Indoor mold growth: health hazards and remediation
Kowalski, W. J.
2000 HPAC Engineering, September, v72n9, pp80-83
Kowalski, W. J., (2000), "Indoor mold growth: health hazards and remediation", HPAC Engineering, September, v72n9, pp80-83.
Many different fungi grow indoors as mold in the presence of moisture. Some of these fungi can cause allergic or toxic reactions, while a few may cause infections in susceptible individuals. A comprehensive treatment of this complex topic would take volumes, but this article provides a synopsis for engineers to help clarify the mysteries of indoor mold growth.
This publication in whole or part may be found online at: here.
Laboratory of Building Physics, Leuven, Belgium "...research and educational activities in the field of heat and mass transfer in building materials, building parts and buildings, the energy use in buildings, building installations and building acoustics. Also research in urban physics is part of our activities.