Adaptive construction modelling within whole building dynamic simulation
Nakhi, A.E
1995 Doctor thesis,Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK
Nakhi, A.E, (1995), Adaptive construction modelling within whole building dynamic simulation, Doctor thesis,Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK.
Abstract: |
In today's climate of energy, environment and health awareness, it is important to design build-ings which respect to the threefold goals of efficient energy use, protection of the environment andhuman health. This can best be achieved if overall building performance is considered within thebuilding design process. However, because the energy/environmental performance of buildings isdynamic and complex, simulation tools should be employed within the design process. In order toservice this need, simulation model accuracy and applicability should be improved.
While the state-of-the-art for environmental building performance simulation has been substan-tially enhanced for most processes, building fabric modelling is not well performed. Many simplify-ing assumptions are adopted in multi-layered construction modelling. For example, thermophysicalproperties are often assumed constant, heat flow through building constructions is considered to beone dimensional, and moisture transport through porous building materials is not considered.This thesis is concerned with the development of new simulation schemes for adaptive building construction modelling. These schemes are integrated within a state-of-the-art energy simulationenvironment so that it can be effectively employed in practice.
After addressing the theory underlying heat and moisture diffusion within porous media, three approach to adaptive building fabric simulation are presented. These are: multi-dimensional, variableresolution, error based building fabric modelling; variable thermophysical properties simulation andcombined heat and moisture transport simulation. The numerical model, implementation and solutionmethods of these schemes are discussed in detail.
The validation of these schemes is then performed, after their integration with the whole build-ing simulation environment, ESP-r. This is done using a comprehensive validation methodology,which includes the elements of theory checking, source code inspection, analytical conformance,inter-model comparison and empirical verification.
The applicability of the developed schemes is then presented in the context of a typical Scottishhouse design. It is concluded that the application potential and robustness of environmental buildingperformance tools have been increased.
Finally, the future work required to increase the applicability and accuracy of building simula-tion tools is elaborated in terms of the required integration with other technical sub-systems andrelated computer aided design tools. |
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