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Influence of material properties on the moisture response of an ideal stucco wall: results from hygrothermal simulation

Mukhopadhyaya, P., Goudreau, P., Kumaran, M. K. and van Reenen, D.
6th Symposium on Building Physics in the Nordic Countries (Trondheim, Norway, 6/17/2002), pp. 611-618, July 01

Mukhopadhyaya, P., Goudreau, P., Kumaran, M. K. and van Reenen, D., (2002), "Influence of material properties on the moisture response of an ideal stucco wall: results from hygrothermal simulation", 6th Symposium on Building Physics in the Nordic Countries (Trondheim, Norway, 6/17/2002), pp. 611-618, July 01.

In a composite wall, each constituent component plays a specific role in effective moisture management. The moisture movement to and from the wall assembly, subjected to climatic forces, such as relative humidity (RH), temperature, rainfall and solar radiation, is influenced by the basic hygrothermal properties of the component materials. Studies conducted at the National Research Council (NRC) Canada, over the years, show that the hygrothermal properties of materials vary over a wide range. Quite naturally, such variation may influence the overall moisture response of the wall. This paper investigates the extent to which each component of the wall can influence the overall drying and wetting characteristics of an ideal (i.e., without any deficiency) wood-frame stucco wall when it is exposed to weather conditions typical of coastal Western Canada. The component materials selected include stucco, sheathing board, a sheathing membrane and a vapour barrier. Hygrothermal material properties compiled in the laboratory at the NRC and the hygrothermal modelling tool, hygIRC, developed by the NRC, are used for this purpose. The findings of this study indicate that, with further work and analysis, practical guidance could be developed to assist designers and engineers to identify the critical components and properties of the stucco wall assembly to achieve a desirable moisture management strategy for the building envelope.


Kumaran, M.K.; Wang, J. "How well should one know the hygrothermal properties of building materials ?" Proceedings of CIB W40 Meeting (Prague, Czech Republic, 8/30/99), pp. 47-52, August 30, 1999

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Author Information and Other Publications Notes
Mukhopadhyaya, P.
Institute for Research in Construction, National Research Council, Ottawa, Canada and Patrick Goudreau University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada
  1. A methodology to develop moisture management strategies for wood-frame walls in North America: application to stucco-clad walls
  2. Determination of equilibrium moisture content of building materials: some practical difficulties
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  4. Final report from task 7 of MEWS long-term performance: predict the moisture management performance of wall systems as a function of climate, material properties, etc. through mathematical modelling
  5. Influence of sheathing membrane and vapour barrier on hygrothermnal response of stucco walls
  6. Prediction of moisture response of wood frame walls using IRC's advanced hygrothermal model (hygIRC)  
Goudreau, P.
Kumaran, M. K.
Building Performance Laboratory, Institute for Research in Construction, National Research Council Canada
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  2. A logical extension of the ASTM Standard E96 to determine the dependence of water vapor transmission on relative humidity
  3. A methodology to develop moisture management strategies for wood-frame walls in North America: application to stucco-clad walls
  4. A thermal and moisture transport property data base for common building and insulating materials (final report)
  5. Application of gamma-ray spectroscopy for determination of moisture distribution in insulating materials
  6. Benchmarking of the advanced hygrothermal model hygIRC with mid scale experiments
  7. Building envelope design, Part 2: estimating field performance of thermal insulation
  8. Criteria for unaccesseptable damage on wood systems
  9. Determination of equilibrium moisture content of building materials: some practical difficulties
  10. Durability assessments of wood-frame construction using the concept of damage-functions
  11. Effect of exfiltration on the hygrothermal behaviour of a residential wall assembly: results from calculations and computer simulations
  12. Final Report, IEA-Annex 24, Task 3: Material Properties
  13. Indoor and outdoor weather analysis tool for hygrothermal modelling
  14. In-Situ performance evaluation of exterior insulation basement systems (EIBS) - spray polyurethane foam: summary report
  15. MEWS methodology for developing moisture management strategies: application to stucco-clad wood-frame walls in North America
  16. Modeling heat, air and moisture transport through building materials and components
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  20. On implementing experimental biological damage-functions models in durability assessment systems
  21. Prediction of moisture response of wood frame walls using IRC's advanced hygrothermal model (hygIRC)
  22. Protecting the long-term performance of building envelope components
  23. Report from Task 4 of MEWS Project - Environmental Conditions, Final Report
  24. Report from Task 8 of MEWS Project - MEWS Methodology for Developing Moisture Management Strategies - Application to Stucco Clad Wood-Frame Walls in North America
  25. Taking guess work out of placing air/vapor barriers
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Reenen, v.
Institute for Research in Construction, National Research Council of Canada (NRC/IRC), Ottawa, Ontario.
  1. Indoor and outdoor weather analysis tool for hygrothermal modelling
  2. Influence of sheathing membrane and vapour barrier on hygrothermnal response of stucco walls
  3. Summary Report from Task 3 of MEWS Project at the Institute for Research in Construction - Hygrothermal Properties of Several Building Materials
  4. Use of hygrothermal numerical modeling to identify optimal retrofit options for high-rise buildings  

CRDBER, at CBS, BCEE, ENCS, Concordia,