Multi-criteria assessment of building performance: theory and implementation
Soebarto, V.I. and T.J. Williamson
2002 Building and Environment, 36(): 681-690
Soebarto, V.I. and T.J. Williamson, (2002), "Multi-criteria assessment of building performance: theory and implementation", Building and Environment, 36(): 681-690.
This paper presents the development of a building performance assessment methodology and tool that is intended to assist the design process. The methodology is based on a multi-criteria decision-making approach where the performance of the building is always compared to a reference building. This approach allows the designer to test design strategies against di/erent sets of criteria. The methodology is implemented into an assessment tool whose features include a module for automatically generating the reference building, changeable databases, validated calculation engine, and a user-accessible assessment-criteria module. A case study is presented to explain the operation and implications of this tool.
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