MultiWii Flight Controller Guide


The following is a brief guide for how to configure and use a MultiWii flight controller board.  It shows how to compile and upload the MultiWii library, connect the components, configure, and operate the board.


Source files


The following rar file contains the most recent version (version 2.4) of the MultiWii library and configuration tools:

You should download it and expand the file into a separate folder (e.g. my_multiwii).  You will configure files in this folder and then compile the library and upload it to your MultiWii board.  Note the MultiWii libraries (all versions) can also be found here:


The following steps can be used to setup and operate the MultiWii board.


1)     Safety guidelines


Multi-copters can be fairly dangerous depending on the capability of the motors.  Regardless, you should be careful of your fingers and wear eye protection when first using your multi-copter with a new flight controller board.  Install an on-off switch and always turn it off when working with the board or at least disconnect the battery.  A flight controller board can potentially turn the motors on with full voltage at unexpected times. 


To reduce the risk when first working with a flight controller board you should remove the propellers from all the motors and at first even disconnect the battery (i.e. just run the MultiWii from the USB port).


Li-poly batteries can also be dangerous if you short the wires (resulting in very bright sparks and very hot wires).  You should be careful when connecting li-poly batteries to your multi-copter and tape off one wire if you are directly wiring a battery or its connector.  Li-poly batteries are also a fire hazard and should be stored in a sturdy metal box when not in use.  They should not be left unattended when charging.


2)     Install USB drivers and software


The flight controller board is normally connected to a PC with a micro USB cable.  In some cases there is a USB – FTDI adapter to connect to the board.  In either case you usually need to install the appropriate driver software.  For Flip 1.5 and 2.5 boards the following CP210x device driver is needed.


Note: you need to be administrator of the computer in order to install the device driver.  However, some computers might already have the drivers installed and in some cases Windows will install the drivers automatically after the board has been plugged in (wait 30s or so).


You should install a good C++ text editor such as Notepad++ (for Windows) or TextWrangler (for Mac) in order to modify the text files in the MultiWii library.  Please see the Text Editor section of the following link for instructions on installation and configuration for these packages.


Install Arduino IDE version 1.6.8 from the following link.


More recent versions might work, but there are no guarantees since I did my testing on this version.


You should also install VLC to watch the videos on this webpage:


3)     Test the board


Once the USB driver has been installed you should perform a simple test of the board from the Arduino IDE.  The following video shows how this is done.


Note in order to watch the videos on this webpage you should right click (two finger click on Mac) on the link of the video and select “Save Link As …” on Google Chrome or “Download Linked File As ...” on Safari.  The file can then be opened and played with VLC.


If the testing process doesn’t work it’s most likely because the driver was not installed properly or due to some incompatibility between the computer and the board.  In that case you should try another computer / operating system.


4)     Modify the configuration file


In order to compile and upload the MultiWii library you first need to modify the configuration file.  The following webpage describes how this is done.


5)     Compile and upload the library


The following video shows how to compile and upload the MultiWii library to the flight controller board.


6)     Run the configuration program


The following video shows how to use the MultiWii configuration program with just the USB cable connected.  Don’t connect the other components yet.


7)     Connect the board to other components


The following document shows how to connect the board to the other hardware components.


Note: you should also install a battery connector and an on-off switch on the multi-copter.  If you are modifying an existing drone you can normally recycle these components from the drone.


It’s also a good idea to install a battery monitor so you know when your drone is running out of power.  Information about this will be added in the near future – ask me if you don’t see it.


8)     Operational testing


Note: to reduce the risk when first working with the flight controller board you should remove the propellers from all the motors and at first even disconnect the battery (i.e. just run the MultiWii from the USB port).


The following video shows how to configure the board and test its operation after the components have been connected (except the propellers).


Note: in order to arm the controller the MultiWii board must be flat.


In the video above it was seen that for the Spektrum DXe Transmitter and AR610 Receiver the yaw input signal (needed for arming/disarming the controller) varied from 1190 to 1790 (with the input trim switches centered).  The throttle input (also used for arming and disarming) varied from 1090 to 1850. However, in order to arm the controller the MultiWii library expects a yaw input of greater than 1900 and a throttle input of less than 1100.  In order to disarm the controller, the library expects a yaw input of less than 1100 and a throttle input of less than 1100.  This problem was solved in the video by adjusting the trim switches, but that was an inconvenient short term solution.


There are two ways of solving this problem for a given transmitter/receiver.  The first way is to configure the transmitter so that the range of the inputs (yaw, throttle, etc.) vary from 1075 to 1925.  For the Spektrum DXe you need a special USB cable (which I don’t feel like buying or using). 


The second way (my preferred method) is to adjust the expected input range in the MultiWii library.  This can be done by changing the following lines in “MultiWii.h” as follows.


#define MINCHECK 1205

#define MAXCHECK 1775


A yaw input of less than MINCHECK is required to disarm. This will now occur for the observed minimum value of 1190 for the transmitter.  A yaw input of greater than MAXCHECK is required to arm.  This will now occur for the maximum input signal of 1790.  The throttle must also be less than MINCHECK to arm / disarm which will occur for the minimum observed value of 1090.


Note: the MINCHECK and MAXCHECK values might have to be adjusted for different transmitters and receivers.  The transmitter input ranges can be observed using the configuration program as illustrated in the above video.  Before doing that make sure the trim switches are centered.  This should result in a special clicking sound from the transmitter and an input value of around 1500.


Note: In the Spektrum DXe transmitter the rate switch above the right stick controls the range of the input signals.  When the switch is high the range is as noted above.  When the switch is low the range is from 1105 to 1905 when the trims switches are centered.  This is the recommended rate switch setting since the range is closer to the MultiWii default range.  For the rate switch on this setting the following parameters are appropriate:


#define MINCHECK 1115

#define MAXCHECK 1895


I suspect the rate switch on my transmitter is maybe upside down (the round switches can get lose and change direction tightened).  Be careful to make sure you are using the correct rate switch setting in order to stay consistent.  This can be checked with the configuration program.


After the MINCHECK and MAXCHECK values have been modified in MultiWii.h the library must be re-compiled and uploaded again (step 5) and the board sensors calibrated (step 6).  After these steps are completed you can move on to the next video which illustrates more aspects of operational testing and configuration.


Note: it seems that the board prefers to be horizontal and pointing approximately in the north direction in order to arm (not completely sure about the north direction though – could depend on the board and flight controller mode).


In the video above it was found that the motor outputs would not go to zero (i.e. the motors wouldn’t stop) even when the MINTHROTTLE was small (the minimum observed value was 1220).  In order to fix this problem the following line (#37) in EEPROM.cpp needs to be changed:


eeprom_read_block((void*)&conf, (void*)(global_conf.currentSet * sizeof(conf) + sizeof(global_conf)), sizeof(conf));


The line needs to be changed to:


eeprom_read_block((void*)&conf, (void*)(global_conf.currentSet * sizeof(conf) + sizeof(global_conf)), sizeof(conf));


conf.minthrottle = MINTHROTTLE;


Reversing transmitter stick directions


For the Spectrum DXe transmitter I found (after some initial flights with my pimped Syma X5C) that the right stick in the horizontal direction (Aileron) had the wrong direction.  You need to reverse its direction if it hasn’t been done so already. The instructions for reversing stick directions are given here:


Note: before tuning the PID controllers and testing the multi-copter brushless ESCs must first be calibrated (brushed ESCs don’t require calibration).  Information about how this is done is given in the Lynxmotion MultiWii “Electronics & Wiring” manual in the “ESC Throttle Calibration” section.  Note you should not use the “Alternate ESC Calibration” in the Lynxmotion MultiWii “Software Configuration” manual.  Both manuals are provided here for reference.


For some multi-copters the propellers might need to be balanced.  This is discussed in “Propeller Balancing” section of the Lynxmotion electronics manual above.  Note that a plastic propeller can sometimes be balanced by trimming a small amount of material from the tip of the propeller.


9) Flight testing


Note: make sure you disconnect the USB cable before flying the multi-copter.  It’s very easy to damage (i.e. pull off) the USB connector on the MultiWii board.


Note this section is just preliminary.  Don’t proceed until I have looked at your multi-copter.


For initial flight testing, find a relatively large open space indoors (greater than 10 feet by 10 feet).  Make sure all participants are aware of the test and well away from the drone before connecting it and flying.


After you have completed step 8 you should be able to arm and disarm with the battery connected and the USB not connected.  The motors should then respond appropriately with adjustments of the transmitter stick.  Note that the default PID gains should be sufficient to perform some initial test flights.


At this point you can connect your propellers back on your multi-copter (make sure the battery is not connected).  Place your drone flat on the ground pointing approximately in the north direction.  Power up the transmitter (this should always be done before connecting the battery).  Then connect the battery while keeping your hands away from the propellers.  Step well away from the multi-copter and then arm the flight controller.  Then disarm the flight controller to make sure you know how disarm in case you run into problems.  Note you should always disarm controller before you get near the multi-copter – make sure you can see the arm and disarm LED on your drone for confirmation.


Arm the controller and slowly increase the throttle so that the drone is 6-12 in above the ground and note any tendencies to move in one direction. Then land and make small adjustments of the trim switches to reduce any tendencies.  Repeat the process in this paragraph until the trim switches are adjusted.


At this point you should try flying the drone 3-12 in above the ground for some time to build up your intuition of how the drone flies.  Then try gradually increasing the height as you become more confident.  Note that larger drones are heaver and can be more easily damaged when dropping from significant heights especially when dropping onto hard surfaces.  This is one of the reasons I like small quads such as the Syma X5C.


10) PID controller tuning


This will be added later.  Take a break for now.