maintenance, inspection, and diagnose
Inspection: By ceetb (www.ceetb.org)
The checking or testing, by duly qualified personnel, of an installation against established parameters related to emission limits, the performance and the safety of an installation (checking the actual condition of the installation against the target condition). At the end of the inspection, the user receives a protocol either confirming the compliance of the installations with all test parameters or listing shortcomings.
Maintenance: By ceetb (www.ceetb.org)
The remedying of shortcomings identified by the inspection by duly qualified personnel (re-establishing target condition). In other words, if shortcomings are identified, inspection and maintenance are directly linked and become one activity. Maintenance can also have a preventive character to avoid shortcoming in advance (maintaining target condition).
Building Pathology defined as "the systematic treatment of building defects, their causes, their consequences and their remedies." CIB W86 Building Pathology
Case studies by CVM engineers
- "is a leading provider of web based solutions that
enable Corporate Real Estate and Property Management
professionals to achieve greater efficiencies and costs savings in the management of the entire life cycle of commercial buildings and facilities"
CEETB - European Technical Contractors Committee for the Construction Industry
- "Functions and tasks: To promote the technical contractors; To ensure professional representation within European Community bodies. etc."
- review
- Building maintainability--review of state of the art, by Chew, M. Y. L., Tan, S. S. and Kang, K. H., 2004
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- Building Pathology: Principles and Practice , by Watt, D., 1999
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- C1060-90(1997)e1 Standard Practice for Thermographic Inspection of Insulation Installations in Envelope Cavities of Frame Buildings, by ASTM, 1997
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- Checklists for clean and moisture safe buildings, by Samuelson, I. and Nielsen, A., 2002
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- Construction of a generalized psychrometric chart for different pressures, by Renr, H., 2004
- repair water damaged buildings
- Development of safe repair methods for water damaged buildings, by Kulmala, I. Antti Souto, and Vesa M?kip??, 2000
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- Development of safe repair methods for water damaged buildings, by Kulmala, I. Antti Souto, and Vesa M?kip??, 2000
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- Evaluation of priorities for repairing in moisture-damaged school buildings in Finland, by Lappalainen, S., K?hk?nen, E., Loikkanen, P., Palom?ki, E., Lindroos, O. and Reijula, K., 2001
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- Evaluation, Maintenance and Upgrading of Wood Structures, by ASCE, 1982
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- Influence of building maintenance, environmental factors, and seasons on airborne contaminants of swine confinement buildings.
, by Duchaine, C., Grimard, Y. and Cormier, Y., 2000
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- Leaking brick-clad walls: causes, prevention, and repair, by Beasley, K.J, 1990
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- Managing major repairs - a condominium owner's guide, by Bain, N., 1999
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- Methods for designing building envelope components prepared for repair and maintenance, by Rudbeck, C., 1999
- maintenance by design
- Methods for designing building envelope components prepared for repair and maintenance, by Rudbeck, C., 1999
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- Overview of building diagnostics, by House, J. M. and Kelly, G. E., 1999
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- Some common maintenance problems and building defects: our experiences, by Suffian, A., 2013
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- Spectroscopic evaluation and inspection of environmentally friendly wood protection systems, by Jernberg, P., Eriksson, B., and Abrahamsson, J., 1996
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- Studies of the degratation of building materials by isothermal microcalorimetry, by Wadso, L., 1996
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- Water problems in building exterior walls: evaluation, prevention, and repair, by Boyd, J. M. and Scheffler, M. J. (ed.), 1999
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- Window systems: repair versus replacement, by Kelley, S. J., Chiropolos, J. N. and Gustitus, D. A., 1993