Anjali Agarwal   Professor
Communication protocols; Issues of real-time and multimedia communication over internet
Amir G. Aghdam   Professor
Decentralized large-scale systems; Digital control; Adaptive control; DSL communication networks
M. Omair Ahmad   Professor and Tier I Concordia Research Chair
Algorithms and architectures for image processing; Digital signal processing; VLSI circuit design
Otmane Ait Mohamed   Associate Professor
Hardware specification and verification; Formal methods; VLSI design automation
Asim J. Al-Khalili   Distinguished Emeritus Professor
ASIC design; VLSI architecture; VLSI circuits; VLSI design automation; Digital design and synthesis
Maria Aishy Amer   Associate Professor
Video and image processing; Multimedia; Video quality enhancement; Noise estimation and reduction; Video representation; Video segmentation, object segmentation, object tracking; Motion estimation; Video surveillance; Advanced TV-systems and other real-time video applications
Amir Asif   Professor, Dean of ENCS
Habib Benali   Professor
Glenn Cowan   Associate Professor
Analog & Mixed-signal VLSI circuit design for signal processing and communication; Device variability; Circuit design in presence of device variability; Design of adaptive VLSI circuits
Abdelwahab Hamou-Lhadj   Associate Professor
Object-oriented Software Engineering; Software Maintenance; Reverse Engineering; Program Comprehension; Software Visualization
Walaa Hamouda   Professor and Tier II Concordia Research Chair
Digital communications; Satellite and wireless communications; Adaptive antennas; Channel coding
Shahin Hashtrudi Zad   Associate Professor
Control systems; Discrete-event systems; Fault diagnosis.
M. Zahangir Kabir   Associate Professor
Electronic materials and devices; X-ray imaging detectors; Thin-film and nano-structured solar cells; Amorphous and polycrystalline semiconductors
Mojtaba Kahrizi   Professor
MEMS; Micro/Nano systems; Photonic devices; VLSI technology
Nawwaf Kharma   Associate Professor
Artificial Intelligence: Pattern recognition and machine learning;
Artificial Life: Evolutionary computation and nature inspired computing;
Real-World Application: Evolution of pattern and image processing software systems;
Ferhat Khendek   Professor and NSERC/Ericsson Senior Industrial Research Chair
Real-time Software Engineering: Modelling, Design and Validation. Service Engineering for Next Generation Networks.
Kash Khorasani   Professor and Tier I Concordia Research Chair
Nonlinear, adaptive and robust control; Flexible joint and link robot manipulators; Modelling and control of large scale systems; Neural networks; Real-time systems; Singular perturbation analysis; Virtual reality and haptic interfaces
Ahmed A. Kishk   Professor and Tier I Canada Research Chair
Dielectric resonator antennas, microstrip antennas, small antennas, microwave sensors, RFID antennas for readers and tags, Multi-function antennas, microwave cicuits, EBG, artificial magnetic conductors, soft and hard surfaces, phased array antennas, and computer aided design for antennas. Design of millimeter frequency antennas; Feeds for parabolic reflectors.
Chunyan Lai   Assistant Professor
electric machines and drives.
Yan Liu   Associate Professor
Cloud Computing, Distributed Systems, Software Engineering, Web-Enabled Applications.
Luiz A.C. Lopes   Professor
Power electronics; High power converters; Distributed generation
William E. Lynch   Professor and Chair
Image compression Image processing Signal processing Video compression
Mustafa K. Mehmet Ali   Professor
Network architectures for wireless and wired communication networks and their performance modelling.
Robert Paknys   Professor
Antennas, electromagnetic scattering and diffraction.
Pragasen Pillay   Professor and NSERC/Hydro-Québec Senior Industrial Research Chair
Interests are in modeling, analysis, design and control of electric machines, electric motor drive systems, traction motors for electric and hybrid electric vehicles, renewable energy including wind, biomass and solar energy, energy storage, energy efficiency and conservation, sustainability issues in power and energy engineering.
Dongyu Qiu   Associate Professor
Peer to peer networks; Network performance analysis; Wireless networks
Akshay Kumar Rathore   Associate Professor
Rabin Raut   Professor
Hassan Rivaz   Assistant Professor
Medical image processing, Ultrasound elastography, Image registration, Image fusion, Machine learning, Pattern recognition, Computer vision
Luis Rodrigues   Associate Professor
Control systems; Avionics; Aerospace
Abdel R. Sebak   Professor
Phased array antennas; Applied electromagnetics; EM scattering; RCS, EMC/EMI, EM Theory; Antennas; Computational electromagnetics
Rastko Selmic   Professor
Yousef R. Shayan   Professor
Digital communications; Error control coding; Wireless communication systems
Steve Shih   Assistant Professor
Chris Skonieczny   Assistant Professor
M. Reza Soleymani   Professor
Communications networks; Digital communications; Information theory and coding; Wireless and satellite communications
M.N.S. Swamy   Research Professor and Tier I Concordia Research Chair
Signal processing; Image processing
Sofiène Tahar   Professor and Tier I Concordia Research Chair
Hardware specification and verification; Formal methods; VLSI design automation; Communications hardware and protocols
Abdelaziz Trabelsi   Assistant Professor
Christopher W. Trueman   Professor
Aircraft and ship antennas; Broadcast antennas; Cellular phone antennas; Computational electromagnetics; Electromagnetic compatibility; Finite difference time-domain method; Handset and human head interactions; Radar cross-section of aircraft and ships
Pouya Valizadeh   Associate Professor
Solid state microwave devices, Micro/nano-electronics, III-V electronics, Noise in semiconductor devices, Polarization in semiconductor devices, Reliability of electronic devices, MEMS technology
Chunyan Wang   Professor
Analog-mixed VLSI design and implementation; Large scale CMOS optical sensor integration; Digital image processing
(John) Xiupu Zhang   Professor
Photonics, Fiber-optic communications, Wireless communications, and Quantum dot semiconductor lasers, high-power and broadband photodiodes and broadband optical receivers
Wei-Ping Zhu   Professor
Speech and audio processing, Advanced signal processing for wireless communications, OFDM/MIMO systems, MIMO relay networks, cooperative communication.