Vapor transport characteristics of mineral fiber insulation from heat flow meter measurements
Kumaran, M. K.
1996 Water Vapor Transmission Through Building Materials and System: Mechanisms and Measurement, ASTM STP 1039, H. R. Trechsel and M. Bomberg, Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials, Phila-delphia, pp. 19-27
fibrous insulation, thermal gradient, vapor transport, heat flux, transport characteristics, water vapor transmission, testing
Kumaran, M. K., (1996), "Vapor transport characteristics of mineral fiber insulation from heat flow meter measurements", Water Vapor Transmission Through Building Materials and System: Mechanisms and Measurement, ASTM STP 1039, H. R. Trechsel and M. Bomberg, Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials, Phila-delphia, pp. 19-27.
Abstract: |
Two empirical coefficients are identified to represent water vapor transport through fibrous insulation, in the presence of a thermal gradient. These coefficients are de-termined from heat flow meter measurements.
Appears in Trechsel, H. R. and Bomberg, M., (Eds), 1996, Water vapor transmission through building materials and system: mechanisms and measurement |
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- IRC: Institute for Research in Construction