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| Essay:Web sites: sustainable, green![]() Center of Excellence for Sustainable Development This center, created by the U.S. Department of Energy, helps communities design and implement innovative sustainable development strategies. This web site contains resources on a variety of subjects in sustainability planning, including overview articles, slide shows, links to other sources of information, recommended books and videos, model codes and ordinances, and educational materials and programs.
IISD's mission is to promote sustainable development in decision-making in businesses, governments, communities, and concerned individuals, internationally and within Canada. The organization contributes new knowledge and concepts, analyzes policies, identifies and disseminates information about best practices, demonstrates how to measure progress, and builds partnerships to amplify these messages. President's Council on Sustainable Development Contains information about the PCSD, including general information such as the executive order that established the PCSD, its mission, and members. You'll also find the PCSD's final report to the President, outlining its recommendations for a national sustainable development action strategy. RRI was one of the inaugural recipients of the PCSD awards in1995. In1999, the PCSD held a 'National Town Meeting for a Sustainable America', one result of which is the Sustainable USA website.
United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development ( The UN CSD was created in December 1992 to ensure effective follow-up on the 1992 Earth Summit; its mission is to monitor and report on implementation of Summit agreements at the local, national, regional and international levels. This web site contains information on national implementations of the Rio commitments and includes a list of indicators and methodologies to help nations measure their progress toward sustainable development. Also noteworthy are "success stories," or brief case studies of programs designed to address various sustainable development issues, complete with results achieved and lessons learned.
UNEP's mission is to provide leadership and encourage partnerships in caring for the environment by inspiring, informing, and enabling nations and people to improve their quality of life without compromising that of future generations. This web site features information about UNEP and its programs and information on various issues such as cleaner industrial production. Of particular significance is its section on state of the environment reporting, which includes the Global Environmental Outlook-1 (GEO-1) report. GEO-1 is a snapshot of an ongoing worldwide environmental assessment process that describes the environmental status and trends in seven regions, summarizes developments over time in regional policy responses, and concludes with an exploration, based on model analysis, of what we might expect in the future for a selected number of environmental issues if no major policy reforms are initiated.
The World Resources Institute is an independent center for policy research and technical assistance on global environmental and development issues, dedicated to helping governments and private organizations of all types cope with environmental, resource, and development challenges of global significance. This web site provides information on global environmental conditions and trends and on developments in international environmental policy.
Worldwatch is a nonprofit public policy research organization dedicated to informing policymakers and the public about emerging global problems and trends and the complex links between the world economy and its environmental support systems.