environmental impacts and issues
Environmental impacts: resource depletion, energy use, water use, green house emissions, waste generation, etc.
Environmental effects of building materials: CWC, 2002, Canadian Wood Council, Environmental Bulletins, No. 2
Atmosphere, Climate & Environment Information Programme website
- "to disseminate information, without advocacy or bias, on the causes, effects of and controls on air pollution and climate change, within the framework of national legislation and international discussion."
- "a summary of news on sustainable building design and related government and business issues published every two weeks by email"
PAN - Prarie Adaptation Network, Canada
- Excellent publication list for Clearinghouse for climatic impact, adaptation and mitigation information, on Reports, journal articles, literature reviews & bibliographies (not updated frequently)
Pollution Probe
- "a Canadian environmental organization that Defines environmental problems through research; Promotes understanding through education; and, Presses for practical solutions through advocacy. to achieve positive and tangible environmental change."
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- A framework for implementing ISO 14000 in construction, by Zhang, Z.H., Shen, L.Y., Love, P. E. D. and Treloar, G., 2000
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- Assessment of the attitudes and perceptions of architects and structural engineers towards the environmental impact of structural material use in commercial construction, by Kozak, R. A. and Cohen, D. H., 1995
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- Building environmental assessment methods: applications and development trends , by Crawley, D. and Aho, I., Hinks, J. and Cook, G., 1999
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- Environmental effects of building materials; wood the renewable resource, by CWC, 1995
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- On using available environmental data in service life estimations, by Westberg, K. Johan NoršŠn, Hščlya Kus, 2001
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- The environmentally responsible construction and renovation handbook, 2nd Ed, by Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada, 2000