…one of the main causes of the fall of the Roman Empire was that, lacking zero, they had no way to indicate successful termination of their C programs.
  • Robert Firth
Home News JDeodorant at ICSE '11, Hawaii
JDeodorant at ICSE '11, Hawaii PDF Print E-mail

JDeodorant goes for surfing at Waikiki beach!
The new feature that will be presented to ICSE 2011 attendants is the identification of Extract Class refactoring opportunities. The Extract Class refactoring can be used to decompose large and complex classes implementing multiple concepts.
Our approach offers a complete solution to the problem by supporting all distinct activities of the refactoring process:

- It identifies the distinct concepts being present in a class by clustering its members based on their usage dependencies.
- It examines a set of preconditions to determine whether the identified concepts can be extracted without affecting program behavior.
- It ranks the suggested refactorings according to their impact on design quality in order to enable the prioritization of maintenance on parts of the software that would benefit most.
- It automatically applies the refactorings selected by the user following a single-click approach.

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