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  • Related Articles
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  • Concept:

    BC leaky condos

    One of the large scale envelope failures among other well publicized envelope problems in North Carolina, Seattle, etc. These failures are also the real driving force for the current hygrothermal research.

    Some Statistics (By This link was checked on Dec.

    • Registered leaky condos across B.C.: 900 buildings, 31,037 individual units,
    • Estimate of the total number of affected units: 50,000,
    • Average cost of repairs per condo unit: $21,040,
    • Average cost of repairs per co-op unit: $34,000,
    • Estimate of the total cost of repairs: $1 Billion,
    • Estimated indirect costs of the leaky condo crisis: $2 Billion,

    "Engineering firms in Vancouver were faced, between 1985 to the present, with the task of rebuilding the ˇ®leaky condosˇŻ of the Lower Mainland. A series of degradations of building practice and material durability led to what has become the biggest and most costly reconstruction of housing stock in Canadian history. For those not familiar with the wood-framed condominium stock, it consists mainly of platform framed condominiums, three or four storeys in height, clad with a variety of products but mainly stucco." ( Peer, 2005, Field Performance of Rainscreeen Wall Assemblies in Coastal BC ))

    For details on the "leaky condos" in Vancouver B.C., search the web for "BC Vancouver Leaky condos". Find some news of the hay days This link was broken when checked on Dec. 2006here. You could also view:

    Leaky condo crisis far from over This link has not been checked.Online source

    Report says officials still don't know "the full extent of building envelope failure."

    William Boei, Vancouver Sun, Published: Wednesday, July 09, 2008

    Coastal British Columbia's leaky condo crisis is far from over, a recent report prepared for the provincial government shows.

    The report acknowledges for the first time that thousands more strata-owned apartment units suffered water damage than the government has been estimating.

    By 2012, when the leaky condo era enters its fourth decade, as many as one-third of the defective units will remain unrepaired, said the report, prepared for the province's Homeowner Protection Office (HPO) by private consultants.

    Leaky condo repair at Fifth and Vine in 2006.View Larger Image View Larger Image

    Leaky condo repair at Fifth and Vine in 2006.

    Glenn Baglo / Vancouver Sun

    At least 45 per cent and possibly as many as 68 per cent of leaky buildings have not been repaired yet, according to various scenarios explored by the consultants.



    This link was broken when checked on Dec. 2006'Leaky Condo' Dispute Resolution

    This link was checked on Dec. 2006Re-Sale of Leaky Condos: Did the Buyer Know?

    Web Links (3): Notes
    Related References (15)
    BC BERC program
    British Columbia building envelope research program, by Salerno, M., 2000
    Condo owners' deluge of woe, by Sorensen, E., 1998
    field monitoring of actual home
    Field performance of rainscreeen wall assemblies in coastal BC, by Peer, L. B., 2005
    federal aidto leaky condo owner
    Gagliano announces federal aid for leaky condo owners in lower coastal B.C, by CMHC, 1998
    Importance of moisture control in building performance, by Karagiozis, A. N., 2003
    Rotting wood framed apartments -- not just a Vancouver problem, by Chouinard, K. L. and Lawton, M. D., 0
    a case study to renovate leaky condos
    Solving persistent moisture problems and moisture damage, by CMHC, 0
    Barrett Commission II
    Submission to the Second Commission of Inquiry into the Quality of Condominium Construction, by UDI, 2000
    survey of envelope failures by CMHC
    Survey of building envelope failures in the coastal climate of British Columbia, by Morrison Hershfield Limited, 1998
    The performance of rainscreen walls in coastal British Columbia, by Finch, G., 2007
    The renewal of trust in residential construction part II: commission of inquiry into the quality of condominium construction in British Columbia, by Barrett, D., 2000
    Barrett report on BC leaky condo
    The renewal of trust in residential construction: an inquiry into the quality of condominium construction in British Columbia, by Barrett, D., 1998
    History and analysis of problem
    The role of the building envelope professional in the aftermath of Vancouver's leaky condominium crisis, by Kayll, D. G., 2001
    Role of the Building Envelope Professional
    The role of the building envelope professional in the aftermath of Vancouver's leaky condominium crisis, by Kayll, D. G., 2001
    Thousands more leaky condos as crisis spreads to highrises: Problems are surfacing with mould, exterior panels , by Boei, W., 2002

    CRDBER, at CBS, BCEE, ENCS, Concordia,