Conceptual Reference Database for Building Envelope Research Prev

Building environmental assessment methods: applications and development trends

Crawley, D. and Aho, I., Hinks, J. and Cook, G.
Building Research and Information, 27(4), 300-308

Crawley, D. and Aho, I., Hinks, J. and Cook, G., (1999), "Building environmental assessment methods: applications and development trends", Building Research and Information, 27(4), 300-308.

The construction and property sector has seen the development of a number of methods for evaluating the 'greenness' of buildings in the 1990s - both for new designs and existing buildings. These range from very detailed life cycle assessment methods, which account for all the embodied and operational environmental impacts of building materials, to higher level environmental impact assessment methods, which evaluate the broader implications of the building's impact on the environment. In between these two are environmental assessment methods such as BREEAM, BEPAC, LEED, and GBA. In this paper, we discuss the potential market applications of these systems and compare and contrast several of the major environmental assessment methods.

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Author Information and Other Publications Notes
Crawley, D.
  1. Assessment of the technical potential for achieving net zero-energy buildings in the commercial sector
  2. Comparative assessment of environmental performance tools and the role of the Green Building Challenge
  3. Contrasting the capabilities of building energy performance simulation programs
  4. EnergyPlus: creating a new-generation building energy simulation program
  5. Zero Energy Buildings: A Critical Look at the Definition  
Aho, I.
Hinks, J.
  1. The technology of building defects  
Cook, G.
  1. The technology of building defects  

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