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Building materials selection: greenhouse strategies for built facilities

Treloar, G., Fay, R., Ilozor, B. and Love, P.
Environmental Management and Health,19(3/4), 139-149

Treloar, G., Fay, R., Ilozor, B. and Love, P., (2001), "Building materials selection: greenhouse strategies for built facilities", Environmental Management and Health,19(3/4), 139-149.
This paper aims to consider the embodied energy of building materials in the context of greenhouse gas emission mitigation strategies. Previous practice and research are highlighted where they have the potential to influence design decisions. Latest embodying energy figures are indicated, and the implications of applying these figures to whole buildings are discussed. Several practical examples are given to aid building designers in the selection of building materials for reduced overall life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions.


This paper builds on an earlier study, which examined the life cycle energy of an office building (Treloar et al., 1999), by extending the scope to include analysis of individual materials, items and features within buildings. The selection of materials is one of several factors influencing the operational energy requirements of buildings, particularly heating and cooling energy. Invariably, energy is expended in the processing of raw materials and in the manufacture and installation of building materials and products. This phenomenon is referred to as the embodied energy of a building. Greenhouse gases are emitted as a consequence of the operational and embodied energy associated with all buildings. The selection and use of materials and products influence both the operational energy and the energy embodied in buildings. Over the lifetime of buildings, it is desirable that overall energy use and material consumption is minimised. In some cases, reductions in operational energy can require increased embodied energy. This situation suggests the need to calculate the energy payback period and energy return on investment. In all cases, both embodied energy and operational energy should be optimised. This paper examines these issues for building materials and components. Through the use of examples in the context of whole buildings, the authors suggest strategies to assist designers optimise the life cycle greenhouse gas emissions associated with materials, systems, and energy saving features for buildings.

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Author Information and Other Publications Notes
Treloar, G.
Graham Treloar School of Architecture and Building, Deakin University, Geelong, Victoria, Australia.
  1. A complete model of embodied energy ¡®pathways' for residential buildings
  2. A framework for implementing ISO 14000 in construction
  3. Using national input-output data for embodied energy analysis of individual residential buildings  
Fay, R.
Roger Fay Head of the School of Architecture at the University of Tasmania, Launceston, Tasmania, Australia.
Ilozor, B.
Benedict Ilozor School of Architecture and Building, Deakin University, Geelong, Victoria, Australia.
  1. Report  
Love, P.
Peter Love School of Architecture and Building, Deakin University, Geelong, Victoria, Australia.
  1. A framework for implementing ISO 14000 in construction
  2. Building America Best Practices Series: Volume 3 ¨C Builders and Buyers Handbook for Improving New Home Efficiency, Comfort, and Durability in the Cold and Very Cold Climates
  3. Reviewing the past to learn in the future: making sense of design errors and failures in construction
  4. Using national input-output data for embodied energy analysis of individual residential buildings  

CRDBER, at CBS, BCEE, ENCS, Concordia,