COMP 333 Introduction to Data Analytics

Fall 2021: Marks

Total Marks

Total mark is
40% for Assignments
10% for Lab Exercises
20% for Quizzes
30% for Final Exam (scaled)

Letter grades will be submitted, and available to you once they are approved.

ID number	Asst/40	LabX/10	Quiz/40	Ex/100	Total/100
26567762	27	10.00	32.00	55.79	69.74
24796810	32.2	10.00	26.67	73.36	77.54
27209630	15.5	6.67	18.00	60.67	49.37
26781357	25.4	7.50	30.00	67.50	68.15
40092619	26	8.33	22.50	67.50	65.83
40099827	35	10.00	31.50	82.14	85.39
40119050	32	9.17	34.00	78.24	81.64
40220168	38	8.33	36.50	88.00	90.98
40125997	29	10.00	23.00	55.79	67.24
40085329	26	10.00	22.50	53.83	63.40
40048632	31	10.00	22.50	62.62	71.04
40131548	25	8.33	23.50	55.79	61.82
40121510	37	10.00	35.00	89.95	91.49
40031093	31	10.00	27.50	52.86	70.61
21958283	30	6.67	29.50	61.64	69.91
40050171	34	10.00	21.50	87.02	80.86
40054003	17	10.00	24.00	49.93	53.98
40015269	28	10.00	26.00	54.81	67.44
26942105	36	9.17	33.00	63.59	80.74
40073402	38	10.00	34.50	59.69	83.16
40098376	35	10.00	28.50	71.40	80.67
40176227	37	10.00	33.00	74.33	85.80
40120182	33.3	10.00	32.50	78.24	83.02
40115189	19.2	5.83	20.50	57.74	52.60
40097848	32.1	10.00	28.50	52.86	72.21
40127106	25.3	9.17	25.00	75.31	69.56
40046881	27	7.50	23.00	58.71	63.61
40071692	39	10.00	30.50	79.21	88.01
40221463	36	10.00	32.00	83.12	86.94
40063663	29.2	7.50	24.50	73.36	70.96
40017571	27	8.33	25.50	61.64	66.58
40024456	26	10.00	24.00	55.79	64.74
40114920	33	10.00	30.50	73.36	80.26
40158556	37	8.33	27.00	68.48	79.38
40099729	39	10.00	33.00	70.43	86.63
40060883	34	5.83	27.00	65.55	73.00
40222724	32	10.00	25.50	54.81	71.19
40079344	22	9.17	24.50	46.02	57.22
40129985	26	8.33	23.50	69.45	66.92
27890575	24	10.00	25.00	55.79	63.24

Final Exam Marks

Each question has a mark /20
The raw mark is scaled so the average is 65.0 and the s.d. is 13.5

ID number	Q1/20	Q2/20	Q3/20	Q4/20	Q5/20	Raw/100	Scaled/100
21958283	14	5	7	6	12	44	61.64
24796810	16	6	7	11	16	56	73.36
26567762	13	0	6	4	15	38	55.79
26781357	9	5	12	7	17	50	67.50
26942105	16	6	3	7	14	46	63.59
27209630	8	5	5	8	17	43	60.67
27890575	11	5	4	2	16	38	55.79
40015269	9	5	3	2	18	37	54.81
40017571	13	7	5	4	15	44	61.64
40024456	10	6	4	3	15	38	55.79
40031093	14	1	0	5	15	35	52.86
40046881	13	9	5	4	10	41	58.71
40048632	10	5	8	9	13	45	62.62
40050171	17	11	15	12	15	70	87.02
40054003	11	0	2	3	16	32	49.93
40060883	10	11	7	7	13	48	65.55
40063663	15	11	7	8	15	56	73.36
40071692	16	13	9	8	16	62	79.21
40073402	10	6	8	5	13	42	59.69
40079344	11	0	0	0	17	28	46.02
40085329	8	3	5	4	16	36	53.83
40092619	12	10	4	7	17	50	67.50
40097848	5	4	3	7	16	35	52.86
40098376	12	13	10	6	13	54	71.40
40099729	14	5	11	9	14	53	70.43
40099827	16	13	8	13	15	65	82.14
40114920	15	13	7	8	13	56	73.36
40115189	15	5	5	1	14	40	57.74
40119050	13	11	10	12	15	61	78.24
40120182	13	10	15	7	16	61	78.24
40121510	18	12	17	12	14	73	89.95
40125997	9	8	5	2	14	38	55.79
40127106	14	11	6	12	15	58	75.31
40129985	11	12	9	6	14	52	69.45
40131548	12	6	4	6	10	38	55.79
40158556	15	11	5	7	13	51	68.48
40176227	14	16	7	7	13	57	74.33
40220168	13	17	16	9	16	71	88.00
40221463	18	16	6	11	15	66	83.12
40222724	12	7	1	3	14	37	54.81

Quiz Marks Overall

ID number	Qz1/10	Qz2/10	Qz3/10	Qz4/10	Quiz/40
21958283	6.50	7.50	7.00	8.50	29.50
24796810	5.50	8.00	6.50	6.67	26.67
26567762	9.50	6.50	8.50	7.50	32.00
26781357	7.50	6.50	8.50	7.50	30.00
26942105	8.00	7.50	8.50	9.00	33.00
27209630	6.50	5.50	0.00	6.00	18.00
27890575	5.50	5.00	8.00	6.50	25.00
40015269	7.50	5.50	7.50	5.50	26.00
40017571	5.00	5.50	8.00	7.00	25.50
40024456	6.00	4.50	7.50	6.00	24.00
40031093	7.00	7.00	6.50	7.00	27.50
40046881	6.00	5.00	4.50	7.50	23.00
40048632	6.50	6.50	4.50	5.00	22.50
40050171	0.00	5.50	7.00	9.00	21.50
40054003	7.00	7.00	6.00	4.00	24.00
40060883	5.50	6.00	8.50	7.00	27.00
40063663	5.50	7.00	6.50	5.50	24.50
40071692	7.50	7.50	8.50	7.00	30.50
40073402	9.00	9.00	8.50	8.00	34.50
40079344	8.00	5.00	6.50	5.00	24.50
40085329	3.50	7.50	5.50	6.00	22.50
40092619	4.50	6.00	6.00	6.00	22.50
40097848	7.00	7.00	8.50	6.00	28.50
40098376	9.00	7.00	6.50	6.00	28.50
40099729	7.00	8.00	10.00	8.00	33.00
40099827	7.00	8.00	8.50	8.00	31.50
40114920	8.00	7.50	7.50	7.50	30.50
40115189	6.50	4.50	4.50	5.00	20.50
40119050	8.00	8.50	8.50	9.00	34.00
40120182	9.50	8.00	7.00	8.00	32.50
40121510	9.50	7.50	8.50	9.50	35.00
40125997	7.50	4.50	5.50	5.50	23.00
40127106	8.00	7.00	4.50	5.50	25.00
40129985	4.50	5.50	6.00	7.50	23.50
40131548	5.50	5.50	7.50	5.00	23.50
40154620	8.50	7.50	8.50	6.50	31.00
40158556	5.50	7.50	7.50	6.50	27.00
40176227	7.50	8.00	8.50	9.00	33.00
40220168	10.00	9.50	8.50	8.50	36.50
40221463	8.00	9.00	6.50	8.50	32.00
40222724	6.00	5.50	7.00	7.00	25.50

Assignment Marks Overall

ID number	A1/10	A2/10	A3/10	A4/10	Asst/40
21958283	8	6	8	8	30
24796810	7.2	10	9	6	32.2
26567762	8	0	9	10	27
26781357	10	5.4	0	10	25.4
26942105	10	10	6	10	36
27209630	9	4.5	2	0	15.5
27890575	8	6	5	5	24
40015269	8	6	5	9	28
40017571	9	9	4	5	27
40024456	9	6	6	5	26
40031093	10	8	5	8	31
40046881	9	4	4	10	27
40048632	10	10	9	2	31
40050171	9	8	8	9	34
40054003	0	6	4	7	17
40060883	10	9	5	10	34
40063663	9	7.2	4	9	29.2
40071692	10	10	9	10	39
40073402	10	9	9	10	38
40079344	9	4	4	5	22
40085329	10	6	4	6	26
40092619	10	6	5	5	26
40097848	8.1	6	8	10	32.1
40098376	9	10	6	10	35
40099729	10	10	9	10	39
40099827	10	9	7	9	35
40114920	7	7	9	10	33
40115189	7	3.2	4	5	19.2
40119050	9	9	7	7	32
40120182	8	6.3	9	10	33.3
40121510	9	9	9	10	37
40125997	10	7	7	5	29
40127106	10	6.3	4	5	25.3
40129985	9	7	5	5	26
40131548	7.2	4.8	8	5	25
40154620	9	9	5	7	30
40158556	9	9	9	10	37
40176227	10	10	8	9	37
40220168	10	10	9	9	38
40221463	10	9	7	10	36
40222724	7	6	9	10	32

Lab Assignment 4

Mark /2 for each slide
Mark /2 for notebook
10% penalty for each day late
Total /10

SID		S1	S2	S3	S4	N	Days	Total/10
21958283	1	2	2	1	2		8
24796810	1	1	2	1	1		6
26567762	2	2	2	2	2		10
26781357	2	2	2	2	2		10
26942105	2	2	2	2	2		10
27890575	1	1	1	1	1		5
40015269	1	2	2	2	2		9
40017571	1	1	1	1	1		5
40024456	1	1	1	1	1		5
40031093	2	2	2	1	1		8
40046881	2	2	2	2	2		10
40048632	2	2	2	2	2	2	9
40050171	2	2	2	1	2		9
40054003	1	2	2	1	1		7
40060883	2	2	2	2	2		10
40061791	2	2	1	1	1		7
40063663	2	2	2	2	1		9
40064649	1	2	1	1	1		6
40071692	2	2	2	2	2		10
40073402	2	2	2	2	2		10
40079344	1	1	1	1	1		5
40085329	2	1	1	1	1		6
40092619	1	1	1	1	1		5
40097848	2	2	2	2	2		10
40098376	2	2	2	2	2		10
40099729	2	2	2	2	2		10
40099827	2	2	2	1	2		9
40114920	2	2	2	2	2		10
40115189	1	1	1	1	1		5
40119050	2	1	1	2	1		7
40120182	2	2	2	2	2		10
40121510	2	2	2	2	2		10
40125997	1	1	1	1	1		5
40127106	1	1	2	1	1		5
40129985	1	1	1	1	1		5
40131548	1	1	1	1	1		5
40154620	2	2	1	1	1		7
40158556	2	2	2	2	2		10
40176227	2	2	1	2	2		9
40220168	2	2	2	1	2		9
40221463	2	2	2	2	2		10
40222724	2	2	2	2	2		10

Quiz 4 Marks
The results were a flat bell-curve from 4.5/10 to 9.5/10 The average was around 7.0.

Overall the T/F results were about random.

MC was particularly poor on the older material like tidy data and feature engineering.

SID		Total/10
21958283	8.50
26567762	7.50
26781357	7.50
26942105	9.00
27209630	6.00
27890575	6.50
40015269	5.50
40017571	7.00
40024456	6.00
40031093	7.00
40036998	6.00
40046881	7.50
40047366	5.00
40048632	9.00
40050171	8.00
40054003	4.00
40060883	7.00
40063663	5.50
40064649	4.50
40071692	7.00
40073402	8.00
40079344	5.00
40085329	6.00
40092619	6.00
40097848	6.00
40098376	6.00
40099729	8.00
40099827	8.00
40114920	7.50
40115189	5.00
40119050	9.00
40120182	8.00
40121510	9.50
40125997	5.50
40127106	5.50
40129985	7.50
40131548	5.00
40132610	6.50
40154620	6.50
40158556	6.50
40171967	4.50
40176227	9.00
40220168	8.50
40221463	8.50
40222724	7.00

Lab Assignment 3

Mark /2 for notebook
Mark /2 for testing
Marks /2 for each of three parts:
F use of facets and sorting;
C use of clustering;
S use of string processing
Total /10

SID		N	test	F	C	S	Total/10
21958283	1	1	2	2	2	8
24796810	2	1	2	2	2	9
26567762	2	1	2	2	2	9
26942105	2	1	2	0	1	6
27209630	0	1	1	0	0	2
27890575	1	1	1	1	1	5
40015269	1	1	1	2	0	5
40017571	1	1	1	1	0	4
40024456	2	1	1	1	1	6
40031093	1	1	1	1	1	5
40036998	1	1	0	0	1	3
40046881	1	1	1	0	1	4
40048632	2	1	2	2	2	9
40050171	1	1	2	2	2	8
40054003	1	1	1	0	1	4
40060883	1	1	2	0	1	5
40063663	1	1	1	0	1	4
40064649	1	1	0	0	0	2
40071692	2	1	2	2	2	9
40073402	2	1	2	2	2	9
40079344	1	1	1	0	1	4
40085329	1	1	1	0	1	4
40092619	1	1	1	1	1	5
40097848	1	1	2	2	2	8
40098376	1	1	2	0	2	6
40099729	2	1	2	2	2	9
40099827	1	1	1	2	2	7
40114920	2	1	2	2	2	9
40115189	1	1	1	0	1	4
40119050	2	1	1	2	1	7
40120182	2	1	2	2	2	9
40121510	2	1	2	2	2	9
40125997	2	1	2	0	2	7
40127106	1	1	1	0	1	4
40129985	1	1	2	1	0	5
40131548	2	1	2	2	1	8
40132610	1	1	2	2	2	8
40154620	1	1	1	1	1	5
40158556	2	1	2	2	2	9
40176227	2	1	2	1	2	8
40220168	2	1	2	2	2	9
40221463	2	1	2	0	2	7
40222724	2	1	2	2	2	9

Lab Assignment 2

Many of you need to learn how to write functions in Python.

Marks /2 for each of three parts A B C
Mark /2 for testing
Mark /2 for notebook
10% penalty or each day late
Total /10

SID		A	B	C	test	N	Days	Total/10
26567762	2	2	2	0	2	1	7.2
21958283	1	1	1	2	1	0	6
24796810	2	2	2	2	2	0	10
26781357	2	2	2	2	1	4	5.4
26942105	2	2	2	2	2	0	10
27209630	1	1	1	2	0	1	4.5
27890575	1	1	1	2	1	0	6
40015269	1	1	1	2	1	0	6
40017571	2	2	2	2	1	0	9
40024456	1	1	1	2	1	0	6
40031093	2	2	2	2	2	2	8
40036998	0	0	0	2	1	1	2.7
40046881	1	1	1	0	1	0	4
40048632	2	2	2	2	2	0	10
40050171	2	2	2	0	2	0	8
40054003	1	1	1	2	1	0	6
40060883	2	2	2	2	2	1	9
40063663	2	2	2	0	2	1	7.2
40064122	1	1	1	2	1	0	6
40064649	1	0	0	0	1	0	2
40071692	2	2	2	2	2	0	10
40073402	2	2	2	2	1	0	9
40079344	1	1	1	0	1	0	4
40085329	1	1	1	2	1	0	6
40092619	1	1	1	2	1	0	6
40097848	1	1	1	2	1	0	6
40098376	2	2	2	2	2	0	10
40099729	2	2	2	2	2	0	10
40099827	2	2	2	2	1	0	9
40114920	1	1	1	2	2	0	7
40115189	1	1	1	0	1	2	3.2
40119050	2	2	2	2	1	0	9
40120182	2	2	2	0	1	1	6.3
40121510	2	2	2	2	1	0	9
40125997	1	1	1	2	2	0	7
40127106	2	2	2	2	1	3	6.3
40129985	1	1	1	2	2	0	7
40131548	1	1	1	2	1	2	4.8
40132610	2	2	2	0	1	0	7
40154620	2	2	2	2	1	0	9
40158556	2	2	2	2	2	1	9
40171967	2	2	2	0	1	1	6.3
40176227	2	2	2	2	2	0	10
40220168	2	2	2	2	2	0	10
40221463	2	2	2	2	1	0	9
40222724	1	1	1	2	1	0	6

Quiz 3 Marks
The results were a reasonable bell-curve from 4.5/10 to 8.0/10 with a mode at 8.5 and an outlier at 10.0. The average was around 7.0.

Some very common mistakes:
features and feature engineering
tasks for models, eg classification and prediction

SID		Total/10
21958283	7.00
24796810	6.50
26567762	8.50
26781357	8.50
26942105	8.50
27890575	8.00
40015269	7.50
40017571	8.00
40024456	7.50
40031093	6.50
40036998	8.50
40046881	4.50
40047366	4.50
40048632	7.00
40050171	8.50
40054003	6.00
40060883	8.50
40063663	6.50
40064122	7.00
40064649	6.00
40071692	8.50
40073402	8.50
40079344	6.50
40085329	5.50
40092619	6.00
40097848	8.50
40098376	6.50
40099729	10.00
40099827	8.50
40114920	7.50
40115189	4.50
40119050	8.50
40120182	7.00
40121510	8.50
40125997	5.50
40127106	4.50
40129985	6.00
40131548	7.50
40154620	8.50
40158556	7.50
40171967	6.50
40176227	8.50
40220168	8.50
40221463	6.50
40222724	7.00

Quiz 2 Marks
The results were a reasonable bell-curve from 5.0/10 to 10.0/10. Average around 6.7.

Some very common mistakes:
problems for data cleaning
clustering in data wrangling/cleaning
unification and entity resolution

SID		Total/10
21958283	7.50
24796810	8.00
26567762	6.50
26781357	6.50
26942105	7.50
27209630	5.50
27890575	5.00
40015269	5.50
40017571	5.50
40024456	4.50
40031093	7.00
40036998	5.50
40046881	5.00
40047366	6.50
40048632	5.50
40050171	8.50
40054003	7.00
40060883	6.00
40063663	7.00
40064649	5.50
40071692	7.50
40073402	9.00
40079344	5.00
40085329	7.50
40092619	6.00
40097848	7.00
40098376	7.00
40099729	8.00
40099827	8.00
40114920	7.50
40115189	4.50
40119050	8.50
40120182	8.00
40121510	7.50
40125997	4.50
40127106	7.00
40129985	5.50
40131548	5.50
40132610	5.00
40154620	7.50
40158556	7.50
40171967	6.00
40176227	8.00
40220168	9.50
40221463	9.00
40222724	5.50

Lab Assignment 1

Marks /2 for each of four plots
Mark /2 for notebook
10% penalty or each day late
Total /10

SID		P1	P2	P3	P4	N	Days	Total/10
21958283	2	2	1	2	1	0	8
24796810	1	1	2	2	2	1	7.2
26567762	1	1	2	2	2	0	8
26781357	2	2	2	2	2	0	10
26942105	2	2	2	2	2	0	10
27209630	2	2	2	2	1	0	9
27890575	2	1	2	2	1	0	8
40015269	2	2	2	2	0	0	8
40017571	2	2	2	1	2	0	9
40024456	2	2	2	2	1	0	9
40031093	2	2	2	2	2	0	10
40036998	2	2	2	2	0	3	5.6
40046881	2	1	2	2	2	0	9
40047366	1	0	1	1	2	0	5
40048632	2	2	2	2	2	0	10
40050171	2	2	2	2	2	1	9
40054003	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	submitted .url file
40060883	2	2	2	2	2	0	10
40063663	2	2	2	1	2	0	9
40064122	2	2	2	1	1	0	8
40064649	2	2	2	2	2	0	10
40071692	2	2	2	2	2	0	10
40073402	2	2	2	2	2	0	10
40079344	2	2	1	2	2	0	9
40085329	2	2	2	2	2	0	10
40092619	2	2	2	2	2	0	10
40097848	2	2	2	2	1	1	8.1
40098376	2	2	2	2	1	0	9
40099729	2	2	2	2	2	0	10
40099827	2	2	2	2	2	0	10
40114920	1	1	2	2	1	0	7
40115189	2	2	2	0	1	0	7
40119050	2	2	2	2	1	0	9
40120182	1	1	2	2	2	0	8
40121510	2	2	2	2	1	0	9
40125997	2	2	2	2	2	0	10
40127106	2	2	2	2	2	0	10
40129985	2	2	2	2	1	0	9
40131548	2	2	2	1	1	1	7.2
40132610	2	2	2	2	0	0	8
40154620	2	2	2	2	1	0	9
40158556	2	2	2	2	1	0	9
40171967	1	1	2	0	1	0	5
40176227	2	2	2	2	2	0	10
40220168	2	2	2	2	2	0	10
40221463	2	2	2	2	2	0	10
40222724	1	1	2	2	1	0	7

Quiz 1 Marks
The results were a reasonable bell-curve from 4.0/10 to 10.0/10. Average around 7.0.

Some very common mistakes:
The count of the number of boys in second grade is a continuous and ratio variable.
For coin tossing, Heads/Tails is a nominal variable. It remains a nominal variable even when encoded as 0/1. For nominal variables the mean is not defined. So 0.4 is not the mean for the dataset.
Questions on basic material of pandas datatypes, plots, and descriptive data analysis and measurement scales.

SID		Total/10
21958283	6.50
24796810	5.50
26567762	9.50
26781357	7.50
26942105	8.00
27209630	6.50
27890575	5.50
40015269	7.50
40017571	5.00
40024456	6.00
40031093	7.00
40046881	6.00
40047366	6.50
40048632	8.50
40054003	7.00
40060883	5.50
40063663	5.50
40064122	7.00
40064649	3.50
40071692	7.50
40073402	9.00
40079344	8.00
40085329	3.50
40092619	4.50
40097848	7.00
40098376	9.00
40099729	7.00
40099827	7.00
40114920	8.00
40115189	6.50
40119050	8.00
40120182	9.50
40121510	9.50
40125997	7.50
40127106	8.00
40129985	4.50
40131548	5.50
40132610	6.50
40154620	8.50
40158556	5.50
40171967	7.00
40176227	7.50
40220168	10.00
40221463	8.00
40222724	6.00

Last modified on 07 September 2021 by