Guidelines for on-site measurement of moisture in wood building materials
Forintek Canada Corporation
2001 Ottawa: Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
Forintek Canada Corporation, (2001), "Guidelines for on-site measurement of moisture in wood building materials", Ottawa: Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation.
Abstract: |
"Builders, inspectors and engineers undertaking moisture measurements on site in many instances do not possess the necessary background for using or interpreting moisture meter readings from wood and wood-based products. Because this judgement is also needed in their interpretation, this document has been prepared to provide both detailed instructions and background information to assist persons involved in these endeavours. The objective of this report is to assist those not fully informed in wood moisture measurement technology and to provide general guidance with respect to measuring wood moisture content in field conditions. The document outlines the types of available moisture meters, a process of how to take moisture readings, where to take moisture readings and how the moisture readings are corrected for temperature and wood species. In addiction, the document will provide a general discussion about steps builders and designers can take minimize construction complications cue to moisture." |
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CMHC- Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation "the federal government's housing agency, is responsible for administering the National Housing", formerly the Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation
Forintek Canada "a world-class research organization committed to the ongoing prosperity of the Canadian wood products sector. "