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Climate change 2001: synthesis report

Watson, R.T. et al.
Stand-alone Edition, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge

Watson, R.T. et al., (2001), "Climate change 2001: synthesis report", Stand-alone Edition, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
"The Third Assessment Report (TAR) provides an assessment of new scientific information and evidence as an input for policymakers in their determination of what constitutes "dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system." It provides, first, new projections of future concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, global and regional patterns of changes and rates of change in temperature, precipitation, and sea level, and changes in extreme climate events. It also examines possibilities for abrupt and irreversible changes in ocean circulation and the major ice sheets. Second, it provides an assessment of the biophysical and socio-economic impacts of climate change, with regard to risks to unique and threatened systems, risks associated with extreme weather events, the distribution of impacts, aggregate impacts, and risks of large-scale, high-impact events. Third, it provides an assessment of the potential for achieving a broad range of levels of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere through mitigation, and information about how adaptation can reduce vulnerability. Q1.3-6"

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