COEN 5301 - Object Oriented Programming |
Instructor: |
Terms: |
Credits: |
3 |
Description: |
Simple types, variable, Statements, Operations, Expressions, Control
structures, Input, Output. Classes, Objects, Constructors, Member functions,
Inheritance, polymorphism, Templates. Introduction to Object Oriented
software process, specification vs. implementation. Lectures: three hours per
week. |
Outline: |
COEN 5311 - Data Structures and Algorithms |
Instructor: |
Terms: |
Credits: |
3 |
Description: |
Specification and implementation of fundamental data structures: sets, tables,
lists, trees, stacks, queues. The different variations. Algorithms for
manipulating these data structures. The usage and importance of these data
structures in software design. Lectures: three hours per week. |
Outline: |
COEN 5601 - Introduction to Real-time Systems |
Instructor: |
Terms: |
Credits: |
3 |
Description: |
General principles of real-time systems; Requirements and specification
methods; Architectural issues; Scheduling theory; Programming languages;
Concurrency; Real-time memory management; Device and resource management;
Reliability and fault-tolerance; Performance analysis; Real-time
communication protocols; Case studies of real-time operating systems;
Standards (e.g., POSIX, ETSI, ITU, etc.) Lectures: three hours per week. |
Outline: |
COEN 6311 - Software Engineering |
Instructor: |
Terms: |
fall |
Credits: |
4 |
Description: |
Prerequisite: COEN 5311.
Software life cycle, software requirements and requirement documentation.
software design: top-down and bottom-up approaches; design validation and
design reviews. software implementation, choice of a programming language
and portability. Testing, debugging and verification. Design of test cases.
software documentation and its maintenance. documentation tools and
documentation portability, user interface design. Lectures: three hours per
week. Project: two hours per week. |
Outline: |
COEN 6321 - Applied Genetic and Evolutionary Systems |
Instructor: |
Kharma, N. |
Terms: |
winter |
Credits: |
4 |
Description: |
Prerequisite: COEN 5301.
Motivation for the use of genetic algorithms (GAs). Theory: the Schema
Theorem, the K-armed Bandit, the Building Block Hypothesis, the Idealized
GA, comparison of GA s. Methodology: representation, fitness and selection,
crossover and mutation, parameterization and constraints, implementation.
Applications: function optimization, evolving computer programs, optimizing a
pattern recognizer, system modeling. Identification of classes of problems
suitable for the use of GAs. Lectures: three hours per week. Project: two hours
per week. |
Outline: |
COEN 6331 - Neural Networks |
Instructor: |
Khorasani, K. |
Terms: |
winter |
Credits: |
4 |
Description: |
Prerequisites: COEN 5301, ENGR 6131.
Fundamentals of artificial neural networks; rigorous analysis of and
introduction to various network paradigms: perceptrons, backpropagation,
counter-propagation, Hopfield nets, bi-directional associative memories,
adaptive resonance theory, cognitron and neocognitron; neural network
topologies, memories, learning, stability and convergence; applications to
adaptive knowledge, knowledge processing, classification, pattern recognition,
signal processing, communications, robotics and control; and assessment of
current neural network technology. Lectures: three hours per week. Project: two
hours per week. |
Outline: |
COEN 6501 - Digital System Design and Synthesis |
Instructor: |
Al-Khalili, A.J. |
Terms: |
fall |
Credits: |
4 |
Description: |
This course introduces students to VHDL language and modeling digital circuit
with VHDL. Topics include: arithmetic and logic circuits. Storage devices.
Finite State Machines. Algorithmic State Machines. Timing issues.
Asynchronous Design. VHDL and modeling with VHDL. Synthesis and
architectural models for synthesis. Project involving system design and
modeling. Lectures: three hours per week. Project: two hours per week. |
Outline: |
COEN 6521 - Design for Testability |
Instructor: |
Terms: |
Credits: |
4 |
Description: |
Stuck-At faults, observability, controllability, fault coverage, test vectors,
automatic test pattern generation (ATPG), statistical fault analysis, ad-hoc
testing, level sensitive scan design (LSSD), serial scan, parallel scan, signature
analysis and BILBO, boundary scan, built-in-self-test (BIST), IDDQ testing.
Lectures: three hours per week. Project: two hours per week. |
Outline: |
COEN 6531 - ASIC Synthesis |
Instructor: |
Terms: |
Credits: |
4 |
Description: |
Prerequisite: COEN 6501 or COEN 6511.
Introduction to high level synthesis; synthesis models. The synthesis process;
High Level Description Languages; scheduling; chaining and pipelining; clock
optimization and synthesis; I/O synthesis. Behavioral synthesis;
architectural trade-offs in power, area and delay. Design flow with FPGAs;
design flow with full-custom and semi-custom ASIC's. Lectures: three hours per
week. Project: two hours per week. |
Outline: |
COEN 6611 - Real-time Systems |
Instructor: |
Terms: |
Credits: |
4 |
Description: |
Prerequisite: COEN 5601.
Taxonomy of real-time systems; Scheduling algorithms for static and dynamic
tasks; Fault-tolerance and reliability; Resource and resource access control;
Multiprocessor scheduling, resource access control, and synchronization; Realtime
communication, Case studies in distributed real-time systems (e.g.,
HARTS, MARS, Spring, etc.) 3 hrs lecture per week, Lectures: three hours per
week. Project: two hours per week. |
Outline: |
COEN 6711 - Microprocessors and Their Applications |
Instructor: |
Terms: |
Credits: |
4 |
Description: |
Introduction to microprocessors and their architectures. Examples of various
microprocessors. Bus and I/O Organizations. Addressing modes. Timing.
Software related issues. Memory and its hierarchy. Static and dynamic
memory interfacing. Synchronous and asynchronous interfacing. Interrupts.
DMA. Use of Co-processors. Single chip Micro-controllers. Examples of microprocessor applications at the system level. Lectures: three hours per week.
Project: two hours per week. |
Outline: |
COEN 6721 - Fault-Tolerant Distributed Systems |
Instructor: |
Terms: |
Credits: |
4 |
Description: |
Fundamentals of the design and analysis of fault-tolerant systems, Models for
distributed systems, Fault/error models, Techniques for providing
hardware/software redundancy, Fault-detection in multiprocessors, Stable
storage, Recovery strategies for multiprocessors (checkpointing), System
diagnosis, Software design faults, Experimental validation techniques, Case
studies in fault-tolerant distributed systems. Lectures: three hours per week.
Project: two hours per week. |
Outline: |
COEN 6741 - Computer Architecture and Design |
Instructor: |
Tahar, S. |
Terms: |
winter |
Credits: |
4 |
Description: |
Review of basic computer architecture designs. Fundamentals of computer
design and performance. Cost issues. Instruction set design principles. Memory
hierarchies: registers, caches and virtual memories. Basic processor
implementation issues. High performance computing issues such as pipelining,
superscalar and vector processing. Input/output subsystem designs. Lectures:
three hours per week. Project: two hours per week. |
Outline: |
COEN 691 - Topics In Computer Engineering I |
Instructor: |
Hamou-Lhadj, A. |
Terms: |
winter |
Credits: |
4 |
Description: |
Note: Subject matter will vary from term to term and from year to year.
Students may re-register for these courses, providing that the course content has
changed. Changes in content will be indicated by the letter following the course
number, e.g. COEN 691A, COEN 691B, etc. |
Outline: |
COEN 7311 - Protocol Design and Validation |
Instructor: |
Khendek, F. |
Terms: |
winter |
Credits: |
4 |
Description: |
Prerequisites: (COEN 6311, ELEC 6851) or (COMP 5541, COMP 6461).
OSI model, introduction to seven layers, protocols, services. Protocol modelling
techniques: FSM models, Petri net models, Hybrid models. Temporal logic.
Protocol specification languages of ISO: Estelle model and language. Lotos
model and language. Protocol implementation and techniques from formal
specification to implementation. Protocol verification techniques:
communicating FSM, reachability analysis, verification using checking,
protocol design validation. Protocol performance: performance parameters,
performance measurement by simulation, extensions to Estelle. Protocol testing:
test architectures, test sequences, test sequence languages, test design
methodology. Lectures: three hours per week. Project: two hours per week. |
Outline: |
COEN 7501 - Hardware Formal Verification |
Instructor: |
Terms: |
Credits: |
4 |
Description: |
Prerequisite: COEN 6501.
Context of formal verification in circuit design methodology. Hardware
description languages. Introduction to mathematical logic (propositional, firstorder,
higher-order). Overview and classification of existing verification
methods. Modeling hardware using Binary Decision Diagrams: BDD
representations, structure and behavior modeling, advanced BDD techniques and limitations. Decision diagrams based verification: temporal logic, liveness
and safety properties, model checking, automata equivalence, automated
verification tools Theorem proving verification: predicate logic, abstraction
techniques, structure and behavior descriptions, proof techniques and tools Case
Studies: Intel Pentium FPU bug verification, Ethernet protocol verification,
Cache memory coherence verification, Pipelined processor verification, ATM
switch verification. Lectures: three hours per week. Project: two hours per week. |
Outline: |
COEN 7741 - Advanced Computer Architecture |
Instructor: |
Terms: |
Credits: |
4 |
Description: |
Prerequisite: COEN 6741.
Multiprocessing, Parallel processing, Vector processing, MIMD, SIMD, ILP
(Instruction Level Parallelism), Superscalar, VLIW, Multithreading, Systolic
processors, etc. Lectures: three hours per week. Project: two hours per week. |
Outline: |
COEN 791 - Topics In Computer Engineering II |
Instructor: |
Terms: |
Credits: |
4 |
Description: |
Note: Subject matter will vary from term to term and from year to year.
Students may re-register for these courses, providing that the course content has
changed. Changes in content will be indicated by the letter following the course
number, e.g. COEN 791A, COEN 791B, etc. |
Outline: |
ELEC 6041 - Large-scale Control Systems |
Instructor: |
Aghdam, A. |
Terms: |
fall |
Credits: |
4 |
Description: |
Prerequisite: ENGR 6131 or equivalent.
Introduction to large-scale systems and applications. Model-order reduction and
minimal realization. Centralized and decentralized fixed modes (CDMs and
DEMs). Characterization and computation of DEMs and approximate DEMs.
Structured and unstructured DEMs. Quotient fixed modes and stabilizability of
decentralized systems by means of linear time-varying control law. Effects of
sampling on decentralized control systems. Centralized and decentralized
robust servomechanism problem. Decentralized controller design using pole
assignment technique and optimization method. Lectures: three hours per week.
Project: two hours per week. |
Outline: |
ELEC 6051 - Introduction to Analog VLSI |
Instructor: |
Terms: |
Credits: |
4 |
Description: |
Challenges of IC techniques and of VLSI, BJT and MOS processes. Passive
components; network models and simulations. Layout design rules and CAD
packages. Switch, active resistor, current mirror and voltage references;
differential amplifiers, comparators, operational amplifiers, transinductance
amplifiers, voltage to current transducers. Noise considerations. Offset and
precision techniques. Applications: RF amplifiers, filters, oscillators, current
mode IC networks. Lectures: three hours per week. Project: two hours per week. |
Outline: |
ELEC 6061 - Real-time Computer Control Systems |
Instructor: |
Terms: |
Credits: |
4 |
Description: |
Introduction to real-time computer control systems; a review of discrete-time
signals and systems, difference equations, z-transform; sampled data systems,
sample and hold, discrete models; discrete equivalents of continuous-time
systems; stability analysis; design specifications; design using root locus and frequency response methods; implementation issues including bumpless transfer,
integral windup, sample rate selection, pre-filtering, quantization effects and
computational delay; scheduling theory and priority assignment to control
processes, timing of control loops, effects of missed deadlines; principles and
characteristics of sensors and devices, embedded processors, processor/device
interface. Lectures: three hours per week. Project: two hours per week. |
Outline: |
ELEC 6071 - Analog VLSI techniques for Signal Processing |
Instructor: |
Terms: |
Credits: |
4 |
Description: |
Prerequisite: ELEC 6051.
Review of analog IC building blocks. Low power, low voltage signal processing.
Wide-band current mode signal processing. Neural information processing,
Sampled data signal processing. Statistical analysis techniques. Lectures:
three hours per week. Project: two hours per week. |
Outline: |
ELEC 6081 - Integrated Circuit Filters |
Instructor: |
Raut, R. |
Terms: |
winter |
Credits: |
4 |
Description: |
Prerequisite: ELEC 6051.
Active filters. Operational amplifier operational transconductants and current
conveyor based designs. Sensitivity considerations. Realization of components
in integraded circuit filters. GIC and FDNR techniques. Cascade, operational
simulation and multiple feedback methods. Switched capacitor filters.
Parasitic insensitive switched capacitor filters. Current mode filters. Lectures:
three hours per week. Project: two hours per week. |
Outline: |
ELEC 6091 - Discrete Event Systems |
Instructor: |
Gohari, P. |
Terms: |
winter |
Credits: |
4 |
Description: |
Introduction to discrete-event systems (DES). Modeling (languages, automata
and Petri nets). Supervisory control (controllability, modular control and
control under partial observation). Architecture (decentralized and
hierarchical schemes). Petri nets (modeling and analysis). Timed models.
Lectures: three hours per week. Project: two hours per week. |
Outline: |
ELEC 6111 - Detection and Estimation Theory |
Instructor: |
Terms: |
Credits: |
4 |
Description: |
Prerequisite: ENCS 6161 or ELEC 6161.
Basic hypothesis testing, cost functions, Bayes and Neyman Pearson tests, the
power of a test, sequential tests; estimation, Bayes estimates, maximum a
posteriori estimates. the Cramer-Rao inequality, maximum likelihood
estimates; composite hypothesis testing, application of estimation theory to
phase locked loops, vector representation of signals in noise, application of the
Kharhunen-Loeve expansion, complex analytic representation of signals;
detection and estimation of signals in white and non-white noise, the matched
filter, composite hypothesis testing, random amplitude and phase, multi-path
channels, waveform estimation, Wiener filters, Kalman filters. Lectures: three
hours per week. Project: two hours per week. |
Outline: |
ELEC 6121 - Spread Spectrum Communications |
Instructor: |
Terms: |
Credits: |
4 |
Description: |
Prerequisite: ELEC 6831.
Direct sequence, frequency hopping, time hopping, chirp and hybrids, maximal
Gold and nonlinear codes, probability or error analysis, under tone, partial band
jamming for different systems, serial and parallel, initial acquisition, delay
lock loops and tau dither loops, fading effects and potential coding techniques,
new acquisition and tracking techniques, interception and repeated jammers.
Lectures: three hours per week. Project: two hours per week. Note: Students who
have received credit for ELEC 7131 may not take this course for credit. |
Outline: |
ELEC 6131 - Error Detecting and Correcting Codes |
Instructor: |
Hamouda, W. |
Terms: |
fall |
Credits: |
4 |
Description: |
Prerequisite: ENCS 6161 or ELEC 6161.
Communication channels and the coding problem; important linear block codes
(cyclic, Hamming and BCH codes); encoding and decoding with shift registers;
threshold decoding; introduction to convolutional codes; coding in system design
considerations, bit error rates and coding gain, trade-offs in power, bandwidth,
data rate and system reliability; codulation. 3 hrs lecture per week, Project: two
hours per week. |
Outline: |
ELEC 6141 - Wireless Communications |
Instructor: |
Shayan, Y.R. |
Terms: |
winter |
Credits: |
4 |
Description: |
Prerequisite: ELEC 6831.
Transmission media, analog transmission and multiplexing, digital
transmission and multiplexing, link calculations, satellite transmission,
microwave transmission, fading channels, nonlinear channels, intermodulation,
multiple-access techniques: TDMA, FDMA, point-to-multipoint
communications systems, performance objectives, measurement techniques,
mobile communications systems. Lectures: three hours per week. Project: two
hours per week. |
Outline: |
ELEC 6151 - Information Theory and Source Coding |
Instructor: |
Terms: |
Credits: |
4 |
Description: |
Prerequisite: ENCS 6161 or ELEC 6161.
Entropy of a source, rate distortion functions, source coding, analog to digital
conversion, effects of sampling and quantization, vector quantization. discrete
memoryless channels and their capacity, cost functions, channel coding
theorem, channel capacity, fundamental concepts of information theory with
applications to digital communications, theory of data compression, broadcast
channels, application to encryption, DES, public key encryption, computational
complexity. Lectures: three hours per week. Project: two hours per week. |
Outline: |
ELEC 6171 - Modeling and Analysis of Telecommunications Networks |
Instructor: |
Mehmet Ali, M. |
Terms: |
winter |
Credits: |
4 |
Description: |
Prerequisite: ENCS 6161 or ELEC 6161.
Application of queuing theory to the analysis of the performance of
telecommunication systems; Poisson arrival process and its properties; Birthdeath
processes applied to queuing, service distributions; performance measures
of a queuing systems; examples of queuing systems in equilibrium; finite and
infinite server and population models; Erlang blocking formulae; method of
stages.; Networks of queues; product-form solution for open and closed queuing
networks; computational algorithms for queuing networks; the imbedded
Markov chain technique applied to queues with general service distribution,
analysis of multiple access techniques, TDMA, FDMA, polling, CDMA,
ALOHA and CSMA. Lectures: three hours per week. Project: two hours per
week. |
Outline: |
ELEC 6181 - Real-time and Multimedia Communication over Internet |
Instructor: |
Agarwal, A. |
Terms: |
winter |
Credits: |
4 |
Description: |
Prerequisite: ELEC 6851.
Review of Internet architecture and protocols. Network impairments: jitter and
delay. RTP: transport protocols for real-time data. Packet scheduling, QoS in
the Internet: differentiated services, integrated services, Resource reservation
protocol (RSVP), Multi protocol label switching (MPLS). Voice/Fax/Video
over IP. Internet-to-PSTN. Protocols and standards - H.323, Session Initiation
Protocol (SIP) and Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP). Internet
telephony signaling. Interoperability issues. Lectures: three hours per week.
Project: two hours per week. |
Outline: |
ELEC 6221 - Solid State Devices |
Instructor: |
Kabir, M.Z. |
Terms: |
fall |
Credits: |
4 |
Description: |
Junction theory (PN junctions, Schottky and ohmic contacts, heterojunctions).
Diodes and bipolar transistors. Light emitting diodes, photodetectors, solar
cells and fibre optics. Lasers: operating principles and applications in
optoelectronic devices. Planar silicon junctions and transistors will be designed,
fabricated and evaluated in the laboratory, including resistivity
measurements, semiconductor cleaning, oxidation, diffusion, photolithography,
etching, metallization, and the comparison of design with experimental
results. Lectures: three hours per week. Laboratory: two hours per week. |
Outline: |
ELEC 6231 - Design of Integrated Circuit Components |
Instructor: |
Kabir, M.Z. |
Terms: |
winter |
Credits: |
4 |
Description: |
The structure, characteristics, and design of MOS capacitors and MOSFETsi
Structures, characteristics and design of laser diodes. Optoelectronic devices
and integrated circuits Planar MOS devices, including capacitors and MOSFETs will be designed, fabricated and evaluated in the laboratory. Lectures: three
hours per week. Laboratory: two hours per week. |
Outline: |
ELEC 6241 - VLSI Process Technology |
Instructor: |
Terms: |
Credits: |
4 |
Description: |
Introduction to basic VLSI technologies; crystal growth, thermal oxidation,
diffusion, ion implantation, chemical vapour deposition, wet and dry etching,
and lithography. Layout, yield, and VLSI process integration. The lab
demonstrates a semiconductor device fabrication process. Lectures: three hours
per week. Laboratory: two hours per week. |
Outline: |
ELEC 6251 - Microtransducer Process Technology |
Instructor: |
Terms: |
Credits: |
4 |
Description: |
Prerequisite: ELEC 6231 or ELEC 6241.
Overview of micromachining process. Bulk-micromachined structures and
devices. Anisotropic etching of silicon; phenomena, processes, geometry, crystal
physics. Surface-micromachined structures, devices, processes. CMOScompatible
micromachining. Case-study examples. Lectures: three hours per
week. Project: two hours per week. |
Outline: |
ELEC 6261 - Optical Devices for High-Speed Communications |
Instructor: |
Terms: |
Credits: |
4 |
Description: |
Prerequisite: ELEC 6221 or equivalent.
Overview of optical properties of semiconductors. The fundamental principles
for understanding and applying optical fiber technology, fundamental
behaviour of the individual optical components and their interactions with
other devices. Lasers, LED’s, optical fibers, light detectors, optical switches.
Concepts and components of WDM and DWDM. A comprehensive treatment of
the underlying physics such as noise and distortion in optical communications,
light polarization, modulation and attenuation. Lectures: three hours per week.
Project: two hours per week. |
Outline: |
ELEC 6271 - Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Opto-Electronic Devices |
Instructor: |
Terms: |
Credits: |
4 |
Description: |
This course covers the fundamental principles of nanoscience and
nanotechnology which include principles of quantum mechanics and quantum
properties of solid state materials. Properties of metal and semiconducting
nanoparticles and their synthesis; Carbon nanostructures and nanotubes; bulk
nanostructured materials; Solid disordered nanostructures and nanostructured
crystals; quantum wells, quantum wires, and quantum dots and their physical
properties; preparation of quantum nanostructures, Introduction to
NanoElectroMechanical Systems (NEMS), nanomachining and fabrication of
nanodevices. Lectures: three hours per week. Project: two hours per week. |
Outline: |
ELEC 6301 - Advanced Electromagnetics |
Instructor: |
Paknys, R. |
Terms: |
fall |
Credits: |
4 |
Description: |
Fundamental concepts. Conservation theorems, reciprocity, polarization and
boundary conditions. Propagation in isotropic and anisotropic media. Plane
waves in lossless and dissipative media. Reflection, transmission, guidance and
resonance problems in rectangular coordinates. Solutions in cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems. Radiation. Scattering. Perturbational and
variational techniques.Lectures: three hours per week. Project: two hours per
week. |
Outline: |
ELEC 6311 - Radiation and Scattering of Waves |
Instructor: |
Terms: |
Credits: |
4 |
Description: |
Construction of Green’s functions. Canonical problems – waveguide, cylinder,
wedge, dielectric slab. Sommerfeld integrals. Impedance boundary conditions.
Surface and leaky waves. Asymptotics, method of steepest descent, method of
stationary phase. High-frequency uniform asymptotic methods. Geometrical
theory of diffraction. Edge diffraction, creeping waves. Applications to
problems in antennas, computational electromagnetics, electromagnetic
compatibility, propagation, and scattering. Lectures: three hours per week.
Project: two hours per week |
Outline: |
ELEC 6341 - Antennas |
Instructor: |
Sebak, A |
Terms: |
fall |
Credits: |
4 |
Description: |
Antenna fundamentals and definitions. Radiation integrals. Dipoles and loops.
Arrays. Antenna self and mutual inductance. Matching techniques. Travelling
wave antennas. Broadband antennas. Equivalence principle. Aperture antennas.
Numerical techniques. Antenna measurement techniques. Lectures: three hours
per week. Laboratory: two hours per week. |
Outline: |
ELEC 6351 - Modern Antenna Theory |
Instructor: |
Terms: |
Credits: |
4 |
Description: |
Prerequisite: ELEC 6341.
Helmholtz equation, Green’s function, current element, the ideal dipole,
radiation impedance, gain directivity, reciprocity, polarization. Half-wave
dipole, antennas above ground, small loop antenna, arrays of antenna, array
factor, pattern multiplication array synthesis, mutual impedance, aperture
antenna. Hallens integral equation, Pocklingon s equation, numerical solution by
the method of weighted residuals, and by the moment method, wire grids.
Magnetic field integral equation and solid surfaces. Aperture antennas,
aperture integration, geometrical optics, physical optics. Geometrical theory of
diffraction, wedge diffraction coefficients, applications, multiple diffraction
and diffraction by curved surfaces. Lectures: three hours per week. Project: two
hours per week.
Note: Students who have received credit for ELEC 7341 may not take this course
for credit. |
Outline: |
ELEC 6361 - Acoustics |
Instructor: |
Terms: |
Credits: |
4 |
Description: |
Sound generation and propagation in elastic media; conversion between
acoustical, electric and mechanical energy. Lumped-parameter
approximations, sound in rooms, underwater acoustics, microphones;
loudspeakers and audio communications problems; noise and vibration control
problems. Lectures: three hours per week. Project: two hours per week. |
Outline: |
ELEC 6371 - Design of Wireless RF Systems |
Instructor: |
Paknys, R. |
Terms: |
winter |
Credits: |
4 |
Description: |
Prerequisite: ELEC 6391.
Introduction to wireless systems. Noise and distortion in microwave systems.
Antennas and propagation. Amplifiers. Mixers. Transistor oscillators and
frequency synthesizers. Modulation techniques. Receiver design. Use of RF CAD
tools. Lectures: three hours per week. Project: two hours per week. |
Outline: |
ELEC 6381 - Techniques in Electromagnetic Compatibility |
Instructor: |
Terms: |
Credits: |
4 |
Description: |
Introduction to EMC procedures, control plans and specifications. Radiated and
conducted susceptibility and emission testing. Introduction EMC antennas,
antenna concepts, electric and magnetic dipoles, biconical dipoles, conical log
spiral antennas, setting up fields for susceptibility testing, measuring radiation
from equipment. Coupled transmission lines, pulse propagation, closely spaced
parallel transmission lines, capacitive coupling, inductive coupling, shielding
against magnetic fields. Shielding and enclosures, electric and magnetic field
screening mechanisms, shielding effectiveness, grounding considerations. EMC
test facilities, screened rooms, TEM cells. signals and spectra, intermodulation,
cross-modulation, the spectrum analyzer. Noise and pseudo-random noise, noise
performance of measurement/receiving systems, noise equivalent bandwidth,
noise figure, antenna noise temperature and S/N ratio. Lectures: three hours per
week. Project: two hours per week. |
Outline: |
ELEC 6391 - Microwave Engineering |
Instructor: |
Davis, D. |
Terms: |
fall |
Credits: |
4 |
Description: |
Properties of waveguides, striplines and microstrips. Scattering parameters.
Butterworth and Chebyshev impedance transformers. Microwave couplers,
cavities, and Fabry-Perot resonators. Periodic structures. Microwave filter
design. Faraday rotation and non-reciprocal devices. Lectures: three hours per
week. Laboratory: two hours per week. |
Outline: |
ELEC 6411 - Power Electronics I |
Instructor: |
Terms: |
Credits: |
4 |
Description: |
Introduction to power electronic systems. Semiconductor switches. Basic power
converter configurations. Line commutated controlled and uncontrolled ac-dc
rectifiers. Basic dc-dc converters. Pulse width modulation techniques. Basic dcac
converters. Switching power supplies. Applications to industrial power
supplies and motor drives. Lectures: three hours per week. Laboratory: two
hours per week. |
Outline: |
ELEC 6461 - Power Electronics II |
Instructor: |
Williamson, S. |
Terms: |
winter |
Credits: |
4 |
Description: |
Prerequisite: ELEC 6411.
Circuits and operating principles of self commutated dc-dc and dc-ac converters.
One and four quadrant dc-dc converters. Single-phase and three-phase voltage
source and current source inverters. Pulse width modulation strategies. Resonant
converters. Soft switching techniques. Isolated dc-dc converters. Application to
switch-mode power supplies, uninterruptible power supplies and ac motor
drives. Lectures: three hours per week. Project: two hours per week. |
Outline: |
ELEC 6481 - Computer-aided Analysis of Power Electronic Systems |
Instructor: |
Lopes, L. |
Terms: |
winter |
Credits: |
4 |
Description: |
Prerequisite: ELEC 6411.
Algorithms for the systematic formulation of equations for power electronic
converters containing passive and active elements, and semiconductor switches.
Modeling of semiconductor switching devices. Description of general-purpose
simulation packages. Modeling of static power converters; average modeling.
Simulation of power and control circuits. Design of controllers. Case studies of
common converters. Lectures: three hours per week. Project: two hours per week. |
Outline: |
ELEC 6491 - Controlled Electric Drives |
Instructor: |
Terms: |
Credits: |
4 |
Description: |
Prerequisite: ELEC 6411.
Elements of a drive system; characteristics of common mechanical systems;
drive characteristics; operation in one, two or four quadrants. Control of dc
motors; fully controlled rectifier drives; chopper drives. Control of polyphase
induction motors; voltage-source inverter drives; current-source inverter drives;
voltage control; slip-energy recovery. Control of synchronous motors; wound
field motors; permanent magnet motors. Interface issues; harmonics; active
rectifiers; motor application issues. Typical industrial drives. Lectures: three
hours per week. Project: two hours per week. |
Outline: |
ELEC 6601 - Digital Signal Processing |
Instructor: |
Samadi, S. |
Terms: |
fall |
Credits: |
4 |
Description: |
Review of discrete-time signals and systems; difference equation, the Fourier
transform, the z-transform, the discrete Fourier series and transform; recursive
and non-recursive digital filters, common digital filter converters, digital
processing of analog signals, signal interpolation and decimation; effect of
finite word lengths, description of a typical DSP chip. Lectures: three hours per
week. Project: two hours per week. |
Outline: |
ELEC 6611 - Digital Filters |
Instructor: |
Samadi, S. |
Terms: |
winter |
Credits: |
4 |
Description: |
Prerequisite: ELEC 6601.
Approximation and design of recursive and non-recursive digital filters.
Transformations. Stability. Digital filter structures including wave and lattice
structures. Effect of quantization, noise and limit cycles. Hardware
implementation. Digital filter applications. Lectures: three hours per week.
Project: two hours per week. |
Outline: |
ELEC 6621 - Digital Waveform Compression |
Instructor: |
Terms: |
Credits: |
4 |
Description: |
Prerequisites: ELEC 6601; ENCS 6161 or ELEC 6161.
Numerical representation of waveform information; common waveform
communication systems; statistical models used for waveforms; visual
psychophysics. Differential PCM, motion estimation/compensation for video
compressions. Transform coding: run length coding, Huffman and arithmetic
coding, control of Q factor and Q table, segmentation/contour/edge based coding;
pre-processing and post-processing strategies. Vector quantization. Sub-band
coding and Wavelet Transform. Zero trees. Channel concerns: robustness, error recovery, masking video/image bit rate source models. Coding of two-level
graphics. Review of standards: JPEG, MPEG, H.261. Lectures: three hours per
week. Project: two hours per week. |
Outline: |
ELEC 6631 - Digital Video Processing |
Instructor: |
Amer, A |
Terms: |
winter |
Credits: |
4 |
Description: |
Prerequisites: ELEC 6601; ENCS 6161 or ELEC 6161.
Video processing fundamentals; video signals and systems. Fourier analysis of
video signals, video scanning and transmission, spatio-temporal sampling,
selected material on the Human Visual System, modelling of video components,
motion estimation and representation. Video filtering and enhancement: noise
reduction, noise estimation, de-interlacing, frame-rate conversion, signal
processing for improved TV-systems. An introduction to video compression, Lowlevel
video analysis: local operators, linear and non-linear operators, rankorder
filters, morphological filters, edge detection, segmentation. Lectures:
three hours per week. Project: two hours per week. |
Outline: |
ELEC 6831 - Digital Communications I |
Instructor: |
Shayan, Y. & Elhakeem, A.K. |
Terms: |
fall, winter |
Credits: |
4 |
Description: |
Random processes and linear systems; baseband modulation/demodulation,
optimal receivers in AWGN, correlation and matched-filter receivers, pulse
shaping for band-limited channels; bandpass modulation techniques such as
PAM, PSK, DPSK, FSK, QAM; Introduction to error control coding, Linear block
codes, Cyclic codes, Convolutional codes. Lectures: three hours per week. Project:
two hours per week. |
Outline: |
ELEC 6841 - Digital Communications II |
Instructor: |
Terms: |
Credits: |
4 |
Description: |
Prerequisites: ELEC 6831; ENCS 6161 or ELEC 6161.
Digital signaling over band-limited channels: signal design for band-limited
channels, maximum likelihood sequence detection, equalization techniques,
e.g., zero-forcing, minimum mean squared error, adaptive equalization.
Advanced coding and modulation: concatenated coding with iterative decoding,
coded modulation techniques. Diversity techniques for fading channels.
Synchronization techniques: carrier and timing recovery, frequency estimation
techniques, frame and network synchronization, maximum-likelihood
estimation and Cramer-Rao bounds. Lectures: three hours per week. Project: two
hours per week. |
Outline: |
ELEC 6851 - Telecommunications Networks |
Instructor: |
Elhakeem, A.K.. |
Terms: |
fall |
Credits: |
4 |
Description: |
Communication Networks and Services; Introduction to Layered Network
Architectures; Transmission systems and the Telephone Network: multiplexing
circuit switching, routing and signaling; Peer-to-Peer Protocols: ARQ protocols,
data link controls, packet multiplexing, Multiple Access Communications:
Aloha, CSMA, reservation schemes, polling, token-passing ring, LAN
standards, LAN Bridges; Packet-switching Networks: Datagrams and virtual
circuits; TCP/IP Architecture: Internet protocol, transmission control protocol.
Lectures: three hours per week. Project: two hours per week. |
Outline: |
ELEC 6861 - Higher Layer Telecommunications Protocols |
Instructor: |
Dssouli, R. |
Terms: |
Fall |
Credits: |
4 |
Description: |
Prerequisite: ELEC 6851.
Broadband communications: concept, issues, signaling techniques, examples.
Multimedia communications: traffic characteristics, classes, issues (e.g. QOS)
and architectures. Internetworking: issues, architectures (e.g. router, bridge,
gateway), protocols and standards: ISO, IP and IPv6. Network Management:
issues, architecture, management information base (MIBs), SNMP, TMN and
CMIP. Advanced topics, such as policy approach for network management.
Lectures: three hours per week. Project: two hours per week. |
Outline: |
ELEC 6871 - Fiber-Optic Communication Systems and Networks |
Instructor: |
Zhang, X |
Terms: |
fall |
Credits: |
4 |
Description: |
Overview of the basics of optical transmitters, optical receivers, optical fibers,
optical amplifiers, and SDH/SONET. Design of optical fiber amplifiers: fiber
Raman amplifiers and Erbium-doped fiber amplifiers (EDFA), theories,
configurations, simulation, designs, applications, requirements for optical
networks. Optical transmitters: characteristics and requirements for optical
networks. Optical receivers: characteristics, requirements, noise analysis.
Optical systems and performance: system architectures, design guidelines, longhaul
systems, dispersion management. Coherent optical systems: ASK, FSK,
DPSK, system performance. DWDM systems and networks: WAN and MAN
system performance, TDM, subcarrier multiplexing, CDMA, WDM network
design, network survivability. Optical solition systems: fiber solitions, lossmanaged
solitions, dispersion-managed solitions, impact of amplifier noise,
high-speed solition system. Photonic packet switching: OTDM
synchronization, header processing, burst switching. Access optical networks:
architectures, PON. Lectures: three hours per week. Project: two hours per week. |
Outline: |
ELEC 6881 - Fundamentals and Applications of MIMO Communications |
Instructor: |
Ghrayeb, A. |
Terms: |
fall |
Credits: |
4 |
Description: |
Prerequisite: ELEC 6141 or ELEC 6841.
Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) communication systems and wireless
channel models; Diversity techniques and array processing; MIMO channel
capacity; Space-time black and trellis codes; Spatial multiplexing and layered
space-time architectures, diversity-versus-multiplexing tradeoff; Differential
and unitary space-time coding; MIMO OFDM and space-frequency coding;
Concatenated coding and iterative decoding for MIMO systems; Applications of
MIMO in wireless systems. Lectures: three hours per week. Project: two hours
per week. |
Outline: |
ELEC 691 - Topics in Electrical Engineering I |
Instructor: |
Williamson, S. |
Terms: |
winter |
Credits: |
4 |
Description: |
Note: Subject matter will vary from term to term and from year to year.
Students may re-register for these courses, providing that the course content has
changed. Changes in content will be indicated by the letter following the course
number, e.g. COEN 691A, COEN 691B, etc. |
Outline: |
ELEC 6961 - Graduate Seminar in Electrical and Computer Engineering |
Instructor: |
Raut, R. |
Terms: |
winter |
Credits: |
1 |
Description: |
Students must attend a set of seminars identified by the Department and submit
a comprehensive report on topics presented in one of these seminars. The report, including an abstract, must be suitably documented and illustrated, should be a t
least 1000 words in length, must be typewritten on one side of 21.5 cm by 28 cm
white paper of quality, and must be enclosed in binding. Students are referred to
Form and Style: Thesis, Reports, Term Papers, fourth edition by Campbell and
Ballou, published by Houghton Mifflin. Seminar: two hours per week. |
Outline: |
ELEC 7151 - Broadband Communications Networks |
Instructor: |
Terms: |
Credits: |
4 |
Description: |
Prerequisite: ELEC 6171.
Characterization of traffic sources, data, voice and video; ATM protocol
architecture, ATM switching architectures, performance evaluation of the ATM
multiplexer; Call admission control in ATM networks; Traffic management in
ATM, TCP/IP over ATM and wireless ATM Fluid flow approximation, ztransform
techniques, and blocking for multiclass flows. Lectures: three hours
per week. Project: two hours per week. |
Outline: |
ELEC 7441 - Design of Power Electronic Circuits |
Instructor: |
Terms: |
Credits: |
4 |
Description: |
Prerequisite: ELEC 6461.
Design driving factors. Characteristics of basic converter topologies, including
resonant and soft switching circuits. Characteristics and limitations of power
semiconductors as switching devices. Design considerations for gate drives,
snubbers, power filters and protection circuits. Printed circuit board and thermal
design. Application to the practical design of typical power converter systems.
Lectures: three hours per week. Project: two hours per week. |
Outline: |
ELEC 7451 - Power System Compensation |
Instructor: |
Terms: |
Credits: |
4 |
Description: |
Prerequisite: ELEC 6411.
Steady state and dynamic characteristics of transmission systems. Theory of
line compensation and reactive power control; series and shunt passive
compensation. Principles of operation of static compensators and basic
configurations; series, shunt and shunt-series. Flexible ac transmission systems
(FACTS). Line and self commutated controllers; configurations and control
aspects. Applications to distribution systems. Performance evaluation and
practical applications of static compensators. Lectures: three hours per week.
Project: two hours per week. |
Outline: |
ELEC 7601 - Adaptive Signal Processing |
Instructor: |
Lynch, W.E. |
Terms: |
winter |
Credits: |
4 |
Description: |
Prerequisites: ELEC 6601; ENCS 6161 or ELEC 6161.
Optimal filtering; filter structures for adaptive filtering; the LMS stochastic
gradient algorithm; block least-squares methods; lattice structures.
Convergence properties of transversal and lattice stochastic gradient
algorithms. Stability and sensitivity analysis of adaptive filters. Lectures:
three hours per week. Project: two hours per week. |
Outline: |
ELEC 7631 - Multi-dimensional Signal and Image Processing |
Instructor: |
Terms: |
Credits: |
4 |
Description: |
Prerequisite: ELEC 6601.
Multidimensional signals and systems. Two-dimensional discrete Fourier
analysis: discrete Fourier transform, computation of DFT and computational
considerations. Two-dimensional FIR filters: convolutional and DFT
implementations, design using windows, least-squares design. Recursive
systems. Two-dimensional IIR filters: implementations, space-domain design
methods, frequency domain design, design for specialized structures. One of
more specialized topics: finite-word-length effects, symmetry in twodimensional
filters, signal reconstruction and real-time image processing.
Lectures: three hours per week. Project: two hours per week. |
Outline: |
ELEC 791 - Topics in Electrical Engineering II |
Instructor: |
Terms: |
Credits: |
4 |
Description: |
Note: Subject matter will vary from term to term and from year to year.
Students may re-register for these courses, providing that the course content has
changed. Changes in content will be indicated by the letter following the course
number, e.g. COEN 791A, COEN 791B, etc. |
Outline: |
ENCS 6161 - Probability and Stochastic Processes |
Instructor: |
Ahmad, M. O. |
Terms: |
winter |
Credits: |
4 |
Description: |
Outline: |
ENCS 8011 - Ph.D. Seminar |
Instructor: |
Sebak, A. |
Terms: |
fall, winter |
Credits: |
0 |
Description: |
Grading on a Pass/Fail basis only. No credit value. |
Outline: |