Dr. Fardin Bahreini
(2022). Ontological and Machine Learning
Approaches for Inspection of Facilities Using BIM.
Current position:

Neshat Bolourian (2022). Point Cloud-based Deep Learning
and UAV Path Planning for Surface Defect Detection of Concrete Bridges.
Current position:

Optimization of PV Modules Layout
on High-rise Building Skins Using a BIM-based Generative Design Approach.

Dr. Guévremont, Michel
(2021). 4D Simulation of Capital
Construction Projects: Levels of Development and Ontology for Delay Claims
Current position: Senior Lead Engineer - Scheduling and 4D
simulation at Hydro Québec

Dr. Chen,
Chen (2021). Computer Vision Based Automated
Monitoring and Analysis of Excavation Productivity on Construction Sites.
position: Assistant Professor, Zhejiang
University of Science and Technology

Dr. Taher, Alhusain
Mohamed (2021). Development of Earthwork Ontology
and its Application.
position: Montreal College of Information

Dr. Charles Nnaemeka Igwe (2021). A Process-Based Approach for
Integrating the Last Planner System In 4D Modeling for Equipment Workspace
Planning in Elevated Urban Highway.
Current position: Section Head, Canadian Nuclear Laboratories

Dr. Ali Alaghbandrad (2020). Economic Analysis and Information
Modeling of Smart Multi-purpose Utility Tunnels.
position: Full Stack Web Developer, Nectar Design

Arani, Seyed Amirhosain (2020). Optimizing energy performance of
building renovation using traditional and machine learning approaches.
position: Co-Founder and CTO at ExtergyAI

Salimi, Shide (2019). Simulation-Based Optimization of
Energy Consumption and Occupants Comfort in Open-Plan Office Buildings Using
Probabilistic Occupancy Prediction Model.
Current position: Research
Associate at Harvard University

Dr. Khaled El Ammari (2018). Remote Collaborative BIM-based
Mixed Reality Approach for Supporting Facilities Management Field Tasks.
position: Lead Mixed Reality Architect, Fiction Mine

Dr. Mohammad Mostafa Soltani (2017). Excavator Pose Estimation for
Safety Monitoring by Fusing Computer Vision and RTLS Data.
position: Senior Manager, Machine Learning, Procore Technologies

Dr. Ameen Hamza Albahri
(2017). Simulation-based optimization for
the placement of surveillance cameras in buildings using BIM.
Current position: Assistant Professor, King Abdul-Aziz University

Dr. Mawlana, Mohammed (2015). Improving Stochastic Simulation-based
Optimization for Selecting Construction Method of Precast Box Girder Bridges.
Current position: Assistant Professor of Construction
Management, Thomas Jefferson University

Dr. Faridaddin
Vahdatikhaki (2015). Towards Smart Earthwork Sites
Using Location-based Guidance and Multi-agent Systems.
position: Assistant Professor of BIM and ICT in Construction at
University of Twente

Dr. Ali Motamedi (2013). Improving Facilities Lifecycle
Management Using RFID Localization And BIM-Based Visual Analytics.
position: Associate Professor, École de technologie supérieure

Dr. Cheng Zhang (2010). Improving crane safety by
agent-based dynamic motion planning using UWB real-time location system.
Current position: Associate
Professor at Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University

Shayan (2022). Stochastic Simulation of
Construction Methods of Multi-purpose Utility Tunnels.
Current position: Project Manager

Torabi, Ghazaleh (2022). Productivity Monitoring of
Construction Workers Based on Spatiotemporal Activity Recognition.
Current position: Junior
Computer Vision Engineer, Leav

Akbarzadeh, Mohammad (2020). Enhancing Safety on Construction
Sites by Detecting Personal Protective Equipment and Localizing Workers Using
Computer Vision Techniques.
position: Software Engineer at Stratuscent

Yusheng (2020). Providing Proximity Safety and
Speeding Alerts to Workers on Construction Sites Using Bluetooth Low Energy
position: PhD Student at Concordia

Karandish, Forough
(2019). Analysis of the Performance of HOG
and CNNs for Detecting Construction Equipment and Personal Protective
Current position: Computer Vision Research
Engineer at Huawei, Canada

Majid Nasrollahi (2019). Automated Bridge Inspection for
Concrete Surface Defect Detection Using Deep Neural Network Based on LiDAR
position: Computer Vision Engineer at AIRM Consulting

Luo (2019). Multi-Criteria Spatial Analysis of Multi-Purpose
Utility Tunnels.

Roya (2019). Modeling Construction Equipment in
4D Simulation and Application in VR Safety Training.
Current position: Construction management

Roshanak (2019). Improving Fire Emergency
Management Using Occupant Information and BIM-Based Simulation.
Current position: Project

Liu, Zheng (2017).
Simulation of Local Climate Control in Shared Offices
Based on Occupants Locations and Preferences.
Current position: Technical
Sales Specialist at CertainTeed Architectural Products

Langari, Seied
Mohammad (2015). Enhanced Path Planning Method for
Improving Safety and Productivity of Excavation Operations.
Current position: Building
Specialist at CadK Inc.

Corrigan, James
S. (2015). Investigating the Use of RFID
Technology in the Reverse Logistics of End-of-Service-Life Helicopters: A
Hybrid Approach Based On Design for Six Sigma and Discrete-event Simulation.

Bardia (2015). Design and Simulation of RFID-Enabled Aircraft Reverse
Logistics Network via Agent-Based Modeling.
position: Supply Chain Analyst at Weston Foods Inc.

Salimi, Shide (2014). Performance Analysis of
Simulation-based Multi-objective Optimization of Bridge Construction
Processes Using High Performance Computing.
Current position: Research
Associate at Harvard University

Hassaan Siddiqui (2014). UWB RTLS for Construction
Equipment Localization: Experimental Performance Analysis and Fusion with
Video Data.
Current position: Solution Verification
Professional, Ericsson

Nassim (2014). Monitoring Occupancy and Office
Equipment Energy Consumption Using Real-Time Location System and Wireless
Energy Meters.
Current position: Product Strategy Manager, LifeWorks

Mahsa Rafiee (2014). Improving Indoor Security
Surveillance by Fusing Data from BIM, UWB and Video.
Current position: Security Engineer, Scotiabank

Shayan Setayeshgar (2014). Improving Safety on Construction
Sites Using BIM-Based Dynamic Virtual Fences and Ultra-Wideband Technology.
Current position: Senior Construction
Program Manager at HDR

Ghadiri Moghaddam, Danial (2014). Framework for Integrating Bridge
Inspection Data with Bridge Information Model.
Current position:

Dr. Mohammad Mostafa Soltani (2013). Neighborhood Localization Method
for Locating Construction Resources Based on RFID and BIM.
position: Senior Manager, Machine Learning, Procore Technologies

Eesa Sandani (2013). system dynamics simulation for investigating RFID
potential in aircraft dis-assembly operations.
position: Business Practice Lead at Munvo

Kehinde Oluyemisi Adetiloye (2012). Design of RFID-enabled Aircraft
Reverse Logistics Network Simulation.
Current position:

Ahmad Doriani
(2012). Simulation-Based 4D Modeling for Planning and
Scheduling of Elevated Urban Highway Reconstruction Projects.
Current position:

Dr. Aloqaily,
Moayad (2012). Multiparty/Multimedia Conferencing
in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks for Improving Communications between Firefighters.
Current position: Managing Director at xAnalytics Inc.

Asen, Yoosef (2012). Building Information Modeling
Based Integration and Visualization for Facilities Management.

Syeda Laila Nargis (2012). Communicating urban density:
Assessing the challenges and opportunities in the use of 3-D representation
for public participation in planning.
Current position: GIS Officer for CMAR

Sato, Yu (2011). Location-based Responsive Space
for Multimedia Environment Using Ultra-wideband Technology.
Current position:

JunYu Jian (2011). Development of a Web Service for
Visualizing the Data of Ultra Wideband Real-Time Location System.
Current position: Senior Machine Learning
Engineer at Thomson Reuters

Rozhdestvenskiy, Dmitry (2010). Product Tracking and Direct Parts
Marking System Optimization.
position: Engineer in
Residence, Concordia University

Homam Al-Bahnassi (2010). Real-time motion planning and
simulation of cranes in construction.
Current position: Senior Technical Artist, NVIDIA

Sonia Rodriguez
(2010). Experimental study on location
tracking of construction resources using UWB for better productivity and
Current position: QA Continuous
Improvement, at Luminator Technology Group ·

Dr. Ali Motamedi (2009). Framework for lifecycle management of facilities
components using RFID technology.
position: Associate Professor, École de technologie supérieure

Bao Jin Hu (2009). Quality of spatial information for
municipal infrastructure management.
Current position: Founder, Vffice Inc.

Rakesh Saini
(2009). Data protection of RFID-Based
distributed storage.
Current position: Principal
Program Manager at Workday, CISSP

Sepideh Zakikhani
(2009). Structural health monitoring using
wireless sensors and damage detection of civil infrastructures.
Current position: Proposal Specialist,
Eurovia BC Group of Companies

Sara Fadaee
(2008). Impact of population
intensification near transit nodes on Montreal traffic assignment.
Current position: Transportation Engineer
at Morrison Hershfield Limited

Yan (2008). A survey of the state of bridge
management in Canada.
position: Project Engineer at ProSlide Technology Inc.

Bechir Khabir
(2008). Framework for indoor video-based
augmented reality applications.
position: Software Development Manager, EMWorks
Electromagnetic Simulation Software

Parinaz Pakniat
(2008). Optimizing bridge decks
maintenance strategies based on probabilistic performance prediction using
genetic algorithm.
Current position: Commercial Innovation
Manager at Canam

Xiangyang Tan (2008). Automatic code compliance checking in designing
building envelopes.
position: Principal at XT Engineering Ltd.

Hui Wang (2008). Distributed augmented reality for
visualizing collaborative construction tasks.
Current position: Specialist SW
Development Engineer at Hitachi Data Systems

Hong Pang (2007). Cell-based representation and
analysis of spatial resources in construction simulation.
Current position: Backend
Developer, Stratos Network

Linchuan Yang (2007) Ad-hoc wireless networking for
supporting on-site communication.
position: Senior Administrator, Wireless Networking

Dr. Khaled El Ammari
(2006). Visualization, data sharing and
interoperability issues in model-based facilities management systems.
position: Lead Mixed Reality Architect, Fiction Mine

Yongxin Hu (2006). Mobile location-based bridge
inspection decision-support system.

Elaheh Mozaffari (2006). Creating and testing urban virtual
reality models for engineering applications.
Current position: College Professor at
Champlain college

Dr. Cheng Zhang (2006). Spatio-temporal visualization and
analysis for infrastructure management systems.
position: Associate Professor at Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University

Hua Sheng He
(2005). IFC-based framework for evaluating
building envelope performance.
Current position: Project
Manager, Transportation & Special Projects - Howard County