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Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Dr. Bipin C. DESAI

Bipin C. Desai Publication: On the Web Publication: Print Information for prospective graduate students My current graduate students and their projects Some of my past graduate students Teaching: Courses Photos Photos CopyForward ConfSys CrsMgr C3S2E International Database Engineering & Applications Symposium(IDEAS) International Database Engineered Applications Symposium(IDEAS)


Dept. of Computer Science & Software Engineering
Concordia University,
Montreal, H3G 1M8

+1 514 848 2424(3025)                     messages +1 514 848 3000

+1 514 848 2830

Bipin C period Desai AT concordia yet-another dot two-character-code-4-CANADA-with-no-spaces!!

Pl. note:

This page and all the associated ones are updated, very irregularly!!.

Your email would never reach me, specially if it comes from free email sites which mines private email messages for their own enrichment; such emails would be deleted by my spam filter and sent to /dev/null.

If you want to reach me, get yourself an email address e.g., which is from your own university or work place. Let us hope that some time soon, the idiotic/bent/egoist politicians would use the public postal systems to manage a secure publicly controlled email system.

Even though I was involved in the very early days of the WWW, it has been a dis-appointing betrayal of its original intent. I do not participate in any networks - social(!) or unsocial, so pl. don't invite me to join any!

If you are a prospective student and want me to supervise you, you must be able to fund your graduate studies. I am very selective and don't expect a reply to your request.

Current Research Interests:

Applications of AI and Intelligent Systems,
Applications of Cryptography,
Database Systems,
Database Engineering and Applications,
Econsumer and Ecommerce,
Privacy and Security,
Virtual Library,
Web and its applications

Useful Links

© 2007 Bipin C. DESAI
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Concordia University | Faculty of ENCS | Department of CS
Last updated Feb. 1, 2007.