Conceptual Reference Database for Building Envelope Research Prev

Residential satisfaction in housing estates: a Hong Kong perspective

Liu, A. M. M.
Automation in Construction, 8(4), 511-524
Residential satisfaction; Post-occupancy evaluation; Housing estate

Liu, A. M. M., (1999), "Residential satisfaction in housing estates: a Hong Kong perspective", Automation in Construction, 8(4), 511-524.

Post-occupancy evaluation (POE) has been developed to address the problem of acquiring feedback from the occupants who are, arguably, in the best position to provide information for a future design database. This paper presents a study of the factors (on both physical and social levels), which influence residential satisfaction of a sample of occupants in a chosen residential area in Hong Kong; factor analysis and multiple regression were carried out on the data. A comparison is also made of the perceived factors of dissatisfaction amongst the public and private housing occupants. It is suggested that a wider systematic coverage of the subject through investigative and diagnostic POE should be carried out in Hong Kong.

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CRDBER, at CBS, BCEE, ENCS, Concordia,