Conceptual Reference Database for Building Envelope Research Prev

Submission to the Second Commission of Inquiry into the Quality of Condominium Construction

Urban Development Institute, February,

UDI, (2000), "Submission to the Second Commission of Inquiry into the Quality of Condominium Construction", Urban Development Institute, February,


This Submission is the result of research conducted from October 1999 through - February 2000 by the Urban Development Institute. Many of the source documents were specially requested or purchased from federal, provincial, and other agencies for this research. Some of the content of the diverse, and often obscure source documentation was not well-known to the Institute or its members prior to t he publication of our submission.

In our 1998 Submission, the Institute and others raised a number of areas before the Commission, including licencing of builders, mandatory warranties, training and education, the need for municipal by-law reform, support for consumers, proper building maintenance, and other initiatives. These led the Commission to recognize the systemic failure which precipitated the proliferation of building envelope failures. In our present Submission, the Institute has focussed on the causal roles played by Building Codes and the lack of action by all three levels of government in the systemic failure.

The Institute will continue to work with consumers, governments and the industry to resolve issues surrounding the systemic failure of building envelopes in British Columb ia.

Related Resources:

This publication in whole or part may be found online at: This link was checked on Dec. 2006here.

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