Conceptual Reference Database for Building Envelope Research Prev
Related Concept
  • environmental impacts and issues
  • sustainability, environment
  • green building materials
  • green building project
  • Renewable energy
  • Zero Energy Building: ZEB

  • Related Articles
  • Advanced Buildings Technologies and Practies
  • Building Green
  • Building share of resources
  • Buildings Technology Roadmap
  • Conference: Sustainable Building 2000, 2002
  • EE: LEED
  • GBC - Green Building Challenge
  • Green building: guideline of sustainable design
  • Healthy building
  • Journal: Building for a Future
  • PATH: Partnership for Advancing Technology in Housing
  • REN21-Renewable Energy Network for the 21st Century
  • Sustainable buildings,
  • Sustainable Design Resources
  • UKCIP - UK Climate Impacts Programme
  • Web sites: sustainable, green
  • WHO's definition for 'environmental health'
  • WorldGBC

  • Concept:

    green building, sustainable building

    The ¡°green¡± refers to a method of design and construction that minimizes burdens on our natural resources and the environment.

    Sustainable building: sustainable materials, energy sources, designs, and construction practices for building

    A comprehensive compilation of resources is available at Pacific Northwest Pollution Prtvention Resource Center (This link was broken when checked on Dec. 2006PPRC

    Sustainable design strategies use the standard elements of a building ¨C walls, windows, and floors ¨C to collect, store, and release the sun's energy for heating, lighting, and cooling. Building materials, equipment, and systems are evaluated in light of their contributions to indoor air quality (IAQ), building durability and ease of maintenance, economic considerations, and environmental impacts through the full life cycle of production, integration, operation, and recycling/disposal. By applying these time-tested strategies, a building's energy consumption can be dramatically reduced at little or no additional cost. At the same time, occupant productivity, health, and comfort is vastly improved, as is the building's economic and environmental performance. (This link has not been checked.Sustainable Buildings Industry Council

    "Sustainable construction is a major issue in the present day. Although concern for our environment and the associated social benefits that accrue are our principal concerns, it is becoming apparent that many business advantages are also a spinoff from a sustainable approach to construction. The assessment of the environmental impact of new construction at the design stages, methods of measuring the sustainability of construction materials and methods and the management of construction waste are all topics worthy of discussion. -- Conference: World of Construction Project Management conference 2004 program.


    This link was checked on Dec. 2006Discussion on

    This link was checked on Dec. 2006EnergyBuilder

    This link was broken when checked on Dec. 2006Sustainable Building Linklist by Ronald Rovers

    This link was checked on Dec. 2006Canadian Green Building Information Council

    This link was checked on Dec. 2006US GBC

    This link was checked on Dec. 2006CWC (

    This link was checked on Dec. 2006Environmental Effects of Building Materials (

    This link was checked on Dec. 2006Building Green (

    This link was checked on Dec. 2006Sustainable Building Sources ( by

    This link was checked on Dec. 2006Green Building Resources

    This link was checked on Dec. 2006California Air Resources Board

    Web Links (24): Notes
      This link was broken when checked on Dec. 2006A building revolution - Roodman and Lenssen (1995)
      A paper you must read. Roodman and Lenssen (1995), "A building revolution: how ecology and health concerns are transforming construction", Worldwatch Paper 124, Worldwatch Institute, Washington, DC, March.

      This link was broken when checked on Dec. 2006BEQUEST Toolkit
      "This software demonstrates a system to support decision makers concerned with Urban sustainability. The system is composed of 4 modules: the Protocol module, the Assessment Methods Module, the Advisors module and the Glossary."

      This link was checked on Dec. 2006BTC - Buildings Technology Center
      "to identify, develop, and deploy sustainable and energy-efficient building system technologies by forming partnerships between the public sector and private industry for analysis, well-characterized experiments, technology development, and market outreach. "

      This link was checked on Dec. 2006Building Green
      "a loosely defined collection of land-use, building design, and construction strategies that reduces these environmental impacts."

      This link was checked on Dec. 2006Building Group,CANMET Energy Technology Centre (CETC).
      "deliver Energy-efficient building design and retrofit software, Technology brokerage services and technical assistance, Linkage to a global network of contacts, Marketing support for eco-efficient building technology and tools, and Seamless integration with your organizational structure " to develop and deploy building technologies and innovations that will help reduce energy consumption and lower greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions with marked economic, environmental and social benefits.

      This link has not been checked.Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency
      "is an independent federal body, accountable to Parliament through the Minister of the Environment. The Agency works to provide Canadians with high-quality environmental assessments that contribute to informed decision making, in support of sustainable development."

      This link was checked on Dec. 2006Climate Change Action Fund -- CCAF

      This link was checked on Dec. 2006CWC Sustainable Buildings
      info on Sustainable Buildings - Green by Design, Sustainable Building Case Studies, Forest Certification, Green Links

      This link was checked on Dec. 2006Encyclopedia of Sustainable Development
      excellent site. covers nine areas: The Earth , Principles of Sustainable Development , The Environment, Natural Resources , Society , The Economy , Indicators of Sustainable Development , Action for Sustainable Development , Doing Our Bit for Sustainable Development,

      This link was checked on Dec. 2006EnergyBuilder
      "implement innovative environmental practices in new and existing buildings. B. E. S. T. provides consulting services on "green" design techniques, energy efficiency, renewable energy, environmentally sound materials, and improving indoor environmental quality. "

      This link was checked on Dec. 2006Environmental Effects of Building Materials
      "This paper uses recent scientific data to test the validity of the perceptions uncovered in the survey: wood was considered the most environmentally friendly building material (masonry ranked second, concrete third, and steel fourth). "

      This link was checked on Dec. 2006Green Building Information Council
      " is a Canadian non-profit organization whose mission is to disseminate information about energy and environmental issues in the building sector from other sources and organizations around the world. "

      This link has not been checked.Green Building Resource Guide
      "a database of over 600 green building materials and products selected specifically for their usefulness to the design and building professions, rather than merely their green material content"

      This link was checked on Dec. 2006GreenClips
      "a summary of news on sustainable building design and related government and business issues published every two weeks by email"

      This link was checked on Dec. 2006IISBE - International Initiative for a Sustainable Built Environment
      "To provide leadership and encourage partnership in caring for the environment by inspiring, informing, and enabling nations and peoples to improve their quality of life without compromising that of future generations."

      This link was broken when checked on Dec. 2006PAN - Prarie Adaptation Network, Canada
      Excellent publication list for Clearinghouse for climatic impact, adaptation and mitigation information, on Reports, journal articles, literature reviews & bibliographies (not updated frequently)

      This link was broken when checked on Dec. 2006PPRC-- Topical Reports for Green Construction
      "a guide to green building for project developers and for the design, construction, and facility operation professionals"

      This link has not been checked.SBIS - Sustainable Building Information System
      "designed to provide users with non-commercial information about sustainable building around the world, and to point or link the user to more detailed sources of information elsewhere."

      This link was checked on Dec. 2006Sustainable Building Info by R.Rovers
      Now, a site with lists of many useful resources.

      This link was checked on Dec. 2006Sustainable Building Sources

      This link was checked on Dec. 2006USGBC - United States Green Building Council

      This link was checked on Dec. 2006Web-based Learning Environment
      Several online courses on green issue and energy efficiency issue. Some with presentations

      This link was checked on Dec. 2006WorldGBC
      ".. formed in 1999 with the goal of coordinating and advancing the work of national green building organizations, supporting the development of standards, technologies, products and projects."

      This link was checked on Dec. 2006WorldGBC
      ".. formed in 1999 with the goal of coordinating and advancing the work of national green building organizations, supporting the development of standards, technologies, products and projects."

    Related References (20)
    A building revolution: how ecology and health concerns are transforming construction, by Roodman, D.M. and N. Lenssen, 1995
    A Business Case for Green Buildings in Canada, by Lucuik, M., Trusty, W., Larsson, N., & Charette, R., 2005
    ASHRAE green guide: the design, construction, and operation of sustainable buildings, by ASHAE, 2006
    Building materials selection: greenhouse strategies for built facilities , by Treloar, G., Fay, R., Ilozor, B. and Love, P., 2001
    Buildings: counting on green, by Ledger, B., 1999
    true benefits
    Buildings: soft benefits, by Sawers, J., 1999
    Climate change 2001: synthesis report, by Watson, R.T. et al., 2001
    Developing a green building assessment tool for developing countries - Case of Jordan, by Ali, H. H. and Nsairat, S. F., 2009
    Do LEED-certified buildings save energy? Yes, by Newsham, G. R., Mancini, S. and Birt, B. J., 2009
    Do LEED-certified buildings save energy? Yes, but¡­, by Newsham, G. R., Mancini, S. and Birt, B. J., 2009
    Green Building in North America: Opportunities and Challenges, by CEC, 2008
    Green Building: Challenge poster project, by CCE, 1999
    Guideline for sustainable building, by Bundesministerium f¨¹r Verkehr, Bau-und Wohnungswesen, 2001
    LEED Canada-NC v1.0 Green Building Rating System, by CanGBC, 2004
    Our common future: The World Commission on Environment and Development, by Bruntland, G. (ed.), 1987
    Principle of sustanable construction, by Future Fundations, 2002
    The greenhouse effect: A new source of energy, by Meunier, F., 2007
    The limit to growth: a report for the Club of Rome's project on the predicament of mankind, by Meadows, D. L. , Randers, J., Behrens III William W. ,, 1972
    The state of the states: assessing the capacity of states to achieve sustainable development through green planning, by Siy, E., L. Koziol and D. Rollins, 2001
    Towards a research agenda for adapting to climate change, by Steemers, K., 2003

    CRDBER, at CBS, BCEE, ENCS, Concordia,