing a basis for the development of better materials, better production techniques and better methods for maintenance and repair."
- The Healthy House Institute Archives
- couple of dozens of "selected healthy-house articles" since 1988 on house and health
- Carleton University fungal metabolite research laboratory
- damp housing and health, endophytic fungi in conifer needles and toxins in food ("the role of fungal metabolites in determining population structure"), by Dr. J. David Miller
- Computer Codes Used in Building Envelope Research at ORNL
- descriptions of several computer codes used at Building Envelope Research: ORNLPROPOR DOE-2 MOIST MATCH HEATING EQV-WALL
- Annotated Bibliography of the Building Envelope
- "list of over 170 reference materials concerning the design, construction, and maintenance of the building envelope applicable to the context of British Columbia including references specific to the coastal climate"
- NREL High Performance Buildings Research
- "improving commercial buildings by ..."
- Building Energy Databook - DOE
- "provide a current and accurate set of comprehensive buildings- and energy-related data."
- Building techynologies program - EERE
- research, publications,
list of software
- IAQ glossary
- Indoor air quality glossary
- Division of Air Quality, DAQ
- protecting and improving outdoor, or ambient, air quality in North Carolina
- mold and law
- an excellent site on issues of insurance, law and litigation issues of molds; links to molds in homes, schools, and buildings;
- mold inspection, warranty service
- offers on-site mold inspection services, insurance of mold problems
- prism analytical technologies, inc
- in house service testing, include the MVOC identification
- Indoor Environment Connections
- "trade newspaper, and serving the indoor environmental marketplace", latest news.
- National Association Of Toxic Mold Remediators, NATMR
- "... mold solution resource... primary goal is the complete elimination of all indoor mold issues where people work, live, and play... has a network of professionals in all areas of indoor air quality, the environment, construction, mold remediation, air & surface sampling, fire & water damage restoration, accredited laboratories, environmental & tort law, medicine, biology & microbiology, insurance and public adjusters, chemistry, the bio-sciences, and more."
- mold info and articles by a law firm
- images of molds, article from law viewpoint, and many links to other sites
- Toxic Mold Injury Resources
- very extensive resources regarding toxic mold, mold test kits, medical, by Heindl Law Firm
- mathematics: image processing: 25-4-03
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