Other Research

Other Research by Students

Site: Concordia University Building Environment (CUBE) Lab
Course: Concordia University Building Environment (CUBE) Lab
Book: Other Research
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Date: Sunday, 16 February 2025, 8:01 PM

Table of contents

Building Airflow and Thermal Management

CityFFD - A New In-house Dimensionless Urban Microclimate Fast Fluid Dynamics + Large Eddy Simulation (LES) Model

Student: Mohammad Mortezazadeh Dorostkar, Ph.D. Candidate

Sponsor: NVIDIA; NSERC Discovery Grants; Concordia University Research Chair

We gratefully acknowledge the support of NVIDIA Corporation with the donation of the Titan V GPU used for this research.


A. Katal, M. Mortezazadeh and L. Wang. 2018. Modeling building resilience against extreme weather by integrated CityFFD and CityBEM simulations. Applied Energy. Under Review. Pages 29.

M. Mortezazadeh, Z. Jandaghian and L. Wang. 2018. Integrating CityFFD and WRF for modeling urban microclimate in street canyon. Journal of Building Performance Simulation. Under Review. Pages 23.

M. Mortezazadeh and L. Wang. 2018. SLAC – A semi-Lagrangian artificial compressibility solver for steady-state incompressible flows. International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow.

M. Mortezazadeh and L. Wang. 2016. A high-order backward forward sweep interpolation algorithm for semi-Lagrangian method. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids. Volume 84, Issue 10, 584–597.

M. Mortezazadeh and L. Wang. 2018. Modelling urban airflows by a new parallel high-order semi-Lagrangian 3D fluid flow solver. The 4th Conference on Building Energy Environment (COBEE 2018), Melbourne, Australia, 2018/2.

Research Highlights (A few hours computing time for 10-50 million grids on a PC with one GPU card):

1. Modeling Urban Microclimates

Montreal 2017 Summer Heatwaves and Urban Heat Island
- Montreal Downtown with Mont Royal

Toronto Downtown

CityFFD Modeling Process

Xi'an China, Downtown (5000 buildings, 30 million grids, 3 hours)

Xi'an China

Tianjin, China (Tianjin University and Nankai University)

Tianjin China

CityFFD modeling process: GIS map (OpenStreetMap -> Grid generation -> Postprocessing)

CityBEM - City Building Energy Model and Whole-building Energy Analysis

Students: Ali Katal, PhD Candidate

Sponsor: Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Discovery Grants


A. Katal, M. Mortezazadeh and L. Wang. 2018. Modeling building resilience against extreme weather by integrated CityFFD and CityBEM simulationsApplied Energy. Under Review. Pages 29.

Research Highlights:

CityBEM: A physics-based simulation model for calculation of buildings energy usage and saving from energy retrofits. 

Import 3D buildings from OpenStreetMap (OSM)

Downtown Toronto 3D model imported from OpenStreetMap

Modeling Snow-Storm of the Centrury 1971 March 4 - 7 of Montreal, Nun's Island (1500 buildings)

Nun's Island model

Nun's Island model

Buildings temperature map during power outage caused by Snow-storm

Total heat loss of the buildings during the storm

Total heat loss

Buildings resilience study after the power outage

Nun's Island buildings resilience

Small-scale Built Environment Testing and Similarities Applied to 3D-Printing

Students: Chang Shu, Ph.D. Candidate


Chang, S., L. Wang. 2019. Revisiting Reynolds independent phenomenon by dimensionless CFD analysis of urban and built environment airflows. Submitted to ISHVAC 2019, Harbin, China, 8 pages.


Pressure coefficients on the centre blocks under different Reynolds Numbers

Natural Ventilation Potential Map 

Students: Ali Katal, PhD Candidate and Jun Cheng M.A.Sc.

Sponsor: Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Discovery Grants


Cheng J, Qi D, Katal A, Wang LL, Stathopoulos T. Evaluating wind-driven natural ventilation potential for early building design. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics. 2018 Nov 1;182:160-9.

Research Highlights:

Natural ventilation potential map of North America

Maximum annual NV potentials (hours/year) across North America: single-sided (left), cross ventilation (right)

Maximum annual NV potential

Daytime percentage of NV potential hours across North America: single-sided (left), cross ventilation (right)

Daytime percentage of NV potential hours

Forecasting Simulations in Built Environment by Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF) (Data Assimilation)

Student: Danlin Hou, Ph.D. Candidate and Cheng-Chun Lin, Ph.D.

Sponsor: Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Discovery Grants


C. Lin and L. Wang. 2013. Forecasting simulations of indoor environment using data assimilation via an Ensemble Kalman Filter. Building and Environment. Volume 64, pp. 169-176.

C. Lin and L. Wang. 2014. Applications of Data Assimilation to Forecasting Indoor Environment. 2014 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE). Taipei, Taiwan, August 18-22, 2014.

D. Hou, C. Lin, A. Katal and L. Wang. 2019. Forecasting Cooling Load and Energy Saving Potential by Ensemble Kalman Filter for an Institutional High-Rise Building with Hybrid Ventilation. Submitted to ISHVAC 2019. Harbin, China, 8 pages.

Research Highlights:

Comparisons of deterministic sequential simulation and EnKF with the measured SF6

Predictability of the model near the second injection of SF6

Smart Air Curtains

Students: Senwen Yang, Ph.D. Candidate, Cheng Zhang, M.A.Sc. Candidate, Chang Shu, Ph.D. Candidate


Research Highlights:

AMCA News:

Selected Results:

Air Curtain Models

Comparison of Infiltrations

Test Facility - the CUBE (Concordia University Building Environment test lab)


3D ViewEnclosure




(Pictures and videos courtesy from MEKANIC, thanks to Thierry Lafrance)


Sub Scale Model Experiment and Dimensionless Design

Student: Xin Zhang, M.A.Sc. Candidate, Shu Chang, Ph.D. Candidate, Cheng Zhang, M.A.Sc. Candidate



Research Highlights :

Investigated the performances of a hybrid ventilation system for the airflow pattern and temperature distribution in a sub-scale 17-story building model by comparing with its natural ventilation performances by PIV. Then a multi-zone building model can be developed and validated by comparing the results to the measurement data.


Modular Growing Bed Ventilation System Design With SLA(Stereolithography Apparatus) 3D Printing Technology

Student: Cheng Zhang, M.A.Sc. Candidate, Xin Zhang, M.A.Sc. Candidate, Shu Chang, Ph.D. Candidate.

Sponsor: NutraPonics Canada Corporation


Research Highlights :

Investigated the flow distribution of localized mechanical ventilation in a warehouse. PIV results were used to correlate the empirical equation so that the jet flow velocities can be predicted under different conditions.


Building Fire Protection and Smoke Management

Forecasting Fire Smoke Safety in Buildings and Hybrid Building Simulations Using Data Assimilation

Student: Cheng-Chun Lin, Ph.D.

Sponsor: Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Discovery Grants



Research Highlights:

1. Indoor Contaminant Transport Prediction

DA-Project1    DA2-Project1

2. Forecasting Building Smoke Transport During Fires


Real-time Forecasting of Building Fire and Smoke Spread for a 3-zone Case

(the case is 1:5 scale of the NIST fire test)

At 180 seconds, heat release rate increased from 1.5 kW to 2.8 kW. The system was able to respond dynamically: the forecasted parameters (lines) updated dynamically according to the measured data (dots).

High-rise Building Fire Smoke Management

Student: Dahai (Darren) Qi, PhD Candidate (co-supervised with Dr. Radu Zmeureanu)

Sponsor: Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Discovery Grants


Research Highlights:

1. Analytical models of smoke spread in high-rise buildings


2. An updated numerical model of whole-building airflow and thermal model - CONTAM97R

3. Integration of FDS and CONTAM97R

Modeling and Sub-scale Experiments of Building Fire Smoke Management

Student: Guanchao (Jeremy) Zhao, PhD Candidate

Sponsor: Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Discovery Grants; Concordia OVPPGS SEED Individual Funding Program



Research Highlights:

1. A new method of using pure helium as a surrogate of fire smoke

Jeremy Test

2. A new numerical model for high-rise smoke controls - COSMO (collaborated with Dr. William Black at Georgia Tech, US)



Research Associate

  1. Dr. Wenhui Peng (AI-Driven CFD Applications to Urban Microclimate Modeling)
  2. Dr. Ali Katal
  3. Dr. Mohammad Mortezazadeh 

Research Assistant

  1. Shaoxiang Qin (AI CFD Applications)
  2. Maher Albettar (Digital Twin)
  3. Zhaoyu Zheng (Digital Twin)

Postdoc Fellow

  1. Dr. Michael Kim (co-supervised with Dr. Andreas Athienitis)

PhD Students

  1. Travis Moore (co-supervised with Dr. Michael Lacasse)
  2. Ibrahim Abdehlhady (co-supervised with Dr. Dahai Qi), PhD Student, University of Sherboorke
  3. Saeed Rayegan (co-supervised with Dr. Radu Zmeureanu)
  4. Shujie Yan (co-supervised with Dr. John Zhai and Dr. Shelly Miller)
  5. Jiwei Zou (co-supervised with Dr. 
  6. Dongxue Zhan (co-supervised with Dr. Ibrahim Hassan)
  7. Senwen Yang (co-supervised with Dr. Ted Stathopoulos)
  8. Houzhi Wang (co-supervised with Dr. Ruoyu You, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University) 

Master Students

  1. Ahmed Moustafa Marey (co-supervised with Dr. Sherif Goubran from American University in Cairo)
  2. Cheng Chen (co-supervised with Dr. Weiyi Shang from Computer Science at Concordia University and Dr. David Vidal at Polytechnique Montreal)
  3. Eslam Mohamed Ali (co-supervised with Dr. Andreas Athienitis)
  4. Omar Hassan (co-supervised with Dr. Ibrahim Hassan)
  5. Zahra Salehi (co-supervised with Dr. Hua Ge)
  6. Majd Moujahed (co-supervised with Dr. Ibrahim Hassan) 
  7. Kathryn Chung Tze Cheong (co-supervised with Dr. Hua Ge)
  8. Sepehrdad Tahmasebi