building: simulation of building processes
Simulation tool for buildings are used in the design and other phases of a building project. (Augenbroe, G., 2002, Trends in building simulation))
Design tools can be divided into advanced tool set by domain experts, "in-house" use of "dumbed down" designer friendly variants (Augenbroe 2002 ))
A online learning site: (very good, biased to ESP
IBPSA (the International Building Performance Simulation Association) is a non-profit international society of building performance simulation researchers, developers and practitioners, dedicated to improving the built environment. Web site:; Canadian Chapter:
Overview of simulation research in Belgium and Luxembourg
http://www.aivc.org/Software_Search/software_database-search-AIVC-010.asp listed 300 programs/software
Building Group,CANMET Energy Technology Centre (CETC).
- "deliver Energy-efficient building design and retrofit software, Technology brokerage services and technical assistance, Linkage to a global network of contacts, Marketing support for eco-efficient building technology and tools, and Seamless integration with your organizational structure
" to develop and deploy building technologies and innovations that will help reduce energy consumption and lower greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions with marked economic, environmental and social benefits.
IBP- The Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics
- "research, development, testing, demonstration and consulting in all fields of building physics. These include energy saving measures, problems of indoor climate, emissions of building materials, moisture and weathering protection and preservation of buildings and historical monuments. "
Publications as IBP
- Publications at IBP
Simulation program: BLAST
Building Systems Lab, University of Illinois Info on EnergyPlus and BLAST
- moisture balance calculations
- 3D room models for moisture balance calculations, by Nielsen, A., 1999
- heat+moisture for entire building
- Adaptive construction modelling within whole building dynamic simulation, by Nakhi, A.E, 1995
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- ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 140-2001, Standard Method of Test for the Evaluation of Building Energy Analysis Computer Programs, by ASHRAE, 2002
- airflwo, zonal model
- Automatically generated zonal models for building air flow simulation: principles and applications, by Musy, M., Winkelmannb, F., Wurtzc, E. and Sergentd, A., 2002
- history
- Building environment simulation before desk top computers in the USA through a personal memory, by Kusuda, T., 2001
- conference proc. On simulation
- Building Simulation '99. Proceedings of the 6th International IBPSA Conference, (Editors), by Nakahara, N., H. Yoshida, M. Udagawa and J. Hensen, 1999
- with MathCad
- Building simulation in a mathematical programming environment, by Athienitis, A. K., 1995
- an overview
- Building simulation: an overiew of developments and informations, by Hong, T., S. K. Chou, and T. Y. Bong, 1999
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- Computer simulation of window condensation potential, by McGowan, A. G., Wright, J. L., 1998
- room air by Navier Stokes equations
- Convection in highly insulated building structures, by Okland, O., 1998
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- Current state and future issues of building and environmental performance simulation a the start of the 3rd millennium, by Editorial, 2002
- history
- Early history and future prospects of building system simulation, by Kusuda, T., 1999
- room moisture balance
- Effect of moisture transfer across building components on room temperature, by Gaur, R. C. and N. K. Bansal, 2002
- data on HAM results
- Influence of the variation of material properties and uncertainties of the material data model on the results of moisture performance calculations of constructions, by Bednar, T., 2000
- overview of integration
- Integrated building simulation: state-of-the-art, Introducing Building Energy Simulation Classes on the Web, by Clarke, J. A., Hensen, J. and Janak, M., 1998
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- Integrating CFD and building simulation, by Bartak, M., I. Beausoleil-Morrison, J.A. Clarke,J. Denev, F. Drkal, and M. Laina, 2002
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- Mold growth prediction by computational simulation, by Sedlbauer, K., Krus, M., Zillig, W. and Kščnzel, H. M., 2001
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- Numerical simulation of mould growth in timber frame walls, by Ojanen, T. and M. Salonvaara, 2000
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- On approaches to couple energy simulation and computational fluid dynamics programs, by Zhai, Z., Chen, Q., Haves, P. and Klems, J. H., 2002
- summary for Belgium
- Overview of simulation research in Belgium and Luxembourg, by AndršŠ, P., 2000
- window
- Role of computer simulation in window certification, by Curcija, D., 0
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- Simulation for better building design , by Augenbroe, G. and Hensen, J., 2004
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- The building stock as a research object, by Kohler, N. and Hassler, U., 2002
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- The influence of soil moisture transfer on building heat loss via the ground, by Janssen, H., 2002
- trend
- Trends in building simulation, by Augenbroe, G., 2002
- validation energy simulation program
- Validation of building energy simulation programs, by Pasqualetto, L., 1995
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- Variation of wind-driven rain intensity with building orientation, by Choi, E. C. C., 2000
- new simulation method
- Whole-building simulation with symbolic DAE equations and general purpose solvers, by Sahlin, P., Eriksson, L., Grozman, P., Johnsson, H., Shapovalov, A. and Vuolle, M., 2004