structural load of building envelope
Structural System: "The combination of elements and materials required to transfer inherent and applied loads to the ground."
-(Class Definition)
earth quake, hurricane
CCE - Canadian Consulting Engineer
- "a magazine for professional engineers working as consultants in the construction field. Published since 1957, it is the only national engineering magazine in Canada that covers all engineering disciplines and all geographic regions"
Distance Education at CWC
- Online Audio/Visual Presentations on "Building codes and Research, Modern Wood Construction, Trusses, Lateral Design, Architecture and Wood, Paints and Coatings, Connections and Engineered Wood Products", after free reg.
Walls and Infrastructure
- excellent introductory info on building envelope (Foundations Wall Structures Roof Structures), as Structural System, a course suplment.
- earthquake hurricane
- A summary of the structural performance of single-family, wood-frame housing, by Yancey, C.W., Cheok, G.S., Sadek, F., and Mohraz, B., 1998
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- Analysis of brick veneer walls on wood frame construction subjected to out-of-plane loads, by Reneckis, D., Lafave, J. M., 2005
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- E330-02 standard test method for structural performance of exterior windows, curtain walls, and doors by uniform static air pressure difference, by ASTM, 2002
- history of US
- Review of structural materials and methods for home building in the United States: 1900-2000, by NAHB Research Center, Inc, 2001
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- Structural implications of increased panel use in wood-frame buildings , by Morse-Fortier, L. J., 1995