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    References: sustainable development

    Ahmad, Y. J, Serafy, S. E and Lutz, E. (eds) 1989, Environmental Accounting for Sustainable Development, The World Bank, Washington, D.C.

    Baumol, W. J and Oates, W. E. 1988, The Theory of Environmental Policy, second edn, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N. J.

    Beckerman, W. 1992, 'Economic growth and the environment: whose growth? Whose environment?' World Development 20(4), 481-96.

    Boddington, M. 1996, 'Training issues for sustainable agriculture and rural development', in S. A. Breth (ed.), Integration of Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development Issues in Agricultural Policy, Winrock International Institute for Agricultural Development, Morrilton, Arkansas.

    Bromley, D. W. and Cernea, M. M. 1989, The Management of Common Property Resources, Discussion Papers 57, The World Bank, Washington, D.C.

    Carley, M. 1994, Policy Management Systems for Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development, International Institute for Environment and Development and Food and FAO, Rome.

    Carson, R. T., Meade, N. F. and Smith, V. K. 1993, 'Contingent valuation and passive-use values: introducing the issues', Choices, Second Quarter, 5-8.

    Chambers, R. and Conway, G. R. 1992, Sustainable Rural Livelihoods: Practical Concepts for the 21st Century, Discussion Paper 296, Institute of Development Studies, Falmer, Sussex.

    Chissano, J. A. 1994, 'Natural resource management and the environment: widening the agricultural research agenda', Annual Report 1993, ISNAR, The Hague.

    Crosson, P. and Anderson, J. R. 1993, Concerns for Sustainability: Integration of Natural Resource and Environmental Issues for the Research Agendas of NARS, Research Report 4, ISNAR, The Hague.

    Crosson, P. and Anderson, J. R. 1995a, Achieving a Sustainable Agricultural System in Sub-Saharan Africa, Building Blocks for Africa 2025, Paper No. 2, AFTES, The World Bank, Washington, D.C.

    Crosson, P. and Anderson, J. R. 1995b, Degradation of resources as a threat to global agriculture, unpublished paper, Resources for the Future and The World Bank.

    de Haen, H. and Saigal, R. 1992, 'Agricultural growth and the environment: trade-offs and complementarities'. Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture 31(4), 321-39.

    Desvousges, W. H., Gable, A. R., Dunford, R. W. and Hudson, S. P. 1993, 'Contingent valuation: the wrong tool to measure passive-use losses', Choices, Second Quarter, 9-11.

    Dixon, J. A., and Hufschmidt, M. M. 1986, Economic Valuation Techniques for the Environment: A Case Study Workbook, Johns Hopkins. Baltimore.

    Dixon, J. M., Hall, M., Hardaker, J. B. and Vyas, V. S. 1994, Farm and Community Information Use for Agricultural Programmes and Policies, FAO Farm Systems Management Series No. 8, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome.

    Edwards-Jones, G. 1996, Environmental Impact Assessment, Proceedings of the Training for Trainers Seminar on Environmental and Sustainability Issues in Agricultural Policy Analysis and Planning, Cyprus, 8-19 May 1995, FAO, Rome.

    FAO. 1989, 'Sustainable development and natural resources management', Twenty-Fifth Conference, Paper C 89/2 - Sup. 2, Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome.

    FAO. 1991, FAO/Netherlands Conference on Agriculture and the Environment, 'S-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands, 15-19 April, 1991, FAO, Rome.

    a Elements for Strategies and Agenda for Action (Draft Proposal).

    b R¨¦sum¨¦s des Documents de Base.

    c The den Bosch Declaration and Agenda for Action on Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development: Report of the Conference.

    Main Documents:

    d 1. Issues and Perspectives in Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development.

    e 2. Technological Options and Requirements for Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development.

    f 3. Strategies for Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development in Areas with Different Resource Endowments.

    g 4. Criteria, Instruments and Tools for Sustainable Agricultural and Rural Development.

    Background Documents

    h 1. Sustainable Development and Management of Land and Water Resources.

    i 2. Sustainable Crop Production and Protection.

    j 3. Livestock Production and Health for Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development.

    k 4. Farming, Processing and Marketing Systems for Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development.

    l 5. Social and Institutional Aspects of Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development.

    Regional Documents:

    m 1. Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development in Sub-Saharan Africa.

    n 2. Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development in Asia and the Pacific.

    o 3. Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development in Latin America and the Caribbean.

    p 4. Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development in the Near East.

    Miscellaneous Documents

    q 1. Nutrition and Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development.

    r 2. Population, Environment and Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development.

    s 3. Legal Aspects of Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development.

    t 4. Climate Change and Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. u 5. Forestry and Food Security.

    v 6. A New Approach to Energy Planning for Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development.

    FAO. 1993, The Challenge of Sustainable Forest Management, FAO, Rome.

    FAO. 1994a, Strategies for Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development: New Directions for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, FAO, Rome.

    FAO. 1994b, The Road from Rio: Moving Forward in Forestry, FAO, Rome

    FAO. 1995a, Guidelines for Design of Irrigation and Drainage Investment Projects, (External Draft Review), FAO, Rome.

    FAO. 1995b, Responsible Fisheries, DEEP (Development Education Exchange Papers), FAO, Rome.

    FAO. 1995c, Forest Resources Assessment 1990, Forestry Paper 124, FAO. Rome.

    FAO. n.d., Outline for Guidelines for FAO Policy Assistance in the Agricultural Sector, FAO, Rome.

    Fisher, A. C, and Hanemann, W. 1990, 'Information and the dynamics of environmental protection: the concept of the critical period', Scandinavian Journal of Economics 92(3), 399-414.

    IFPRI. 1995, A 2020 Vision for Food Agriculture and the Environment: The Vision, Challenge, and Recommended Action, International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, D.C.

    Lipton, M. 1989, 'New strategies and successful examples for sustainable development in the Third World', Testimony presented at a hearing on Sustainable Development and Economic Growth in the Third World held by the Joint Economic Committee of the U.S. Congress, Subcommittee on Technology and National Security, June 20, 1989.

    Little, I.M.D. and Mirrlees, J. A. 1974, Project Appraisal and Planning for Less Developed Countries, Heinemann, London.

    Ludwig, D., Hilborn, R. and Walters, C. 1993, 'Uncertainty, resource exploitation, and conservation: lessons from history', Science 260, 17, 36.

    Lynam, J. K. and Herdt, R. W. 1989, 'Sense and sustainability: sustainability as an objective in international agricultural research', Agricultural Economics 3, 381-98.

    McCalla, A. 1994, Agricultural and Food Needs to 2025: Why We Should Be Concerned, Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research, Washington, D.C.

    Markandya, A. 1991, The Economic Appraisal of Projects: The Environmental Dimension, Inter-American Development Bank, Washington, D.C.

    Markandya, A. 1994, 'Criteria, instruments and tools for sustainable agricultural development', in A. Markandya (ed.), Policies for Sustainable Development: Four Essays, Economic and Social Development Paper 121, FAO, Rome, 1-70.

    Markandya, A. 1995, The Integration of Environmental and Sustainability Considerations in Agricultural and Rural Development Policy and Planning: Review and Proposals for Training, Internal Document 25, TCAS, FAO, Rome.

    Markandya, A., and Pearce, D. W. 1989, Environmental Policy Benefits: Monetary Valuation, OECD, Paris.

    Markandya, A., and Pearce, D. W. 1991, 'Development: the environment and the social rate of discount', World Bank Research Observer 6(2), 137-52.

    Markandya, A., and Perrings, C. 1994, 'Resource accounting for sustainable development: Basic concepts, recent debate, and future needs', in A. Markandya (ed.), Policies for Sustainable Development: Four Essays, FAO Economic and Social Development Paper 121, FAO, Rome, 71-151.

    Markandya, A., and Richardson, J. 1994, 'Macroeconomic adjustment and the environment', in A. Markandya (ed.), Policies for Sustainable Development: Four Essays, FAO Economic and Social Development Paper 121, FAO, Rome, 153-204.

    Meadows, D. H. et al. 1972, The Limits to Growth: A Report of the Club of Rome's Project on the Predicament of Mankind, Universe Books, New York.

    Munasinghe, M. 1993, Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development, World Bank Environment Paper No. 3, The World Bank, Washington, D.C.

    Munasinghe, M. and Cruz, W. 1995, Economywide Policies and the Environment: Lessons from Experience, World Bank Environment Paper No. 10, The World Bank, Washington, D.C.

    Panayotou, T. 1994a, Economic Instruments for Environmental Management and Sustainable Development, Environmental Economics Series Paper No. 16, Environment and Economics Unit, United Nations Environment Programme, Nairobi.

    Panayotou, T. 1994b, 'Economic instruments for natural resources management in less developed countries', in A. Markandya (ed.), Policies for Sustainable Development: Four Essays, FAO Economic and Social Development Paper 121, FAO, Rome, 205-68.

    P¨¦try, F. 1990, Multicriteria Decision. Making and Rural Development, TCAS, ID No. 13, FAO, Rome.

    P¨¦try, F. 1995a, Sustainability Issues in Agricultural and Rural Development, Vol 1, Trainee's Reader, Training Materials for Agricultural Planning 38/1, FAO, Rome.

    P¨¦try, F. 1995b, Sustainability Issues in Agricultural and Rural Development, Vol 2, Trainer's Kit, Training Materials for Agricultural Planning 38/2, FAO, Rome.

    Pezzey, J. 1992, Sustainable Development Concepts: An Economic Analysis, World Bank Environment Paper No. 2, The World Bank, Washington, D.C.

    Pretty, J. 1994, 'Alternative systems of inquiry for a sustainable agriculture', IDS Bulletin 25(2), 37-49.

    Pretty, J. N. 1995, Regenerating Agriculture, Earthscan, London.

    Randall, A. 1993, 'Passive-use values and contingent valuation - valid for damage assessment' Choices, Second Quarter, 12-15.

    Schuh, G. E. and Archibald, S. 1996, 'A framework for the integration of environmental and sustainable development issues into agricultural planning and policy analysis in less developed countries', in S. A. Breth (ed.), Integration of Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development Issues in Agricultural Policy, Winrock International Institute for Agricultural Development, Morrilton, Arkansas.

    van Pelt, M. J. F. 1993, Sustainability-Oriented Project Appraisal for Less Developed Countries, Thesis Wageningen.

    von Braun, J. 1992, 'Agricultural growth, environmental degradation, poverty and nutrition: links and policy implications', Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture 31(4), 340-63.

    WCED. 1987, Our Common Future: The Bruntland Report, Oxford University Press from the World Commission on Environment and Development, New York.

    World Bank. 1991, Environmental Assessment Sourcebook. 3 vols, The World Bank, Washington, D.C.

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