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A configurable smart facade unit for on-site calibration and control optimization

Messadi, T. and Augenbroe G.
Proceedings for Performance of Exterior Envelopes of Whole Buildings VIII: Integration of Building Envelopes, December 2-7, Clearwater Beach, Florida

Messadi, T. and Augenbroe G., (2001), "A configurable smart facade unit for on-site calibration and control optimization", Proceedings for Performance of Exterior Envelopes of Whole Buildings VIII: Integration of Building Envelopes, December 2-7, Clearwater Beach, Florida.
Buildings VIII/Walls IˇŞPrinciples 1


Application of "smart" technologies in the building envelope is an opportunity that is not yet broadly accepted as the "smart" way to save energy. This paper discusses a prototype that is designed to benchmark smart double-glass elements in existing facades. It consists of a configurable glass unit that can be temporarily installed in existing buildings to collect data, forecast the energy performance improvements, as well as simulate operational aspects. It provides building owners and occupants an opportunity to test the feasibility of new technologies, see them in action, and test them on different facades and orientations. The unit comes with an in-built, "Internet-ready," automatic data collection module. Another feature is the online, on-site design of optimal control strategies, while occupant interaction with the smart facade is enabled at all times through a ubiquitous web interface. The results of an ongoing demonstration installation are reported.

Related References

Ph.D. Dissertations- Cheol-soo Park: Web-based Optimal Control of the Double Skin Facade

Ph.D. Dissertations- Mate Thitisawat: Online Parametric Model Identification of the Double Skin Facade

2. Messadi, Tahar, Godfried Augenbroe, Physical Model and Control Application to a Smart Fa?ade Demo Unit (SFDU), Proceedings of the ACSA Annual Technology Conference, July 13-16, 2000, Austin, Texas.

3. Messadi, Tahar and Godfried Augenbroe, Ubiquitous Access to Building Envelope Control Systems: An Enclosure Demo Unit, ARCC Conference 2000, July 4-7, 2000, Paris, France.

4. Jones, James and Tahar Messadi, Experimental Study of the Cooling Season Performance of Ventilated Double-Glass Envelope Cavities, International Building Physics Conference, Tools for design and engineering of buildings, September 18-21, 2000, Eindhoven, The Netherlands.

5. Messadi, Tahar and Godfried Augenbroe, A Smart House Prototype With Virtual Room Control, 1999 Intelligent and Responsive Buildings Conference, March 24-26, 1999, Brugge, Belgium.

6. Messadi, Tahar, New Technologies and their Ramifications on Building Energy Codes, Proceeding of 1998 Annual ACSA International Conference, May 23-27, 1998, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

7. Tahar Messadi, A Mathematical Model For Correct Coupling of Direct Solar Gain to Thermal Mass Inside a Prototypical Space, Proceedings of the1998 ASHRAE Annual Conference on Thermal Performance of the Exterior Envelopes of Buildings VII, December 7-11, 1998, Clearwater Beach, Florida.

8. Augenbroe, Godfried and Eddy Tumbuan, Simulation of moisture transport to assess durability aspects of composite walls, 4th international IBPSA conference, Building Simulation '95, Madison, August 1995, pp 7-13.

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