From Dr. Joey Paquet Web Site
Current Courses (fall 2018)
Past Courses
Number | Title | Semesters |
COMP442/6421 | Compiler design | F98, W00, W01, F01, W03, W07, F08, W12, W13, W14, W15, W16, W17, W18 |
COMP6411 | Comparative study of programming languages | W99, W10, W11, W12, W13, W14 |
COMP345 | Advanced program design with C++ | F07, W08, F09, F10, F11, F13, F14, F15, F16, F17, F18 |
SOEN6441 | Advanced programming practices | W06, F06, W07, W09, W10, W11, F11, F12, F14, W16, W17, F17, F18 |
SOEN341 | Software process | F03, F04, W04, W05, F05, F06 |
SOEN490 | Software engineering design project | F05-W06 |
COMP248 | Introduction to programming | F98, W99, W03, S03, W06 |
COMP354 | Software engineering I | W01, S01, S02, F02, F03, W04, W05, F05 |
SOEN342 | Software requirements and specifications | F00, F01, F02 |
COMP5541 | Tools and techniques for software engineering | S99, F99, F00, S01 |
COMP6471 | Software design methodologies | W00 |
COMP229 | System software | F99 |