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Home News JDeodorant at CSMR '08, Athens
JDeodorant at CSMR '08, Athens PDF Print E-mail
JDeodorant team has enhanced the deodorant arsenal with another bad smell (apart from Feature Envy), namely the Type Checking bad smell. Type Checking is considered to be an important design problem, since it is related with the lack of polymorphism employment. The application of the refactorings that resolve such kinds of design problems (such as Replace Type Code with State/Strategy and Replace Conditional with Polymorphism) is thought to be a rather cumbersome and difficult procedure.

The developers of JDeodorant will have the opportunity to demonstrate the new features of the tool to the attendants of CSMR '08 in Athens, as the tool has been accepted to be presented in the tool demo session of the conference.

Everyone that would like to see the new features of JDeodorant can visit the Screencasts section of the site.

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