Available Positions
I am recruiting outstanding graduate students with interests in the areas of smart grid security, fingerprinting and big data security analytics, threat intelligence generation. The available postodoctoral fellow, PhD and Master positions are listed hereafter:

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Smart Grid Security
In collaboration with Hydro-Quebec and Thales under the NSERC Hydro-Quebec Thales Senior Industrial Research Chair in Smart Grid Security

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Fingerprinting and Big Data Security Analytics
Funded by NSERC Discovery Grant, the National Defence Discovery Supplement, CU Research Chair Tier 1 in Cyber Security, and in collaboration with several industrial and governmental organizations

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Automatic Generation of Cyber Threat Intelligence
In collaboration with NCFTA Canada and its partners
You are welcome to apply by sending and email to me if you satisfy the following requirements:
Strong work ethic
Strong analytical skills
Proficient in programming (preferably C, C++, C#, Java, Python)
GPA > 3.7/4.3 in your graduate and undergraduate study
Good writing skills
At least one reasonably good refereed publication for a Ph.D. applicant
The email should include the following information:
Unofficial transcripts
Evidence of proficient programming ability
Description of your research interests
Sample publications if any