building: residential, house, home
Residential buildings, the homes, had been a strong driving force for building envelope research.
In Europe, there are about 150 million residential buildings and 2 million new ones are being built every year. Of the existing stock, 70% is built before the first energy crisis, 1/3 are more than 50 years old. More than 50% of construction activity is retrofitting.
See also:
Building Examples
- Descriptions, photos, and drawing of example buildings for school, recreation, office and condos. by CWC
CANMET - The Canada Center for Mineral and Energy Technology
- "key research arm of Natural Resources Canada and is one of Canada's premier organizations in the field of energy, science and technology"
Construction Terminology and Explanations
- Simple explanation of parts in a house with cut-view images.
Energy Efficient Building Case Studies:
- Many case studies on energy efficient in houses. Good images
Home Energy Magazine
- "the magazine of home performance, since 1984, coverage of residential energy efficiency, comfort and safety." searchable article database
Publications at HPO (Homeowner Protection Office)
- Extensive publications to many home related issues and research (HPO publications and
Annotated Bibliography of the Building Envelope
Residential Energy Code - Seattle
- 10 Chapter, HTML format, interlinked.
Residential Energy system
- a great site for homeowner on energy issues of old and new houses.
Residential Moisture Management Network, RMMN
- aimed at information sharing through education, research and communication. "The USDA Forest Service Forest Products Laboratory (FPL) and APA - The Engineered Wood Association have formed the Residential Moisture Management Network (RMMN), an alliance of industries and related government agencies with the goal of providing clear, consistent moisture management recommendations based on the most current practices and research that leads to healthy, durable homes. "
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- A complete model of embodied energy ¡®pathways' for residential buildings, by Treloar, G. J., 1996
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- Analysis of the hygrothermal behaviour of residential high-rise building components, by Hill, D., 1996
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- Biodeterioration of wood in houses, by Cooperative Extension Service - Clemson University, 1991
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- Biological pollutants in your home, by EPA, 1990
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- Building better homes at lower costs: the industry implementation plan for the residential national construction goals, by NAHB, 1998
- framing factor
- Characterization of framing factors for low-rise residential building walls, by ASHRAE, 2001
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- Common failures in wood structures, by Fisette, P., 1997
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- Comparative costs of alternative building systems in new residential construction, by NAHB Research Center, Inc, 1996
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- Construction problems in multi-family residential buildings, by Drysdale, R.G, 1990
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- Development of design procedures and guidelines for reducing electric demand by air leakage control in high-rise residential buildings: final report, by Scanada Consultants Limited and CanAm Building Envelope Specialists Inc, 1991
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- Drying characteristics in tibmer frame walls of low-rise residential housing, by CMHC, 1988
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- Effect of exfiltration on the hygrothermal behaviour of a residential wall assembly: results from calculations and computer simulations, by Ojanen, T. and Kumaran, M. K., 1995
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- Emerging nonwood building materials in residential construction, by Spelter, H., 1996
- green
- Green building materials residence, a WATgreen / ERS 285 study, by Davison, M., J. Persmann, and J. Reid, 0
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- Greenhouse gas emissions: the capital and revenue carbon costs of residential developments , by Martin, V., Cavanagh, J., Carswell, F., Turney, I. and Gordon, R., 2001
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- Improving quality and accountability in residential construction: discussion paper, by BC, 1998
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- Influence of material properties on the hygrothermal performance of a high-rise residential wall, by Karagiozis, A.N. and M.Salonvaara, 1995
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- Life cycle analysis of a residential home in Michigan, by Blanchard, S. and Reppe, P., 1998
- Finnish
- Modeling moisture damage and its association with occupant health symptoms, by Haverinen, U. et al, 2001
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- Moisture control handbook: principles and practices for residential and small commercial buildings, by Lstiburek, Joseph W. and Carmody, J., 1993
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- R-2000 Standard (2001 edition), by R2000, 2001
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- Rain penetration and moisture damage in residential construction, by Rousseau, J., 1983
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- Requirements of the 2000 International Building Code and 2000 International Residential Code on Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems, by Bowman, D.A. and Thorsell, S.R, 2001
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- Residential construction waste management demonstration and evaluation, assistance agreement number: CX 822813-1-0, Task 1 report, by NAHB Research Center, 1995
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- Residential pollutants and ventilation strategies: volatile organic compounds and radon, by Grimsrud, D. T. and Hadlich, D. E., 1999
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- Residential remodeling reports, Moisture Moisture Protection Protection of Wood of Wood Sheathing , by NAHB, 2001
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- Residential satisfaction in housing estates: a Hong Kong perspective , by Liu, A. M. M., 1999
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- Standard 62.2P, Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings, by ASHRAE, 2002
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- Standard 90.1: Energy efficient design of new buildings except low-rise residential buildings, by ASHRAE, 2001
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- Standard 90.2, Energy Efficient Design of New Low-Rise Residential Buildings, by ASHRAE, 1999
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- State of the Nation's Housing: 2002, by JCHS, 2002
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- Supporting the decision-making process for sustainable housing, by Li, H. and Shen, Q., 2002
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- The renewal of trust in residential construction: an inquiry into the quality of condominium construction in British Columbia, by Barrett, D., 1998
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- Wood used in new residential construction 1998 and 1995, by NAHB Research Center, 1999
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- Wood-destroying fungi in residential construction, by Smulski, S., 1996