construction industry
Construction industry employs 111 million employees: (In CICA, 2000, Industry as a partner for sustainable development: construction,, quoting "ILO Report 2001 page 5")
? 7% of total employment,
? 28% of industrial employment,
? 75% of construction workers are in developing countries,
? typically over 90% of workers are employed in micro firms with less than ten people,
? the construction industry(3) has a significant multiplier effect on the economy as a whole and it is considered that one job in construction gives rise to two further jobs(4) elsewhere in the construction sector and in other parts of the economy. On this basis it can be seen that as much as 20% of all employment may be linked to construction activities in some way.
Construction accounts for 10% of global economic activity
* Consumes 40% of the world¡¯s material & energy production
* Accounts for 17% of the fresh water consumption
* Uses 25% of the annual global wood harvest
Source: Trusty, W. B., Meil, J. K., 2000, Buildings as Products: Issues and Challenges for LCA
"Construction in the UK is one of the pillars of the domestic economy. The industry in its widest sense is likely to have an output of some ¡ê58 billions in 1998, equivalent to roughly 10% of GDP and employs around 1.4 million people. It is simply too important to be allowed to stagn ate." DTI, 1998, Rethinking Construction: The Report of the Construction Task Force ;;
Other Site
ILO: (www.ilo.org/public/english/) Internal Labor Org
Construction Resources (www.constructionresources.net/)
CCA (www.cca-acc.com/) Canadian Construction Association, Information and statistics about the Canadian construction industry
Construction Specification Canada
CSC (www.csc-dcc.ca/) is a multi-disciplinary, non-profit association dedicated to the improvement of communication, contract documentation, and technical information in the construction industry
Construction Statistics Annual 2002, UK
AEI - Architectural Engineering Institute
- ".. a place to examine issues and exchange views and information with one another, .. to facilitate the crucial communication among these members of the building team, both on a technical basis and in the professional arena.... technical literature, professional advocacy, and educational opportunities."
BDCMag- online magazine Building Design & Construction
- a "magazine published for the building team ¡ª architects, engineers, contractors, building owners and facilities managers involved in design and construction of nonresidential buildings"
Canadian Architect
- "a magazine for architects and related professionals practicing in Canada.
Canadian Home Builders' Association, BC (CHBA-BC)
- "offers technical support services, reference materials and government information for the benefit of all its members. "
Canadian Housing & Construction Centre, CHCC
- "works closely with it's corporate and international clients to enhance their success by taking advantage of BCIT's experience and expertise in training and technology transfer as well as institutional strengthening and capacity building services." at School of Construction and the Environment, British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT)
Canadian Thesaurus of Construction Science and Technology at IRC/NRC
- Hundreds of terms (not much explanation through).
CCA- Canadian Construction Association
- Information and statistics about the canadian construction industry
CCB- Construction Criteria Base
- subscription: "an extensive electronic library of construction guide specifications, manuals, standards and many other essential criteria documents... 10,000 documents .. effective tool available for finding and using current, approved U.S. construction criteria" by NIBS
CCE - Canadian Consulting Engineer
- "a magazine for professional engineers working as consultants in the construction field. Published since 1957, it is the only national engineering magazine in Canada that covers all engineering disciplines and all geographic regions"
CEETB - European Technical Contractors Committee for the Construction Industry
- "Functions and tasks: To promote the technical contractors; To ensure professional representation within European Community bodies. etc."
- created by
ASCE, aimed to "advance productivity, performance, and sustainability in the design and construction industry through innovation and collaboration"
CMHC- Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
- "the federal government's housing agency, is responsible for administering the National Housing", formerly the Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation
Construction information
- well organized links to resources (university, government, org. std. journal, material) related to construction, for all countries
Construction Resources
Construction Specifications Canada (CSC),
- "published six times a year to provide a forum for specifiers, contractors, architects and engineers involved in design and construction, with emphasis on meeting the needs of specification writers." - abstract only, subscription for full access.
Construction Technology Updates
- "..Practical 4-6 page publications for architects, engineers, specification writers, property managers, builders and building officials. " by IRC/NRC
CSC - Construction Specifications Canada
- " a national association with chapters across Canada, a multi-disciplinary, non-profit association dedicated to the improvement of communication, contract documentation, and technical information in the construction industry"
CSIRO Built Environment
- Built Environment Sector of Australia's Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation(CSIRO) provides leadership through innovations delivering major research, technologies, products and services in Building, Construction and Engineering: Sustainable Materials Engineering, Thermal & Fluids Engineering, and Infrastructure Systems Engineering
Habitat for Humanity International's Environmental Initiative
- "promotes energy-efficient, environmentally friendly construction, encouraging good stewardship of natural resources and raising awareness of the environmental impact of house building."
ILO: International Labour Organization
- "UN specialized agency which seeks the promotion of social justice and internationally recognized human and labour rights."
Industry Canada
- "to promote the growth and increased competitiveness of the Canadian environment industry. Ensuring that Canada remains productive and competitive, Industry Canada supports technology innovations and voluntary initiatives to achieve environmental objectives. The EcoSmart Project has the potential to enhance the competitiveness of both the concrete and the rapidly emerging "green building" design industries."
International Federation of Building and Wood Workers (IFBWW)
- is the leading global union body working to protect workers in the building, building materials, wood, forestry and allied sectors.
NAHB - National Association of Home Builders
- "a trade association that helps promote the policies that make housing a national priority. "
Office of Building Technology:
- Building technology site for Homeowners, Commercial Building Owners and Operators, Builders and Designers Researchers
Rethinking Construction, UK
- ".. the construction industry, its clients and the government are working together to improve UK construction performance. .. aim to showcase innovations in both products and performance through Demonstration Projects and highlight best practice available within the industry."
STIC - Science and Technology Information Centre, Taiwan, China
- "to promote the sci-tech research and development by facilitating the dissemination of sci-tech information across Taiwan as well as other parts of the world.".
Links to Canadian Industry
Technical Manual - construction and building design
- An Australia site "show how to design and build a more comfortable home that has less impact on the environment."
Thousands of projects online
- "The largest online gallery of architecture in Australia"
Related References (27) |
- 55% of the wood cut for non-fuel uses is for construction
- A building revolution: how ecology and health concerns are transforming construction, by Roodman, D.M. and N. Lenssen, 1995
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- A building revolution: how ecology and health concerns are transforming construction, by Roodman, D.M. and N. Lenssen, 1995
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- A framework for implementing ISO 14000 in construction, by Zhang, Z.H., Shen, L.Y., Love, P. E. D. and Treloar, G., 2000
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- Assessment of the attitudes and perceptions of architects and structural engineers towards the environmental impact of structural material use in commercial construction, by Kozak, R. A. and Cohen, D. H., 1995
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- Builder's field guide 5th edition , by Washington State Energy Code, 2005
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- Business: working internationally lessons learned, by Bergmann, A., 2002
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- Construction business system in China: an institutional transformation perspective, by Sha, K., 2004
- moisture problem
- Construction problems in multi-family residential buildings, by Drysdale, R.G, 1990
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- Dampness in buildings, 2nd ED, by Douglas, J. and Stirling, J. S., 1997
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- Fundamentals of Building Construction: Materials and Methods, 4ed., by Allen, E. and Iano, O., 2003
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- Industrializing the residential construction site, by Center for Housing Research at Virginia Polytechnic, 2000
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- Industry as a partner for sustainable development: construction, by CICA, 2000
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- Innovation and Value Added -The Qu¨¦bec-Canada Experience and some of the Global Trends, by Beauregard, R., 2005
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- Managing Drivers of Innovation in Construction Networks, by Bossink, B. A. G., 2004
- 40 % of the energy and 16 % of the water used annually worldwide
- Natural capitalism: creating the next industrial revolution, by Hawken, P., Lovins, A., and Lovins, H.L, 1999
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- Principle of sustanable construction, by Future Fundations, 2002
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- Rethinking construction innovation and research, a review of government R&D policies and practices, by Fairclough, J., 2002
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- Rethinking construction: the report of the construction task force, by Egan, J., 1998
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- Revaluing Construction: a holistic model, by Barrett, P., 2007
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- Review of wood-based panel sector in United States and Canada, by Spelter, H., McKeever, D., and Durbak, I., 1999
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- Sustainable building technical manual: green building design, construction, and operations, by Public Technology Inc and U.S. Green Building Council, 1996
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- Technology Dissemination: Triggering Innovation Adoption in Canada's Home Construction Industry, by Bazley, B. I., 2002
- sustainable urban development
- The assessment of sustainable urban development, by Deakin, M., P. Huovila, S.l. Rao, M. Sunikka and R. Vreeker, 2001
- future of research institutes
- The future of national construction research organizations--scenarios for the changing roles, functions, research agendas and funding, by Seaden, G., 1997
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- The globalisation of the construction industry--a review, by Ngowi, A. B., Pienaar, E., Talukhaba, A. and Mbachu, J., 2005
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- The role of leaders' paradigm in construction industry change, by Pries, F., Doree, A., Veen, B.V.D. and Vrijhoef, R., 2004
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- Towards understanding innovation in construction, by Miozzo, M. and Dewick, P., 2005