Software Engineering Standards

This section describes the scope, roles, uses, and development trends of the most widely used IEEE software engineering standards and some ISO standards for software engineering.The section concentrates on important software engineering activities-quality and project management, system engineering, dependability, and safety. The analysis and regrouping of the standard collections exposes you to key relationships between standards.

Over 230 active, draft and archived standards are published by IEEESESC, The leading standards are used throughout the industry today, covering terminology, processes, tools, reuse, project management, plans, documentation and measurement.

ISO Standards Collection

The major part is ISO12207, which is an international software engineering standard that defines the software engineering process, activity, and tasks that are associated with a software life cycle process from conception through retirement. The standard has the main objective of supplying a common structure so that the buyers, suppliers, developers, maintainers, operators, managers and technicians involved with the software development use a common language. It aims to be 'the' standard that defines all the tasks required for developing and maintaining software.

Here is a comprehensive list of software standards in the following category:

Some helpful presentations:

  1. An Overview of IEEE Software Engineering Standards, which provides an introduction to IEEE Software Engineering Standards Committee (SESC) , provides an overview of the current state and future direction of IEEE Software Engineering standards and knowledge products, and discuss how you can participate in software engineering.
    standardization efforts.
  2. Introduction to ISO/IEC software engineering standards, which introduces the family of ISO/IEC Software Engineering Standards and describes the relationships between software engineering and systems engineering standards.