Environmental Chamber at ConcordiaDetailed description, photos and capability
More information on chamber in paper: Fazio, P., Athienitis, A. K., Marsh, C. and Rao, J., 1997.
Publications on projects carried out in the Environmental Chamber:
Fazio, P., Derome, D. and Athienitis, A. K., 1998
Ge, H., P. Fazio, and J. Rao, 2001
Derome, D. and Fazio, P., 1998
Derome, D. and Fazio, P., 1998
Desmarais, G., Derome, D., Athienitis, A. K. and Fazio, P., 1998
Description of the Environmental Chamber:
More info of this article can be found on the web at: http://www.bcee.concordia.ca/labs/labnew03.htm#per
Related References:
Derome, D. and Fazio, P., (1998), Large scale testing of two flat roof assemblies insulated with cellulose
Derome, D. and Fazio, P., (1998), Rapport Final Projet Site Internet - L'enveloppe du batiment et l'efficacit¨¦ ¨¦nerg¨¦tique
Derome, D., Desmarais, G., Rao, J., Athienitis, A. and Fazio, P., (1997), Study of the reduced impact of thermal bridges in two sprayed-applied polyurethane wall assemblies
Derome, D., Fazio, P., Desmarais, G., (2000), Impact of added insulation on air leakage patterns
Derome, D., Teasdale-St-Hilaire, A. and Fazio, P., (2001), Methods for the assessment of moisture content of envelope assemblies
Desmarais, G., D. Derome and P. Fazio, (2001), Moisture performance of leaky exterior walls with added insulation
Desmarais, G., Derome, D. and Fazio, P., (2000), Mapping of air leakage in exterior wall assemblies
Desmarais, G., Derome, D., Athienitis, A. K. and Fazio, P., (1998), Impact of air leakage pattern on reinsulated walls
Desmarais, G., Derome, D., Fazio, P., (1998), Experimental setup for the study of air leakage patterns
Desmarais, G., Derome, D., Rao, J., Athienitis, A., and Fazio, P., (1997), Comparaison de m¨¦thodes de mesure de flux de chaleur pour sp¨¦cimens de grandes et moyennes dimensions
Fazio, P., Athienitis, A. K., Marsh, C. and Rao, J., (1994), Design and construction of an environmental chamber facility
Fazio, P., Athienitis, A.K., Stylianou, M., Zmeureanu, R. and Feldman, D., (1991), A review of research activities in energy efficiency in buildings in Canada
Fazio, P., D. Derome, A. Athienitis, and J. Rao, (1997), Use of an environmental chamber to investigate large-scale envelope specimen hygrothermal performance
Fazio, P., Derome, D. and Athienitis, A. K., (1998), Essai sur les toits plats isol¨¦s ¨¤ la fibre de cellulose
Fazio, P., Derome, D. and Rao, J., (2001), Review and framework for large-scale laboratory studies on wetting and drying of building envelopes
Fazio, P., Derome, D., Gebasi, D., Athienitis, A., Depani, S., Kovacevic, P., (1998), Testing of flat roofs insulated with cellulose fiber
Fazio, P., H. Ge, and J. Rao, (2001), Measuring air leakage of full-scale curtain wall sections using a non-rigid air-chamber method
Fazio, P., Rao, J., and Ge, H., (2002), Measuring air leakage characteristics with flexible double air chambers
Ge, H., Fazio, P. and Rao, J., (2001), Experimental study of temperature distributions across two curtain wall systems
Ge, H., P. Fazio, and J. Rao, (2001), Transfer of heat, moisture and air through metal curtain walls
Mao, Q., Rao, J. and Fazio, P., (2004), Effect of capillarity on rainwater penetration in the building envelope