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R-2000 Standard (2001 edition)


R2000, (2001), "R-2000 Standard (2001 edition)",
The Technical Requirements - The R-2000 Standard presents the criteria that a new house must meet to be eligible for R-2000 certification. The technical requirements of the R-2000 Standard include measures for the efficient use of energy, improved indoor air quality and better environmental responsibi lity in the construction and operation of a house.

The goal of the R-2000 Standard is to improve the energy efficiency of new houses without compromising either the interior or exterior environments. These technical requirements include both the performance goals and prescriptive measures that a house must meet to become eligible for R- 2000 certification. The requirements are intended to give the builder flexibility in the selection of construction techniques, building products, mechanical equipment, lighting and appliances. The R-2000 Standard is periodically updated to ensure that R-2000 houses represent the leading edge of costeffective housing tech nology.

Related Resources:
  • This link has not been checked.R-2000 homes by CHBA
    "the most energy-efficient and environmentally responsible new homes on the market. "built to demanding standards for energy efficiency and indoor air quality that far surpass others in the marketplace." A project by the Government of Canada.

This publication in whole or part may be found online at: This link was broken when checked on Dec. 2006here.

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