Conference: Building Physics Symposium in the Nordic Countries8th Nordic Symposium on Bulding Physics,Copenhagen, 16-18 June 2008, http://www.nsb2008.org/
The objective of the symposium is to provide a forum for building physicists to network and to exchange contemporary results from research and development, with a special focus on problems and subjects that are relevant to northern climates.
"The Symposium is arranged every third year in one of the Nordic countries. Previous symposia have been held in Lund (1987), Trondheim (1990), Copenhagen (1993), Espoo (1996) and Gothenburg (1999). The objective of the Symposium is to provide a forum for building physicists to meet for an exchange of experience of recent research and development work, with a special focus on problems and subjects that occur in our northern cold climate. Since the first one was held in Lund, Sweden (1987), the participation has been steadily increasing. Gradually also non-Nordic building physicists have found this event attractive for presenting their work and meeting Nordic colleagues. In 2002, delegates from 18 different countries attended the 6th Symposium. Nordic (www.bygg.ntnu.no/batek/buildphys/)
The 6th Symposium on Building Physicsin the Nordic Countries, in Trondheim, Norway, June 17-19, 2002 6th (www.bygg.ntnu.no/batek/buildphys/)
"Norwegian University of Science and Technology organized the Symposium in conjunction with Norwegian Building Research Institute and SINTEF.
This Symposium was the sixth one focusing on recent Building Physics research and development in the Nordic Countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden).
Proc. of the 5th Symposium Building Physics in the Nordic Countries, C.E. Hagentoft, P.I. Sandberg (eds.), Goteborg 1999
More info of this article can be found on the web at: http://www.ivt.ntnu.no/bat/bm/buildphys/
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