Moisture transport coefficient of pine from gamma ray absorption measurements
Kumaran, M. K., Mitalas, G. P., Kohonen, R. and Ojanen, T.
1989 American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Heat Transfer Division, (Publication) HTD, v 123, p 179-183
Kumaran, M. K., Mitalas, G. P., Kohonen, R. and Ojanen, T., (1989), "Moisture transport coefficient of pine from gamma ray absorption measurements", American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Heat Transfer Division, (Publication) HTD, v 123, p 179-183.
Abstract: |
The applicability of a test methodology for the determination of total moisture diffusivity of various building materials, for a wide range of moisture content, is examined. A test specimen of eastern white pine is subjected to an isothermal moisture intake process. The transient moisture distribution in the specimen during the process is determined, at different stages of the process, using a gamma-ray equipment. Boltzmann transformation of the experimental data results in a single moisture distribution curve, characteristic of the specimen. This characteristic curve is analyzed for total moisture diffusivity of the test specimen for a range of moisture content between 0 and 0.488 g cm-3. |
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