Wahab Hamou-Lhadj, PhD, ing, SMIEEE Professor, ECE, Concordia Applied AI Institute, Concordia University Gina Cody Research and Innovation Fellow Affiliate Researcher, NASA JPL, Caltech

My current research focuses on helping organizations improve the quality and reliability of their software ecosystems and digital infrastructures using Artificial Intelligence and Software Observability. I am interested in both the technological and governance aspects of applied AI.

My work spans across the entire DevOps stack to meet the increasing demand for reliable digital systems in the era of AI systems, digital transformation, cloud intelligence, and advanced distributed architectures.

My team employs various techniques including machine learning, LLMs, AIOps, software observability and monitoring, tracing and logging, model-driven engineering, and empirical studies. See publication list.

I have long-standing partnerships with various companies, most notably Ericsson Global AI Accelerator (GAIA), and NASA JPL, where I currently hold the position of Affiliate Researcher.

I have taught and developed courses on machine learning, AI for IT Operations (AIOps), model-driven engineering, software development, product design using Scrum, BPM, and TOGAF. I am also the content developer of OMG certification programs OCUP2 (OMG Certified UML Professional) and OCEB2 (OMG-Certified BPM).

Web presence: Google Scholar, DBLP, ORCID, Linkedin

Recent Publications

Recent Services


  • Trust-SOS: Improving trustworthiness of intelligent systems, NASA JPL, GCS
  • Improving the observability of large-scale software systems, NSERC
  • D2K+: Deep Learning of System Crash and Failure Reports for DevOps, Ericsson Global AI Accelerator, MITACS
  • Log Analytics for Operational Intelligence, Ubisoft, MITACS
  • CLEVER Project: Mining Code Commits for Enhanced Software Quality, Ubisoft, NSERC
  • D2K: From Data To Knowledge for Better System Maintenance, Ericsson, MITACS
  • OpenSim: An Open Architecture for Aircraft Simulation Integration and Monitoring Methods Using the HLA Standard, Marinvent, NSERC
  • Tools and Infrastructure for OpenSim, Marinvent, CRIAQ, Aero-Connect, NSERC
  • Advanced Host-level Surveillance, DRDC, NSERC
  • Integrated Anomaly Detection Models and Techniques, DRDC, NSERC
  • Improving Software Maintenance through Advanced Trace Abstraction Techniques, NSERC
  • Kernel Tracing Techniques for Anomaly Detection in the Context of Redundancy and Diversity, DRDC, NSERC
  • Program Comprehension through Dynamic Analysis, NSERC
  • The Analysis of Execution Traces for Program Comprehension, FQRNT
  • Online Surveillance of Critical Computer Systems through Advanced Host-based Detection, Ericsson, DRDC, Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, University of Toronto, ETS
  • Cyber Surveillance of Information Systems, DRDC
  • AVIO 508-Diagnostics for Real Time Distributed Multi-core Architecture in Avionics, CAE, OPAL-RT, NSERC, CRIAQ, Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal
  • Tracing and Monitoring Tools for Distributed Multi-Core Systems, Ericsson, DRDC, NSERC, Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, University of Ottawa
  • Building a Linux Kernel-Based Attack Taxonomy, DRDC


May 2024. Our paper on "The Effectiveness of Compact Fine-Tuned LLMs for Log Parsing," is accepted at ICSME'24. Congrats to the whole team!
May 2024. Thanks to Zerui Wang for presenting our NIER-track paper at ICSE'24 in Lisbon.
March 2024. Congratulations to Mohammed Shehab for successfully defending his PhD thesis. The topic of the thesis is "Techniques to Enhance Just-In-Time Software Defect Prediction Models." Well done!
March 2024. Two new papers in ICPE'24: "Efficient Unsupervised Latency Culprit Ranking in Distributed Traces with GNN and Critical Path Analysis," and "Context-aware Root Cause Localization in Distributed Traces Using Social Network Analysis."
January 2024. I joined the program committee of the AIOps workshop, co-located with ASPLOS.
January 2024. A new ICSE'24 NIER Track paper on "XAIport: A Service Framework for the Early Adoption of XAI in AI Model Development."
January 2024. A new ICSE'24 Posters paper on "Decoding Log Parsing Challenges: A Comprehensive Taxonomy for Actionable Solutions."
December 2023. Congratulations to PhD candidate Issam Sedki for winning the FSE'23 Student Research Competition Award.
November 2023. I gave an invited talk to UCLA software students on large language models in software engineering.
August 2023. Congratulations to MASc student Heba Aburish for successfully defending her thesis and for joining PwC as a data scientist and LLM developer.
July 2023. I joined the program committee of ICSME'24 and ICPC'24..