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Effect of exfiltration on the hygrothermal behaviour of a residential wall assembly: results from calculations and computer simulations

Ojanen, T. and Kumaran, M. K.
International Symposium On Moisture Problems In Building Walls, Porto - Portugal, 11 - 13 September, pp. 157

Ojanen, T. and Kumaran, M. K., (1995), "Effect of exfiltration on the hygrothermal behaviour of a residential wall assembly: results from calculations and computer simulations", International Symposium On Moisture Problems In Building Walls, Porto - Portugal, 11 - 13 September, pp. 157.
The hygrothermal behaviour of timber frame wall is analysed using a steady-state calculation method and a two-dimensional heat, air and moisture transport computer model. The conditions leading to exfiltration of warm and humid indoor air are examined. The physical quantities calculated include the amount of moisture accumulated in the wall cavity during the heating season and the heat loss across the wall. Several interesting correlations emerge. These correlations show the advantage of using the analytical methods in deriving design guidelines for building components. The results from The analysis are used to identify and quantify various parameters that govern the performance of air barrier systems.

(1] Karagiozis, A. N. and M. K. Kumaran. Computer model calculation o n the performance of vapor barriers in Canadian residential buildings, ASHRAE Transactions, Vol 99(2), pp. 991-1003, 1993.

(2] Latta, K. Vapour barriers: what are they? Are they effective? Canadian Building Digest, Division of Building Research, NRC Canada, CBD 175, 1976.

(31 Ojanen, T and M. K. Kumaran. Air exfiltration and moisture accumulation in residential wall cavities, Thermal Performance of Exterior Envelopes of Buildings V, Proceedings of ASHRAE/ DOE/ BTECC Conference, pp. 491-500, 1992.

[4] Ojanen, T., and R. Kohonen. Hygrothermal influence of air convection in wall structures. Thermal Performance of Exterior Envelopes of Buildings IV, Proceedings of ASHRAE Conference, pp. 234-249, 1989.

[5) Morrison, I. D., A. N. Karagiozis and M. K. Kumaran. Thermal performance of a residential dynamic wall. Thermal Performance of Exterior Envelopes of Buildings V, Proceedings of ASHRAE/DOE/BTECC Conference, pp. 229-234, 1992.

[61 Ojanen, T. and R. Kohonen. Hygrothermal performance analysis of wind barrier structures. ASHRAE Transactions (in print) 1995.

(7] Glaser, H. Graphisches vefrhren zur untersuchung von diffusionsvorgangen. Kaltetechnik 10, pp. 345-349, 1959. Also, K. Seiffert. Wasserdampf Diffusion im bauwesen.Bauverlag GmbH. Wiesbaden und Berlin, Chapters 6 - 18, 1982.

(8] Climatic Information for Building Design in Canada 1977. Supplement No. 1 to the National Building Code of Canada. NRCC No. 15556.

[9) Di Lenardo, B., W. C. Brown, W. A. Dalgliesh, G. F. Poirier and M. K. Kumaran. Air barrier systems for exterior walls of low-rise buildings, CCMC Technical Guide Master Format 07195, Institute for Research in Construction, NRC Canada, 1995.

(10] National Building Code of Canada, Part 9. Article, 1990.

[111 Hens, H. and A. Janssens. Enquiry on HAMCAT Codes.

Report Annex 24, Task 1, Modelling, International Energy Agency Annex XXIV on Heat, Air and Moisture Transfer in Insulated Envelope Parts.

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Author Information and Other Publications Notes
Ojanen, T.
Tiiomo Ojanen Senior research scientist VTT Building Technology, Finland.
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  2. Heat and mass transfer between indoor air and a permeable and hygroscopic building envelope: part I -- field measurements
  3. Heat and mass transfer between indoor air and a permeable and hygroscopic building envelope: part II --verification and numerical studies
  4. Improving indoor climate and comfort with wooden structures
  5. Improving the drying efficiency of timber frame walls in cold climates, by using exterior insulation
  6. Integration of simplified drying tests and numerical simulation in moisture performance analysis of the building envelope
  7. Measuring and modeling vapor boundary layer growth during transient diffusion heat and moisture transfer in cellulose insulation
  8. Modeling heat, air and moisture transport through building materials and components
  9. Moisture and bio-deterioration risk of building materials and structuresL?hdesm?ki
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  11. Moisture Buffer Value of Materials in Buildings
  12. Moisture performance of an airtight, vapor-permeable building envelope in a cold climate
  13. Moisture transport coefficient of pine from gamma ray absorption measurements
  14. Numerical simulation of mould growth in timber frame walls
  15. Thermal and moisture performance of a sealed cold-roof system with a vapor-permeable underlay
  16. Towards modelling of decay risk of wooden materials  
Kumaran, M. K.
Building Performance Laboratory, Institute for Research in Construction, National Research Council Canada
  1. A comparison of empirical indoor relative humidity models with measured data
  2. A logical extension of the ASTM Standard E96 to determine the dependence of water vapor transmission on relative humidity
  3. A methodology to develop moisture management strategies for wood-frame walls in North America: application to stucco-clad walls
  4. A thermal and moisture transport property data base for common building and insulating materials (final report)
  5. Application of gamma-ray spectroscopy for determination of moisture distribution in insulating materials
  6. Benchmarking of the advanced hygrothermal model hygIRC with mid scale experiments
  7. Building envelope design, Part 2: estimating field performance of thermal insulation
  8. Criteria for unaccesseptable damage on wood systems
  9. Determination of equilibrium moisture content of building materials: some practical difficulties
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  11. Final Report, IEA-Annex 24, Task 3: Material Properties
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  13. Influence of material properties on the moisture response of an ideal stucco wall: results from hygrothermal simulation
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  15. MEWS methodology for developing moisture management strategies: application to stucco-clad wood-frame walls in North America
  16. Modeling heat, air and moisture transport through building materials and components
  17. Moisture buffering capacities of five North American building materials
  18. Moisture diffusivity of building materials from water absorption measurements
  19. Moisture transport coefficient of pine from gamma ray absorption measurements
  20. On implementing experimental biological damage-functions models in durability assessment systems
  21. Prediction of moisture response of wood frame walls using IRC's advanced hygrothermal model (hygIRC)
  22. Protecting the long-term performance of building envelope components
  23. Report from Task 4 of MEWS Project - Environmental Conditions, Final Report
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  25. Taking guess work out of placing air/vapor barriers
  26. Three-dimensional analysis of thermal resistance of exterior basement insulation systems (EIBS)
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  28. Vapor transport characteristics of mineral fiber insulation from heat flow meter measurements
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CRDBER, at CBS, BCEE, ENCS, Concordia,